Why dream of a bruise: on the face or on othersbody parts? Basic interpretations: why dream of a bruise on yourself orother person

Ср, 21 сен 2016 Автор: Инна

Falling asleep, a person would like to see a lot, would like to know
unknown world of dreams.

Plunge into sleep – dive into travel, adventure,
which, unfortunately, do not always bring joy.

Sometimes in a dream with a person there are trouble, can
appear injuries, bruises.

Why dream of a bruise? Now we will understand.


What dreams of a bruise – the basic interpretation

Why dream of a bruise? In the most common interpretations
Dreams indicated that the bruise personifies an obstacle, a ban. About,
what exactly gets in your way will tell the location of the bruise.
So, for example, bruises on your face suggest that you will be
tempt, you will be subject to temptations.

But not always such dreams can talk about events.
succeeding, sometimes they indicate what has already happened. In such
In the event of a bruise, soul and heart wounds will personify, fear
before the future, the fear of not being understood. If in a dream you saw
bruises on another’s body, you should think, but really
do you feel good about this person, perhaps you are his soul
don’t you understand despise?

Also in some cases, injuries in sleep and bruises promise you
a meeting with your long-time relative who you have been waiting for.
This meeting will remain in your memory for a long time as a negative moment.
of your life. But, however negative a prediction may be, always
you need to tune in to the fact that failures in your life are temporary
phenomenon. The dream is sure to tell you how to trouble
to cope and not let them take possession of you entirely.

What dreams of a bruise on his face

The bruise on the face personifies the problem that the person himself
does not want to see. But if he does take responsibility for
what is happening to yourself can change the situation for the better.

It is also worth being prepared for the obligatory changes in
the positive side. As soon as the problem situation is resolved –
life will give the opportunity to actively move forward. Also need to have
in view of the fact that if a dream occurred to a woman, she should temper her ardor and not
run into trouble. It is better to do everything gradually, slowly
achieve results and in no way conflict with
representatives of the opposite sex.

If a woman has a relationship with a crazy young man – she
it’s time to stop them, otherwise happiness in her personal life she never
will see. So, according to Freud’s dream book, if you have a bruise in your dream in
eye area – you will be disappointed in the new loved one. In what
The reason for this outcome is the lack of trust, because you don’t
allow the senses to arise.

The bruise under the eye of another is a symbol of yours to it.
negative attitude. In reality, this person can
harm, and you in a dream do everything to warn it –
attack first.

If you have a bruise on your cheek, then your secret intentions will be
implemented. You have already made your decision, but you have not yet begun to actively
movement towards the goal. Do not worry that you do not
they informed their close people about their intentions, not
everything must be made public.

Дениз Линн говорит, что синяк на носу означает,
that you should not interfere in the affairs of others. All your good
intentions will only lead you to confusion. You don’t need to
In any case, interfere in other people’s affairs without asking, even if you
it seems that you only bring good.

В эзотерическом соннике же сказано что синяк на
forehead speaks not only about your stubbornness, but also about the lack of flexible
positions in key issues. You have a high enough level
intellect, but at the same time you ignore a great opportunity for them
to enjoy. Do not go on about the public opinion, but not
impose your own.

What dreams of a bruise on the body

What dreams of a bruise on the body по малому Велесову соннику? it
the symbol that you are very wasteful. You should reconsider
your expenses and keep yourself in hand, money love the bill. For
to no more quarrels in the family on the basis of lack of money – also
It is necessary to temper your ardor.

В соннике Ванги сказано, что синяк на шее
personifies the guilt that gnaws you, you don’t let go of yourself, not
give yourself the opportunity to rehabilitate. Also such a dream can you
warn against offending a loved one. You are cruel for
it will pay.

If you dream of extensive beatings on the body – do not be afraid of help
ask – they will help you, you will find a way out of the situation, you should not
especially nervous – life is on your side. Soon you will appear
a huge number of friends and well-wishers.

If you dream that you hit another person and
As a result, he had a bruise on his skin – you will soon
redefine your love relationship, you want something now
change, but what – do not know. You will be able to bring to clean water.
one who has long been plotting evil against you.

If you dream of bruises on your legs – it does not cost anything
new to take. All your undertakings are not succeed. You
Only in vain you spend time and effort. If you ignore
warning then in reality can really hurt

If you see a bruise on the leg of another – it is worth assessing all the details
they may seem a trifle, but this little thing will give a complete picture
interpretation. If you sympathize with the victim and feel to him
pity – you have every opportunity to become inseparable friends in
the future.

В современном соннике сказано, что синяк на
knee can mean the desire of someone to subjugate you. Your enemy may
appear in a dream, or you will clearly know who is being talked about.
The bruise on your arm is mostly dreaming to warn you about
that your friends may not be your friends at all. They rather
all already experiencing fierce envy towards you.

Also, the bruise on the arm may say that you expect difficulties
in the financial sector and at work. The difficulties will be caused
external factors independent of you. The bruises on the back are talking about
the fact that you are a fan of postponing decisions for a long time
disown this habit, otherwise your business will end badly.

Soon you will face the problem that will require
immediate permission. If a woman sees in a dream in her
stomach bruise – do not rush things, listen to the voice
mind, you are not all subject to this world.

В восточном соннике синяк на животе говорит о
the presence of negativity in this area. Energy flows badly through the channels
leading to her stagnation. A man should seriously do his
health If we are talking about women – she should worry about
to be able to be a mother. She could still quite recently feel
yourself vulnerable and defenseless. These feelings are not subjective. Someone
struck her energy blow.

At the same time, if on the body you find true beatings –
A pleasant surprise is waiting for you. You долго не хотели верить
to your happiness, but it overtook you suddenly.

What dreams of a bruise on Miller’s dream book

Miller’s dream book says that a bruise on your face means that life
you will be constantly tripping. You should gather your strength
otherwise, you will miss the right moment for self-development. You should
be the most attentive to your desires.

You will also have to work hard to achieve
set goal Если же синяк вы обнаружите на other person —
He will deliver you a huge amount of unpleasant troubles. See
bruises on the body of the child – you should be careful in your methods
education, do not overly put pressure on the child.

What dreams of a bruise according to Freud’s dream book

Freud’s dream book says:

• The bruise on the face of a dream – to clarify the relationship between

• The bruise on the arm is dreaming of an early acquaintance;

• The bruise on the legs represents the unwillingness of partners to go for
meeting each other;

• Bruises on the body are talking about painful relationships that
must end.

The dream book also emphasizes that it is not worth
in reality allow violence and oppression. Worth defending
own point of view. This undertaking will bring not only
positive results, but also satisfaction from life. Not worth it
for the sake of love obey partner.

In any case – bruises on the body do not mean exactly true.
avoidable solutions. If in real life you
self-blame – you should stop this practice and
do self-development. It is worth every effort for
harmonization of relationships, building relationships with loved ones. it
will give you an impetus for personal growth.

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