Why dream honey: honeycomb, in a jar or on the body?Basic interpretations, why dream of honey, honey collection, tasting

Пн, 06 мар 2017 Автор: Инна

Dreams in which a person has pleasant moments are remembered
for a long time. It can be meetings with old friends, with
sweethearts. Why dream of honey? Worth to understand.


What dreams of honey – the basic interpretation

Many of us love to eat honey, but few people realize that even
a dream in which a person dreams of this sweet treat – promises
joy and luck in reality. Если девушке приснится как она жадно
ест мёд
— она будет увлечена каким-то приятным занятием,
but she should not forget about her daily duties, rather
of all, for constant travels and rest, she will simply forget about
your duty to your loved ones and relatives.

Если девушке приснится, как мёд стекает по
— не стоит останавливаться на полпути к заветной
goals The girl most likely has ambitious plans for the near
the future, but so far has little idea how to implement them. All
her idea is very promising, but she should be more careful
to their health, because it can not withstand excessive

Если девушке приснится, как она собирает мёд из
— она вернётся к истоку вопроса, который так давно и
so long bothered her. Perhaps the man who gave her his
love has left her, then the girl will have to return to this
question again.

Если девушке приснится, как она собирает разлитый по
столу мёд
— такой сон означает упущенные возможности в
past that she will now try with all her might
to implement. If such a dream is repeated again and again – it is worth
to consider whether the person is on the right path, perhaps it would be better
change tactics and strategy of behavior, for the sake of rapid achievement

If цель не достигается быстро, а сны о разлитом
мёде повторяются
, возможно, стоит изменить само отношение
to the situation, and then it will be possible to quickly resolve it. AT
in some cases, such dreams suggest that a person lived sweet
life and too relaxed, missed the right moment.

if you приснится, что мёд вам подарили
remember exactly who brought you such a present. This person
sincerely wishes you prosperity and good luck, you can not worry about
that your communication with him will end in negativity, in fact you
Soon will get wonderful news from him. It may be
proposing joint travel or joint venture

if you приснится, что вы вместе с другом едите
огромное количество мёда
— такой сон сулит вам веселье и
joyful festivities, but you will be fed up with them very soon. ATозможно, всё
well in moderation and sleep reminds you of this.

if you приснится, как дети едят мёд — вам
will have to take care of the health of others. They now need
your care and love like never before. Do not resist
To this, your help will be appreciated according to merit and awaits you
sincere thanks.

if you приснится, как мёд разливают в огромные бочки и
грузят на машину
— период отдыха и романтики подходит к
the end, it’s time to collect your thoughts and begin to work actively for the benefit of
yours and for the benefit of your loved ones. ATаш кропотливый труд будет оценен по

if you приснится, как кто-то оставил у вас на пороге
бочонок мёда
— вспомните, есть ли записка. If the notes
no – you should guess yourself who it could be. If
note left – wait for news from this person.

if you приснится, как вы распиваете чай с мёдом в
компании близких друзей
— такой сон должен подсказать вам,
it’s time to take a break from the routine. ATы слишком много трудитесь, и
it even hurts your health. If вы совсем недавно
returned from vacation and you had such a dream – your rest
continue and you will benefit.

Тот сон, в котором вам приснится тёмный, чёрный
— не должен вас пугать, скорее всего, вам придётся
bother about someone’s health. ATажно вспомнить всех действующих лиц
dreams. ATажно также вспомнить все разговоры во сне. AT них,
often, important hidden meaning is kept. If you have a dream,
which you give a huge basket of fruit and there is a jar
honey – wait for your relatives to visit. It will be a real family

What dreams of honey on Freud’s dream book

Why dream of honey? AT соннике Фрейда сказано, что такой сон
олицетворяет страстные отношения между партнёрами.
If in a dream you dream of honey bought on the market – you will
content with the intimate relationship you already have
there is.

It is worth remembering, was honey tasty? If he was moderately sweet
– it means that you are still satisfied with the relationship, if honey seemed to you
приторным, излишне сладким — отношения вам уже изрядно
tired and you want new ones.
But until you take the risk
those that you have and leave everything as before.

Dream interpretation advises in such a situation to diversify independently
sex life with a partner. We can talk about joint leisure,
about the need to go somewhere together, away from the routine. Also
need to discuss with your second half what it lacks
in relationship. Then there is a high probability that
отношения можно будет оживить.

Если во сне вы едите свежий мёд – вы активны в
сексуальной жизни и открыты к новым победам
. ATажно в этой
situations not to suppress energetically partner, not to force him
Feel awkward on your background. Also важно знать меру в
sex, because you can overdo it with emotions and impulse. it
will lead to a quarrel or even a scandal.

If вам приснится, как вы едите именно мёд засахарённый —
материальное благополучие для вас более важно, чем
spiritual intimacy and love. Such a dream may also indicate
long-standing relationships that have become obsolete, and you still can not reconcile
with this. They do not bring joy, but you continue to play
this game and more.

What dreams of honey on the esoteric dream book

AT эзотерическом соннике сказано, что мёд снится к счастливой и
sweet life, do not pick out enemies, wherever they
really no, you only suffer from it and you cannot
ease your agony. ATам стоит внимательнее относиться к окружающим
and do not look for enemies in them.

ATозможно, вы когда-то пережили довольно сложные эмоционально и
material times, but now they have no trace, and you all
live in memories and hopes. ATаше счастливое время уже
has come.

If you dream that you eat honey with the household, and he
It seems to you bitter – you expect an important conversation with them, which
just impossible to avoid, this conversation can lead you into
upset feelings new you end up discovering a lot of new and

If you dream that your friends call you for dinner and treat
you pancakes with honey – know the measure in the rest. ATы в последнее время
You pay a lot of attention to yourself, forgetting that around you
there are also people. It’s time to take care of others. Then you
Return their love and devotion back.

What dreams of honey in other dream books

AT Женском соннике сказано, что мёд снится к
well-being and welfare:

• Strained honey dreams to a joyful meeting;

• Honey in honeycombs dreams of new beginnings;

• Honey bought on the market – fortunately in love.

AT соннике Эзопа сказано, что большая бочка мёда
in a dream – to luck in many endeavors. itт волшебный продукт,
since ancient times was considered divine, so everything good that is with you
will happen next – this is the result of the fateful
changes. Take everything with gratitude and joy and happiness
will long accompany your life.

If you dream of a barrel of honey, from which honey flows – such
sleep says you can lose your head in the flow of events.
Try to know the measure in everything and do not try to appear better than
you really are, especially in the eyes of strangers. if you
dream about how long you are looking for honey and cannot find it in any way – you
You will seek rest and entertainment, but they will not soon appear in
of your life.

if you приснится, как вы будете долго бродить по лесу в
searching for honey and as a result you will find a huge amount of honey
it will simply flow down the tree – such a dream promises you joy and
good luck in almost all your endeavors. ATы сможете не только сами
become happier, but also bring joy to your loved ones. ATам
much will succeed, the main thing is not to stop on the way to
cherished dream. If honey dreams of a lonely woman – soon her
loneliness will end. She will receive such welcome and long-awaited
relations. But do not forget that for all the events in life –
the person answers on his own.

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