Why dream of a bear

Why dream of a bear
Sat, 18 Jun 2016


Why dream of a bear – по соннику Миллера

Bears – the personification of strength, endurance, stamina. Their image
in dreams symbolizes the desire for rivalry, leadership, desire
always and everywhere to be first. To kill him is to find a solution in
difficult situation. If the bear attacks or you run away from
him – wait for a rival in heart affairs. The animal hurt you –
such a dream foreshadows failure, a skirmish with a stronger (physically)
by man.

Why – dream about a bear according to Vanga

In Vanga, the bear is the embodiment of harshness, malice,
dissatisfaction in life. The animal attacks you – expect
meeting people who do harm will give you evil for good,
after which the sediment will long remain in your memory. Kill the bear
a sign that you have conceived revenge, which will have
pay off before the Supreme Court. Therefore, before implementing
insidious plan – think carefully! Anger is a bad adviser!

Deafening bearish roar in a dream – evidence of impending
danger. Great Vanga after such a dream advised
avoid dangerous and traumatic situations in the coming days.

Why dream of a bear – по соннику Фрейда

The bear hunt symbolizes the desire to seize the body
specific person. In pursuit of passion, you show excessive
perseverance that can scare the object of desire. Did not stop
to slow down, and then rush into a solid failure.

Dead animal shows shy nature experiencing
inconvenience, embarrassment when communicating with the opposite sex.

Running away from a bear means looking for sex in real life.
adventures, getting adrenaline rush from them, for example, doing
having sex in the wrong place.

Why – the dream of the bear dream of Nostradamus

A strong representative of the animal world in a woman’s dream
symbolizes her idea of ​​a real man. Analyze
a dream, and you will understand how it is in your understanding.

For a man, such a dream foreshadows an internal struggle between weak
sides of his personality and strengths.

Why dream of a bear – по соннику Лоффа

The appearance of an adult bear in a dream is a sign of dislike for more
weak individuals. If you see a lot of cubs – it means
confused, do not know what to do in this situation. From one
your reputation and security is worth, but on the other hand
well-being of other people who are not indifferent to you. See
bear with calves – a sign of infantilism, cowardice,
uncertainty and dependence on a particular person. You should
show more initiative and instill self independence.

Why dream of a bear – по соннику Цветкова

The attacking bear speaks of an enemy who intrigues and
is preparing a plan of attack. Only your wisdom and prudence
помогут отразить атаку и избежать danger. Runaway –
predicts minor annoyances. If the bear calls you into the forest, and
you succumb to his call – expect a change of work, team.

Why dream of a bear – по соннику Хассе

– to see – to win in a lottery or game; – to please in his paws –
to significant losses; – whirling or dancing bear dreams to
getting a loan; – eating bear meat – for wedding
triumph in the family; – to hunt – to danger; – to see the polar – to
meeting, love.

Why dream of a bear – по соннику Менегетти

The image of bears in dreams indicates a positive desire,
curiosity, the desire for knowledge, passion. but
the unknown and the unknown cause fear in the subject,
doubts and uncertainty about the decisions taken.

Why dream of a bear — по Древнему соннику

The highly controversial symbol is simultaneously
the personification of evil and power, power and wisdom.
Pretending to be dead before a bear is a sign of intelligence
ingenuity; fight him in a dream – soon you will have to face
more powerful enemy. If you defeat a ferocious animal, then
and win in life if you lose – respectively, this
get the same result in reality. Bump into a dream on
bear den – to major troubles, to skin – to
quarrels in the family.


Maria 12/01/2016 In the old fashioned way a bear can foreshadow a woman
groom Anonymous 07/18/2016 Today I dreamed of an adult bear
(it seems brown) in a dark gloomy forest without a hint of light. But he does not
attacked me (and showed no aggression, maybe he even
did not notice me) and was not dead. He just stood in front of me.
(he seems to have risen on his two hind legs), and then he went and went
far ahead. What does it mean? Not with one dream book does not match my
sleep. Jamila 02/11/2016 I dreamed that the bear was injured and barely
I was breathing, at first I was scared, and then I hugged him, he
pressed against me and soon he came to himself. after which he did not
left, did not run into the forest, but stayed with me. what’s this for?

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