Why dream head

Why dream head
Sat, 18 Jun 2016


Why dream head – по соннику Миллера

To dream someone’s head – to an important meeting with influential
people who can support you in some business. See your
head – to the disease. View of a severed and bloody head in a dream
is a harbinger of failure in business. If you see yourself in a dream
with two heads, or you see your head swollen – means you
big success in professional and other fields. Dreamed
headache – to care. To wash a head in a dream – it means, in reality
perform thoughtful and rational actions that will go to you
favor If you see the head of an animal in a dream, then you
illegible in their actions and in the choice of friends.

Why dream head – по соннику Симона Канонита

To dream of a big and shaggy head – fortunately; bald – to
the dangers of silly antics; cropped – unfortunately; crippled –
to hard work. In a dream, to remove someone’s head – to the missed
benefit; wash your head – to hard work and good money. If a
you see your head in a dream with good hair – it means you
in love.

Why dream head – по соннику Фрейда

A head in a dream, as a rule, personifies a woman. Separate her
parts also carry a certain meaning. For example,
hair, eyebrows, mustache or beard are the personification of the hair
Genital Cover, Nose – Penis, Mouth, Lips, and Ears – Female
genitals, cheeks – breasts, forehead and bald spots – buttocks. Eyes in a dream
they talk about the dreamer’s attention to his person; teeth for men are
symbol of masturbation or fear of his exposure, for women they
personify children. If a женщине снится, что она получила травму
heads, it means that her period is approaching. Man has such a dream
dreams of the unpleasant consequences of forthcoming sexual relations.

Why dream head – по мусульманскому соннику

To dream of your head separated from the body – to displeasure
bosses. See your голову большой – к богатству и почету;
small – to the loss of status in society, anointed moderately
oil – to well-being, buttered excessively – to trouble and

Why dream head – по украинскому соннику

To see yourself in a dream with a big head – to honor and wealth, with
gray head – to sadness, with sheared – to well-being. See
his head severed – to the death of parents. If a во сне вы видите
your head with big ears is to glory; chop someone’s head –
to the acquisition.

Why dream head – по соннику Цветкова

See во сне остриженную голову – к несчастью; large – to
good luck; bald – to a thoughtless and stupid act; shot – to

Why dream head – по французскому соннику

If a свою голову во сне видит здоровый человек, значит, он
should be more balanced with their actions; if such a dream
I dreamed of a sick person – he should think about how his image
life affects his illness. See во сне чужую большую лохматую
head to joy; bald – to the need to control STV
deeds and words; sheared – to trouble and deterioration

Why dream head – по восточному женскому соннику

See во сне собственную голову – к нервному расстройству или
headache. Feel a headache in a dream – to excitement and
care. Wash your head in a dream – to public recognition. See
yourself in a two-headed dream – to changeable success; with a big head –
to wealth. See окровавленную и отделенную от туловища голову –
much to the disappointment. See во сне детскую голову – к
wealth and joy. If a вам приснилась голова животного, значит,
you should think: this dream speaks of lowland

Why dream head – по эзотерическому соннику

If a вы видите во сне голову знакомого человека, отделенную от
torso, this should be considered as advice not to spend a lot of strength
and time for empty information. If a вы видите голову незнакомого
human means that you need to free your head from unnecessary
knowledge and memories. If a эта голова ваша – значит, для вас будет
Do not excess to raise the level of their education.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: