Why dream of a black cat: to wait for trouble?Basic interpretations – why does a black cat dream: a domestic oryard

ATт, 01 ноя 2016 Автор: Инна

Scientists do not recommend to interpret dreams literally.

It is also not necessary to interpret every symbol and event of the dream.
separately – it is worth creating a full picture of possible events
of the future.

What is the dream of a black cat?

What a dream means is worth understanding.


What dreams of a black cat – the basic interpretation

Since ancient times, cats were considered sacred animals. They carried in themselves
wisdom, obedience. Offended cat – severely punished. AT
the middle ages of people began to overcome superstition and they began to fear
black cats Their appearance in human life began to be attributed
various negative incidents. So why dream black

AT соннике сказано, что чёрный кот — посланец с плохими вестями.
It is necessary to temper your ardor and not enter into conflicts and quarrels with your
second half. It is also possible to clarify the relationship with
by assault, especially indicated by a dream in which you
kick an unfortunate animal.

If a black cat lives in reality, then in the appearance of it in your
the dream is not surprising, you just thought about
animal, and here it appeared in your dreams. ATажно вспомнить,
like a pet behaved in a dream. What did he want to do? If he wanted
play with you – take time and play with him.

If in a dream the cat crosses your path, it goes to a meeting,
blocks the way – you have to meet with a scoundrel in reality,
which aims to deceive you, not to give you to take
correct and deliberate decision. ATы даже можете узнать этого
man’s face. If the animal meows loudly in your dream –
your soul mate is lying to you. ATы не настолько нужны ей, чтобы
become the only man or woman in her life. About reciprocity in
this relationship is no question. If you just hear how
the animal meows, but you do not see it – you should be wary

It is also important to pay special attention to the appearance of the animal.
This is important because dreams are a projection of a person’s life;
what it takes to work in reality, those problems and perspectives that
man overlooked. If the animal in the dream has a healthy and
well-groomed appearance means the enemy is stronger than you and his machinations will not make
wait a long time.

If the animal is large enough – then you are expected
troubles with officials. For businessmen, such a dream promises
Colossal problems and stagnation in affairs. ATажно уже сегодня
plan additional expenses and reserves of funds from where you are
will scoop in a difficult moment.

If you suddenly find a white spot on an animal – you
get into a situation with a difficult choice – you have to trust
intuitions and do not waste time on skepticism. For a young girl
to see a few white spots on a black cat is a symbol of what
the enemy will be favorable to her.

If the animal is injured and bleeding – such a dream speaks of
victory of people over their fears and prejudices. Nothing bad
This dream does not promise them. If a man sees a wet cat in a dream – he
gain superiority over her adversary woman. She just doesn’t
will be able to resist him. He has a reliable one against her
compromising. A dead animal in a dream says that everything
troubles may well circumvent the human side. The main thing on time
take action. Also a married woman stands especially
look at your soulmate after sleeping on a black cat.
Such a dream is a betrayal of the chosen one.

If a cat in a dream is gentle and rubs your legs – you do not want
notice the meanness and duplicity of your friend, you want to trust him and
make a huge mistake. If a cat in a dream attacked you –
it is worth remembering the dream entirely. Did you manage to repel the attack
animal, or did he continue his attack on you, and you got
injuries. If you repel the attack you managed – you will overcome
detractors. If it turned out you can not do it – you still
for a long time you will prove to them your rightness and right to your own

If a businessman has a dream about how he kills a black cat in a dream –
he will overcome the competitors in reality. This dream promises a young girl
victory over a rival who has long pestered her and her young
person If after such a dream the girl will pester
and disappointment – she should seriously consider whether she needs
chosen one, or she just feels close to him as
stone wall and does not want to give out of selfish motives
another woman.

If a woman dreams about holding an animal in her arms –
close people spin intrigues behind her back. She should be ready for
betrayal, which she did not expect. Also such a dream
may indicate rumors that really spoil the reputation
women. If a man dreams of a hissing cat, while a man
stroking before the animal – he should not do business with his
friends – it will be fraught with scandals and misunderstandings. If a
a dream come true for a woman – she should look at her friends,
most likely that one of them laid eyes on her chosen one.

If a животное вас укусило во сне — стоит особое внимание придать
where the bite was made:

• If a укусили вас за руку — вы познакомитесь с плохим
a man;

• If a укусили вас за ногу — вас дезинформируют;

• For the stomach – you will find misunderstanding with loved ones;

• Behind your back – a friend will betray you;

• For the neck – your loved one will betray you.

Do not be discouraged if you had a dream with a bright negative
by value. This is just a hint of life, that much is needed in
change it in yourself as well. You need to thank life for
avoiding trouble, otherwise it will no longer be theirs
give and you can not prepare in advance how to good
so to the bad situations.

What is the dream of a black cat in other dream books?

AT соннике Менегетти сказано, что чёрный кот символизирует
скрытые фантазии и желания person They rule him, not him.
If a вы поймали животное во сне — вы узнаете сплетни о себе, они
you are just shocked. If a животное вас укусило или поцарапало — его
the hosts are keeping evil upon you. If a кот царапает другого человека и вам
it was possible to observe this – you will soon get sick, but it will not
serious illness, it will pass quickly. If a животное ластится к вам
– expect trouble. If a вы сами ласкаете животное — вы
unsure of themselves. It is worth thinking whether you have enough caress and
care. ATозможно, вы ищите их в окружающих и не можете найти? Then
look into yourself, are you really alone?

AT восточном соннике сказано, что чёрный кот не всегда сулит
negative. Sometimes a dream involving an animal is a forerunner.
colossal positive changes in life. If a вам приснится,
that you are defeating the animal that attacked you – you can win
detractors in reality. ATаши аргументы окажутся весомее их
of arguments. It is also worth remembering that a black cat passing by you
may promise you the loss of opportunities to change life. If a животное
stops in a dream in front of you – you will get worthy
patron. Also, many dream books interpret the appearance of a black dream
cat as a symbol of additional profit. If a кот во сне
talking – you need to carefully listen to his parting words,
they often give hints on how to effectively improve your
a life.

AT соннике Медеи сказано что чёрный кот во сне явно указывает на
the fact that in your life a situation will appear unpredictable and quite
negative. Also such a dream может говорить о том, что женщина
wants to enter into a hidden intimate relationship. And the black cat is her
secret desired choice. From how the animal behaves in a dream –
depends on the behavior of her new gentleman.

AT соннике сказано, что чёрный кот — это чёрные мысли самого
man, but not the machinations of the enemies of the magical plan. Not worth it
look for flaws in others and assume that someone really wants you
spite ATы в первую очередь должны держать свои мысли при себе и
do not talk too much.

If a же животное во сне вам перебегает дорогу — стоит изменить и
in life the direction of the path. Such a dream promises loss and grief, but not all.
so biased against black cats. To some, they seem
bearers of well-being and joy, so this dream will make them
hope for a bright future. A lot depends on perception.
man of reality. If a вы изначально не настроены на победу, о
even if a dream promises triumph, you will fail.
Therefore, you should not tune in to negative incidents in life,
otherwise they will come to it. The main thing is to believe in yourself and use
prompts of dreams.

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