Why dream accident

Why dream accident
Sun, Jun 26, 2016


Why dream accident – по соннику Фрейда

An accident in a dream foreshadows a violent, all-consuming passion, which
the dreamer will experience some kind of extraordinary personality. This relationship
will give him delightful moments of happiness and enjoyment and
will be remembered for a lifetime. If this accident was related to
car means meeting with this person is likely
happen in motor vehicles.

Why dream accident – по соннику Цветкова

A dream of an accident at sea foreshadows love disappointment; on the land
– failure in business.

Why dream accident – по эзотерическому соннику

An accident on the road in a dream foreshadows a good flow of affairs. If you
you are only an eyewitness to her – you can expect help in matters from
some kind of person; a participant or a victim – your actions will be

Why dream accident – по соннику Менегетти

A dream in which you see an accident indicates that you have
suicidal tendencies, yet hidden, but able to manifest
under a certain set of circumstances. Also this dream can
regarded as a warning that you are extremely
negatively, deadly, albeit unconsciously, some
person. In the dream, he will be the driver or sitting near the driver
by man.

Why dream accident – по английскому соннику

To get in a dream in a car accident and get damaged – to
personal grief that you will be able to survive. Dream a wreck
the sea – to love.

Why dream accident – по восточному женскому соннику

To get in a dream in an accident – to unexpected obstacles in some kind
business; to see her from the side – to the trouble that will happen
acquaintances, but will touch and dreamer. If in a dream you hit
an accident together with deceased relatives or acquaintances – without
hesitation discard all scheduled trips.

Why dream accident – по соннику Медеи

If you видите во сне, что в аварии погибли ваши знакомые,
means, consciously or not, but you feel negative for them
the senses. Sometimes a dream about a crash can predict danger
difficulties and urge you to be careful in real
of reality.

Why dream accident – по соннику XXI века

A dream about the accident should be considered as a warning about
fraud, the victim of which you may be. That is, you
care should be taken when deciding in commercial matters.
The dream in which you had an accident – to collisions and conflicts with
detractors who happen very soon. Be
injured in a dream during an accident – to treason, betrayal,
humiliation, which will be very hard for your vanity.
Watch the accident from the side – to a business meeting with a stupid and
непрофессиональным by man.

Why dream accident – по новому женскому соннику

Get in a dream in an accident – to unforeseen circumstances;
to avoid an accident – to a decent way out of a certain predicament
situations; to witness a catastrophe – to the unforeseen
circumstances that will not be dangerous or harmful to you.
If you видите во сне только последствия катастрофы, значит, в
real life you should rely only on yourself, then you
waiting for success in all your affairs and undertakings.

Why dream accident – по цыганскому соннику

See the accident that occurred on the railway – to violation
your plans, the appearance of obstacles that will force you
give up your intentions. In general, to see in a dream any accident
means feeling guilty perhaps on a subconscious
the level that says that you committed the unworthy
deed. To get rid of remorse, analyze
your actions committed lately and think how
change the situation.


Anastasia 03/31/2016 And what if you had an accident and after it
consciously feel that you are already in the hospital, and next to you
sitting your boyfriend who is experiencing, etc. What is it for?

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