Why dream feast: wedding, celebration orwake? Basic interpretations: why dream feast, whatto wait

Ср, 05 окт 2016 Автор: Инна

How nice to spend time with friends and relatives for
one table.

But why dream feast, does such a dream also
positive meaning and impact on human life?


Why dream feast – the main interpretation

Sitting at the same table with a person means that you belong to him.
very good and trust him. Such meaning is the interpretation of dreams about
the feast was accepted to apply from ancient times. Therefore so
it is important to look at who is sitting at the same table with you and to
what timed celebration.

It is not always a feast timed to be positive and joyful.
events, sometimes it dreams, pointing to the marking of tragic
event funeral. Such dreams are also important – it is worth looking at who
there is no at your mourning and regretful table. That person can
not become in your life and on the reasons for which this may occur
– also indicate a dream.

Стоит отметить, что в классическом
interpretation – to take part in a festive feast – to have a whole
Year peace and harmony in the family, wealth. The more magnificent the table is, the brighter
you will be life, the more positive emotions she will give you
will give.

If you see a feast for which you were not invited – it is worth
присмотреться к тому, почему люди собрались за one table.
Perhaps you are no longer interested in them and your life paths diverged?
If a man sees his lover sitting at the same table with
to others, while his place next to her is not – such a dream means
that she will soon leave her man and go to another. If
his place is just empty – in his absence will be committed treason.
It is impossible to avoid it, since the beloved will prove to be dishonorable.
a girl, but you should not be disappointed – fate will give new
pure relationship.

If the feast is timed to the christening, and it dreamed
an unmarried girl is worth being attentive as it is possible
unexpected pregnancy. If such a dream is a dream for a single man
– he will have to take care of someone close. It will and
hard and pleasant chores at the same time.

If you have a dream in which you sit for a long time
the table and the feast is still not over – waiting for you
long but pleasant trip. It is worth preparing for it carefully,
to fully remember her every pleasant moment.

If the cheerful and joyous feast ends suddenly with a fight –
you should be alert, there may be attacks from
detractors. If the quarrel ends with a truce and everything is in harmony
they sit at one holiday table – all problems will be solved and
obstacles collapse. Those who quarreled shortly before bedtime –
make up.

It should be very attentive to the dreams in which dreams
memorial feasts. These are pretty heavy dreams that
it’s hard not to take it literally. If such a dream is accompanied
Feelings of bitterness and grief – it is wise to be wary of sudden losses.
These can be both financial losses and real losses.
loss of a loved one.

If a married woman has a dream, as she commemorates her
lover – she should be alert – someone will interfere in their
relationship and will not allow them to fully develop. See the wake
your child – to his illness soon.

But if there is an atmosphere of joy and fun at the memorial table
and the table in the literal sense of the word is breaking down on delicacies – such a dream is not
foreshadows danger. It can only indicate that all
problems will soon be resolved, and the person will get the opportunity not
grieve over defeats, and rejoice over victories.

Why dream feast on the dream of Miller

In Miller’s dream book, it is said that a person who saw in a dream
feast – in reality will receive good news or an invitation to
event. If you see a feast in honor of your name day –
should expect the arrival of relatives. This visit will take place in
good-natured and joyful atmosphere. If you were invited in a dream for
someone else’s table, and you don’t know what you are doing behind it and who those people are
who surround you? That kind of dream says you’ll get into
interesting and exciting situation.

If you eat a lot at the table and do not feel
saturation – you do not have enough emotions in life, you really want something
in her drastically change. If the celebration smoothly grows into
огромную гулянку — стоит to wait колоссальных перемен в жизни. They are not
will depend on you. They will rather be the result of your

If you see in a dream a feast, after which your
colleagues – you have to share the joy with them in reality. Such a dream
can talk about your promotion soon
salary increase. You will have nice little chores on

If you dream that darling has laid a huge table and you follow him
only together – it means that in reality you will cope with
all difficulties and you can enjoy each other and each new
Day, which will give you life.

Why dream feast for other dream books

В соннике странника сказано, что застолье
dream to happy and joyful events. If in a dream you cover
table for the holiday and are preparing delicious dishes – in reality
You’ll get:

• Stability in life;

• Good income;

• Good luck in all things.

If cooking a festive table does not bring you
pleasure and joy – it is worth looking at your current
state of affairs, you may have made a mistake, and it threatens to lose
current stability. Trouble may appear from where you come from
did not wait. You will be substituted by friends.

В женском соннике сказано, что застолье для
women are a sign of imminent conception. Pregnancy will pass
easy as childbirth in general. Также застолье dream to счастливой и
full life, devoid of trials and anxieties. If the feast is magnificent
and not only relatives, but also friends gather at the same table –
such a dream suggests that in front of a person can expect
career advancement, marriage, other joyful

If you are sitting at the head of a table, then you are using
popular, and you are treated with respect. If вы получили
an invitation to a feast but you did not find your place at the table – this
a dream means it’s time for you to reconsider your priorities, maybe you
moving in the wrong direction, or choosing the wrong

В соннике Ванги сказано, что застолье снится
as a symbol of abundance and well-being. Even in ancient times, such a dream
foreshadowed the change of the old way of life to a new one that would bring
a lot of positive changes in a person’s life.

The birth of a child can also be timed and associated with the appearance
sleep on the feast. In particular, if the feast is dedicated to christening.
If человек видит себя за столом молодым — значит, он получит
reward for your efforts. Sit at your desk with
beloved – to the imminent wedding.

В российском соннике сказано, что застолье
dream to большому празднику и большой радости. You may soon
will have to attend a magnificent event that will leave for a long time
your memory is an indelible mark. If you see yourself at the table
fairly drunk – it is worth fearing that you will be drunk in an unknown
the company. It is worth being attentive with drinking does not allow yourself
superfluous. If one of the guests in the dream drinks a lot and
a fight soon happens – such a dream says that you will be diligent
to defend their rights, but in vain. Feast, which in a dream
ends with quarrels and conflicts speaks of the imminent completion
white strip in your life, you should be prepared for the fact that
life will take away all the blessings you have endowed. The reason for this
will become your wastefulness and a feeling of permissiveness.

If you play the role of a guest at a feast – you
meet wonderful people who will not only be you
friends, but also colleagues. Only happy and joyful people
bringing life and good will meet on your life
of the way. It is necessary to thank fate for such a wonderful opportunity.
live life in the circle of real friends and loved ones.

How nice to participate in a festive meal as a guest or
hero of the occasion. Of course, even the dreams in which you
participate in the feast – bring a lot of positive emotions.
I want to continue the celebration again and again and if it is not
happens – you wake up and bitterly remember such
beautiful dream. But do not be sad and upset. Such a dream
often speaks of very favorable changes in the future.

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