Why dream of a black kitten? Maininterpretations – what is the dream of a black kitten: be careful!

Вт, 30 авг 2016 Автор: ANDнна

In the interpretation of dreams man helps dream books.

Thanks to them, you can open the curtain of the future.

Why dream of a black kitten? Does such a dream sad promise
developments? Or on the contrary – prophesying happiness and joy?

Worth to understand.


Why dream of a black kitten – the main interpretation

On the one hand, the dream in which the kitten appears speaks about
pleasant trouble and receiving a gift. But if the kitten is black – not
worth waiting for joyful events. Perhaps they do not come true.
Black little friend may indicate that surrounded by people
there is an enemy who clearly does not manifest himself, but is constantly jealous and
builds machinations.

We need to remember all the details of the dream, what the kitten was doing, how he and
what have you been doing. Whether it was a pleasure to play with him, or vice versa –
he aroused fear and disgust. Emotional state during
Dreaming is very important.

If you dream that the kitten hisses and throws – quarrels are possible and
squabbles and reality. From a little scandal will grow a real quarrel
which will not be able to stop and smooth the sharp edges of the conflict.
This quarrel can develop between friends, colleagues, and
between lovers.

What is the dream of a black kitten in the dream of Miller

What is the dream of a black kitten – in Miller’s dream book it is said that
such a dream suggests that in a person’s life suddenly happens
troubles that will confuse all his plans.

• Dirty, thin kitten – says that you will become a victim
intrigues and machinations that have long been conducted against you;

• Kill a black kitten in a dream – all the sorrows and troubles
will stop;

• To see in a dream how a huge snake kills a kitten – everything
enemy intrigues will be ineffectual, their evil to them and
will be rewarded;

• If the kitten rushes at you in a dream – your reputation will be ruined,
you are cruelly desirous of grief and possibly death;

• If you manage to beat off the attack of a kitten – you will go dry
out of the water, no trouble you will not be afraid.

What is the dream of a black kitten according to Freud’s dream book

Freud’s dream book says that the black kitten dreams of passions and
secret desires. If such a dream is a dream of a young girl – she is not up to
the end is honest with her boyfriend, and she hides sympathy for
to another. This tempter is ready to destroy a couple, but family
relationships are not interested in him – only passion and no

If a young girl dreams about how she plays with
маленьким котёнком
— наяву она захочет пуститься в
erotic adventure. If she doesn’t have a pair in reality – soon
there will be a passionate suitor who will charm her and change her
a life.

A man to see in a dream how his favorite plays with black
— возможна измена с её стороны с его же другом.
It will be a double betrayal, but the man will endure him with firmness and
will be able to adjust his personal life with another woman.

Why dream of a black kitten for other dream-books

Во французском соннике сказано, что чёрный
a kitten in a dream – to the betrayal of a friend, beloved. If in a dream
a man saw several kittens fighting among themselves, which means
he can be robbed at night. So he is not worth it in the near future.
leave your home at night.

В эзотерическом соннике сказано, что котёнок
black color personifies the night, the shadow side of the human soul. AND
if you dream that the black kitten lay at your feet – you are yours
actions provoked the enemies to wish you evil and block the way
to new challenges.

If the kitten is beautiful and tender, it means that the danger has passed,
but detractors can harm you again. See how
the black kitten is scratching your face – you have recently seen your enemy,
perhaps he was in your house and left you a nasty surprise.

See how котёнок прыгает на вас и пролетает мимо — не стоит
fear the attacks of the enemy, these are often empty words, not
backed up by business. The enemy should learn to control its
emotions. ANDначе он сам попадёт впросак.

If a kitten has different color eyes, it means that you can’t
to decide whether you should respond to evil for evil, or you should do
good deeds. This situation needs to be controlled, because it
risky, at any time secret, may become apparent.

В соннике Хассе сказано, что чёрный котёнок
foreshadows deception and lies. If you dream in a dream, feed, take
an animal is in your hands – you will do a lot of good things to a person, and he will not
will thank. If the kitten bites you, it means that the person
will lead you to suspicion of a crime. If around you in a dream
black kittens run – your friends are not your friends, it is profitable
union, but not for you.

В соннике Лоффа сказано, что кошка или котёнок
in a dream they talk about the developed intuition of a person who stands
take seriously and listen to her. Loff indicates that
black cat has always been considered a mystical animal and if man
dream about him means that black thoughts took hold of his soul, black

You need to understand, perhaps you are really attracted
mysticism and everything otherworldly. Such a dream suggests that you should not
more resist It is worth choosing the path in life that
closest to you in spirit.

В английском соннике сказано, что чёрный
the kitten, which appeared in a dream to a man, personifies his secret love.
If the kitten asks to stroke him and arches his back – lady of the heart
passionate but flexible. If the kitten hisses and strives to bite –
the woman is filled with malice and complexes. Behind the beautiful appearance in
she hides a terrible secret that will not give a man peace, until
He does not solve it. AND когда это произойдёт — отношения перестанут

If a girl dreams of a black kitten – her chosen one is a rogue, he
lying to her This lie does not always mean betrayal, just a person does not
accustomed to telling the truth, it is easier to lie to him. Do not continue
relationship with such a man.

In the family dream book it says that a black kitten dreams

• Theft;

• Fierce enemies;

• Diseases.

You must carefully consider all the details of sleep. In them lies
the answer to the question, what kind of disease can we talk about and who has become
ill-wisher. If in a dream человек затевает драку с котёнком и
wins him – in reality he will be able to overcome difficulties and stay
happy and healthy. If the fight resulted in scratches and bites –
troubles will come into a person’s life for a long time. ANDх невозможно будет

If you dream about taking a skin off a kitten, eat it – you
wrong, you are claiming someone else’s. It may even be about
someone else’s family happiness. Details tell a dream. If a man
I dreamed of a black kitten – someone is defaming his wife.

See how the kitten and the dog fight – help will come
unexpectedly, but she will be very necessary. If the dog kills the kitten
fight – you will suffer from other people’s problems and adversities, it is worth defending
only their own interests and not to climb into someone else’s family.

В соннике Нострадамуса сказано, что котёнок
personifies the house, the family hearth and its black color says,
that evil sneaked into the house. If kittens have bloody eyes, then blood.
will be spilled in life. If you dream that in a huge city
the number of black kittens – natural disasters are possible.
It is also stated in the dream book that if a person has a dream,
which basket full of black kittens will be given to the building
government – a tyrant and a despot will soon come to power.
A life в стране станет намного хуже.

В соннике Менегетти чёрный котёнок сулит ложь.
Since the kittens on this dream book personify a man – they
black color may indicate that a man will neglect
interests of the wife and children. Black kittens that surround a person
in a dream – they say that he is subject to an attack of energy

В ассирийском соннике сказано, что поймать
kitten – a secret desire to be fulfilled. A new friend may appear, but
do not trust him too much. If the kitten is wet, the patient will be
lost part of the property, friends turn away from you. If the kitten
bite you in a dream – you should look in your environment for the one who you
can betray. If a woman has a dream about how she drowns black
Kitten, she may decide to have an abortion.

In any case, dreams disappear, are erased from memory, and life
it remains, there are pleasant moments in it that stand,
definitely appreciate. No matter how terrible the dream forecast may seem,
problems can not be avoided – you can minimize their negative
effects. In order for life to be adjusted you just need
wait. Better to be warned than to suddenly find out about
unforeseen circumstances. After all, often dreams save a person
from the troubles and not provoke them.

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