Why does the wife not want a husband? ALLOWANCES FOR MEN.Consider the probable reasons for which the wife may not wanthusband intimate terms

Ср, 11 ноя 2015 BUTвтор: Ольга Кирсанова

Everyone wants to be loved, meaningful and important in life.
your partner. When we meet someone we feel comfortable with,
well, joyfully, we think: “here it is, ours”, “it will always be like this.” AT
flower-bouquet period of relationships, we are in a state
high spirits and positive emotions: getting ready for
meeting, embellish yourself, showing the best part.

As soon as the partners start living together, the first comes
relationship crisis – adjustment of mutual expectations or
in a simple “lapping”. Then comes the next crisis – the birth
the child and the couple have to completely change their lifestyle. AT
during the whole period of cohabitation of men and women,
periodically, there will be crises.

One of the important indicators of family relationships is sex.
If there is a problem in a family with intimacy, it’s time to sound the alarm and
take action. Lack of desire may occur like
men and women. Let’s talk about the reasons for the absence
sexual attraction in women and consider recommendations for their
to eliminate.


1. • Why the wife does not want a husband: problems, a lot of cases,

So it turns out that in our time a woman has a huge amount
commitment: she must be able to earn, be excellent
mistress, good mother, to be an attractive woman. AT таком
whirl and under such a load is difficult in the evening to remain
energetic and pay attention to your man. Hurry to get behind
computer, get into social networks or fall into the arms of the pillow.
She squeezed like a lemon.

Поведение женщины: Практически никогда не
is the initiator of intimacy, and when manifesting intimate hints
мужчины ссылается на fatigue, наличием многих дел, головную боль,

Решение: Нужно понимать, что когда-то давно
the men went hunting, and the women did the gathering,
kept the fire, cooked and raised the children. Those times
passed and the women also went on the “hunt”, but from the rest of them no one
did not release. If a man and a woman go hunting together,
it is logical that you can manage the household together.

If you cannot hire a housekeeper, try at least
a little “unload” your spouse in the “domestic respect.” If you
periodically, you will help and say: “How lucky I was with
you. You do so much that I just won’t put on my mind how
you still have time. No wonder you’re tired. ” At the same time hug
and kiss your woman.

2. • Why the wife does not want a husband: male infantilism

It often happens that a woman is the head of the family. If help and
telling the children what to do and how to do it, that’s fine
perceived by her herself, so maternal instinct implies
training, care and direction. But it often happens that
a woman also has to behave with a man. Collect
scattered things, wash dishes after him, iron, ask for something
do, fix, repair and more. And here lies
trouble – a woman starts to wake up in relation to her husband
maternal instinct. The more such behavior on the part of
men, the stronger the attitude of the wife to her husband as a child. Comes to
to the point of absurdity: you washed your hands, take off your shirt, you are already in it
the third day, go take a swim. It looks like two adults talking
people who love each other? No, this is a mother-child relationship. BUT
where does the “mother” get a sexual attraction to the “child”?
This is against nature.

Поведение женщины: Часто нюхает вещи на наличие
�“Dirty odor”, indications of actions concerning personal hygiene:
you washed your hands, bathe, cut your nails, shave, change your shirt,
clean up after yourself, frequent requests for something to fix, to do.

Решение: ATозьмите ответственность за
own life in your own hands! Of course, it is very convenient when the wife
gives ready-made solutions. No need to steam and strain your brain – what,
from where, where and why. But with this behavior you risk your
full sexual life and attitude as inferior
a person who can not do anything on their own.

Learn to buy groceries, see where and what
broke down in the house, sharpen knives, wash dishes, sweep and endure
garbage. And of course, keep track of your personal hygiene. More often
an unpleasant smell emanates from you, the stronger the association
bad smell with her husband. Do this without asking a woman and
Believe me, she will appreciate it highly!

3. • Why the wife does not want a husband: resentment and disappointment

So we are brought up, that did not learn to pronounce correctly
their dissatisfaction partner and discuss problems in the relationship.
Much accustomed to keep quiet and save up insults. Especially it concerns
women Pout lips and don’t talk, man has to
guess what she was offended. She, naturally, is not up for sex,
because in the head she leads an internal dialogue with her husband, where they are destroyed
all good feelings towards him.

Поведение женщины: ATедёт себя обиженной, не
talking, ignoring requests or communication men. Not asking
do something, do everything herself.

Решение: If you выбрали себе такую «буку»,
who used to be offended and sulk, will have to take the situation in their
arms. If you заметили, что ситуация приобрела подобный характер,
Do not wait until the problem reaches its climax and there will be thunder.
Come and speak the state that you saw on the face
his wife: “Honey, I think something bothers you?
Tell me, please, I’m worried about you and I would like to help. ”
Only the tone of your voice should match the phrase showing your
sympathy and experience. By this you emphasize that you notice
state of your woman, show empathy and empathy. it
leads to rapprochement, trust and improved relationships. And more: hold
your word! ATаше слово — это аванс поступка. Oh man say him
deeds. Did not keep his word – resentment, disappointment and mistrust.

4. • Why the wife does not want a husband: a new love or new
love relationship

A woman is known to be an emotional being. She lives
feelings and emotions. As long as she loves her man – will do
all for him, not focusing on the shortcomings or lack of
help from the man. Over time, this feeling
passes for a number of reasons and she wants to feel joyful again
emotions. If you видите, что у вашей жены блестят глазки, она
preens and it is not connected with you, and yes, and besides, he disappeared
sex, beat the alarm, someone appeared with her. Maybe not in real
life, but in a virtual, but shining eyes and a happy kind of woman
speaks of her love. If you будете сидеть без дела и не
take the initiative – you can lose your beloved. If by
for some reason she will not leave, then living in the same territory, you
just become flatmates.

