Why dream cleaning? Basic interpretationdreams: what to expect, if you dreamed of cleaning, the value of sleepdifferent dream books

Пн, 01 авг 2016 Автор: ANDнна

Dreams come to a person for a reason. They carry the hidden
subtext. But what is it and how to understand dreams? It is worth turning to
interpretation of dreams, then all the answers will be received.


What dreams cleaning the main interpretation

Why dream cleaning? It’s time to clean up
your life, put everything on the shelves, revise values,
adjust your environment. Psychologists say that for
for new people and opportunities to emerge
get rid of all the old, unnecessary. In the interpretation of the dream
It should take into account all the nuances and behavior of the characters, and objects
who appear in it.


If you dream that you clean in your own
— самое время навести лад и в делах сердечных. Worth
establish relationships with loved ones and stop being offended by
trivia. So it’s time for self-development and

If the dream was not just cleaning, but
— вскоре произойдут ошеломляющие события.
Sweep the web in a dream – to improve relationships with friends and
by colleagues. If a man had a dream in which he wipes dust in
his own home – he soon marries a dishonest woman. She is
will be bad at the farm and very scandalous. This marriage will be

If a woman dreamed that her house was awful, black
— она оклеветана незаслуженно. If she does not want them
wash – its strength dried out in order to prove the rightness. Cleaning the bathroom
room – to wealth, if a woman washes a toilet bowl in her sleep – in reality she
make a profit from hidden sources.

Cleaning in a strange house

If you dream that you убираете в чужом доме
in reality you will get unpleasant news that will change the course for a long time
events in your life. To avoid them is almost impossible. If in
dream, you sweep someone else’s garbage – in reality you are too concerned
foreign affairs and because of this your own life suffers.

If a снится уборка в чужом и ветхом доме — вам
sins and offenses from the past do not rest. What to do with them, how
Break this bail – a dream tells. If you dream that you
clean the workplace – soon you change jobs. Wipe
dust and sweeping away the cobwebs in the workplace – to intrigue, gossip and
dirty tricks at work.

Clean up outside

Cleaning on the street promises an attempt to improve relations with
close friends.
Perhaps a person is having remorse
conscience. Then in reality he will try in every way to rid himself of
of them. If a person in a dream burns the collected garbage, old things
– in reality he will easily deal with all the difficulties and
problems that await him.

If a снится уборка на кладбище — вскоре будет
an inheritance has been received that will allow to radically change life.
Perhaps a quick trial. Someone may ask about
help. Deny this – not worth it. If you have a dream about cleaning
snow – there will be problems that will have to urgently be addressed.

Cleaning assistance

If you had a dream in which you have to watch
убирают другие
— наяву придётся прибегнуть к
manipulation of people. But it is worth manipulating wisely, otherwise
Subsequently, can turn away and friends and colleagues.

If a girl dreams that she does the cleaning along with
бывшим мужчиной, мужем
— она с лёгкостью освободится от
loss of the past and will be able to start a new life. Everything old will depart from
her life, and there will be new perspectives to develop relationships.

What dreams of cleaning – interpretation of Y. Longo

Y. Longo claims in his dream book that cleaning dreams
exclusively to those people who in reality are really tired of the routine,
whom a lot of problems and troubles. In a dream, a man tries to wash his
life from the accumulated debris. Such a dream suggests rather
get down to business and solve all your problems. If it seems that
problems can not be overcome – you just think!

Do not initially grab the most difficult option, it is worth
weigh the pros and cons and act wisely. Problems need to be solved
one by one, gradually, as the cleaning took place in a dream –
in stages. To admire the result of cleaning in a dream – to the end
working days and the beginning of hard work on yourself.

To clean not himself, but to resort to the help of helpers – promises
need to seek advice. Perhaps your true friends
will give you a shoulder help in a difficult situation.

If inы будете терпеливо смотреть, как другие люди убирают —
it means that you will not work in reality – they will work for you. AND
This is a very good prospect, given the fact that
dreams promise career advancement and financial
positions. Dream Interpretation also advises not to be lazy and give full thanks for
help those people who are always ready to provide it. This is enough
important. In order not to lose credibility in the eyes of colleagues – part of the work
worth doing on your own.

What is the dream of cleaning the dream of Miller

Miller in his dream book indicates that cleaning always foreshadows
positive changes in life. If a woman sees her with
she cleans up with joy in her home – in reality her works will be appreciated by all
household. The husband will surely become closer and dearer, the children will become
appreciate. They will become obedient, and her husband – appeasable. The main thing –
to accept these changes without fear and sarcasm, because
harm the family idyll.

The lack of desire to wash the floor always says that the trouble is not for
by the mountains and the man who dreamed a dream anticipates a catastrophe
but he doesn’t want to change anything drastically. What to do in this case?
Worth принять во внимание предупреждение, которое посылает сон и
to be active. ANDначе возможен длительный застой в делах как
professional and love.

Such a dream may portend illness and loss. The body itself serves
signals that something is wrong with him. What is he dirty inside and if already
now don’t start taking active steps then easy
malaise can turn into a chronic disease.

What is the dream of cleaning the esoteric dream book, dream book

In the esoteric dream book is somewhat different
interpretation of dreaming cleaning:

• Wash windows – open your eyes to a difficult situation;

• Wash windows in someone else’s apartment – open another person’s eyes on
the problem;

• To wash the floor – to open the road, to remove the negative, which interferes
movement towards the goal;

• Revenge with a dirt broom – fend off evil tongues;

• If inода от мытья пола всё время чёрная, значит на человеке
a lot of negativity;

• Clean up at work – get bogged down in professional

• Wash walls – seek protection and protection.

If a беременной женщине снится, что она занимается уборкой и при
This is very hard for her, both physically and mentally – she will remain
raise a child alone. If a же уборка идёт легко и непринуждённо
– the father of the child will impose basic obligations on himself.

Removing from other people and getting money for it is possible
employment option with a good salary. If a уборка —
it is a job, not a household need, then you should find time for
yourself and go on vacation. If a мужчине приснилось, как он моет
gender for his woman – she is thinking about breaking up.

If in квартире много пыли и приходится её стирать со всех
surfaces – for too long a man hatched grievances, and they led
to negative health effects. If a уборка во сне проходит
joyfully, that and in reality, problems should not be, as in personal
nor in professional.

If a приснилось что приходиться убирать на квартире, где человек
no longer living – his relatives remember. Worth напомнить
living relatives about yourself and put the dead candles for the rest.
Then sleep will be calm, and all matters will be resolved.
much faster.

Freud explains cleaning dreams by saying that the human body requires
cleansing, therefore disease is possible. Most likely, they will be connected
with the reproductive system. If a женщине снится, что она перебирает старые
things – she does not consider herself attractive. If a уборка приносит
pleasure – and partner brings joy and happiness. If a
the woman is dissatisfied with the cleaning results, then in her personal life
conflicts will begin. Сексуальность в трактовке Freud играет ведущую

In order to make a full interpretation of sleep – it is worth
take into account all the details and nuances. Worth помнить, что сны предупреждают
about possible developments. Thanks to these tips, you can
avoid problems and increase joy. The main thing – не паниковать, а
expect a positive result.

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