Поведение женщины: Женщина стала больше
look after herself, she had a sparkle in her eyes, she often
trying to leave somewhere or spend more time behind
by computer. She always carries a phone with her and does not leave
a prominent place.

Решение: Многие из нас слышали выражение:
�”A woman loves with her ears, and a man loves with her eyes.” When a man is having
attention to her woman, makes her understand her importance and importance in
his life, then no admirer and admirer can take away your
lady of the heart. Try to notice changes in her appearance,
especially when it comes to the figure. Most ladies are very worried
about this and go on a diet. Keep in touch with her,
being at work. The woman is very pleased to feel that about her
remember, love and appreciate, even at a distance. Be interested in her
life problems.

5. • Why the wife does not want a husband: all the energy goes into quarrels

Who would have thought, but the scandal is an analogue of sex! ATо время
quarrels in the body the same changes occur as with love
Joys: increased heart rate, pulse and respiration. AT кровь
the same enzymes and hormones are released as during sexual
proximity. But the scandal from the point of view of psychology is better,
as there are more stages in it than in sex. AT скандале
there is always a prelude, a main stage and a climax. Whereas in
sex may not reach some stage and not completely discharged
will happen. AT этом случае человеку приходится «доразряжаться» с
using scandal and quarrels.

Поведение женщины: Она часто «цепляется» за
little things to quarrel, to raise the scandal, to express how all of her
got sick, throws things in anger, beats dishes. The case may come
even before battering by a woman.

Решение: Как только чувствуете, что близится
scandal, try to extinguish it “in the bud.” Women need
discharging and if she is allowed to discharge through a quarrel, you can
assume that you had sex, only in a perverted form. Don’t give
it is inflamed, applying the “principle of depreciation”, that is, agreeing
with what the spouse says in a guilty voice with his head down.
You can continue to criticize yourself. As the saying goes:
�”A guilty head and a sword does not whip.” ATы ей просто не оставите запаса
charges because bring them down on themselves.

If byсле секса ваша жена осталась недовольной или ворчит,
it means it is not “discharged”. Try to apply all the knowledge
skills and body parts for complete satisfaction of your

6. • Why the wife does not want a husband: no soul, emotional and
intellectual proximity

Женщина живёт feelings and emotions. The more she has
positive feelings for a man, the deeper emotional, emotional
and intellectual intimacy. When with these kinds of intimacy everything
Well, then and physical rapprochement brings joy and brings
satisfaction. But over time, partners can move away from each other.
friend and as a result, comes the cooling in intimate terms,
отсутствует желание делать что-то приятное для your partner.

Поведение женщины: Она не рассказывает о своей
life, does not ask her husband about his affairs. Communication is reduced to
phrases related to children, food, products. No talk about the future
joint plans, goals, ways of their achievement are not made. She want
relax and spend a weekend apart from her husband.

Решение: Чтобы женщина хотела вас, сначала
make mental and emotional intimacy:

• ATнимательно относитесь к её переживаниям, эмоциям и

• When she feels bad – listen with understanding, hug, give
speak out Remember that a woman’s vocabulary is 7-8 thousand words
per day, whereas a man has 2-4 thousand.

• Respect and emphasize what it does. It often happens
that some actions of a woman are taken for granted and
depreciates. Remember that no one owes anything to anyone, appreciate
what do for you.

• Keep in touch with her, being at work. Write
message, call, chat a little, lighten her mood,
support or say you are bored.

• Provide signs of love. The real signs of love are not the ones that
you like, and those that your wife likes. She is high
will appreciate.

• Hug and touch your woman more. ATо время
hugs, caresses, bodily touches and strokes in the blood
oxytocin is released – a hormone of love, affection and reduction

• It’s better to make small but frequent surprises and gifts than
a couple of times a year, but big ones. Women value more
attention given.

• Be indulgent to her when she is naughty. Sometimes
a woman just needs to feel like a little girl,
who wants to handle.

• Give compliments to her address. Emphasize what you want.
she likes most.

• The more you have common plans, tasks and goals, the stronger
will be your union.

• Keep your word. If it was shown that the wife needs a new dress
or shoes, everything, this is not discussed, took her hand and went

• Do not forget to pinch or slam it on the bottom. it будет
support both in her and in you playfulness and flirting.

• Help her with household chores. Let’s understand that you are together
�”Pull the strap of life.”

7. • Why the wife does not want a husband: painful or unpleasant
sensations during intimacy or dissatisfaction with sex

Many have heard about the compatibility of partners. AT интимной области
partners must also “approach” each other. Someone needs 10 minutes
for satisfaction, but for someone 40. If one of the partners is not
there was enough time to “discharge”, – discontent will accumulate,
irritation. ATсе это может компенсироваться посредством скандалов
or change Therefore, it is very important to know how much your woman needs
time for a full discharge. If she needs a longer
period than you, use and use different methods, the benefit
There are a lot of them now.

If a woman has unpleasant or sore feelings during
intimacy, then she will wait for intimate relationships not as joyful
pastime, but as a terrible event, bringing discomfort.
It is necessary to find out the reason for such sensations, otherwise the woman will
just avoid having sex with you.

As you can see, there are many reasons for reducing a woman’s attraction to her husband.
Sex is the main indicator and indicator of family relationships. What are u
you relationship in a pair depends on both partners.

Remember: being in a relationship try to think
what can you give to a partner, and then what
to take.

ATидя, что вы отдаёте, партнёр тоже будет стараться отдавать.
The dose of anti-egoism has never interfered with relationships.

Be close with your woman in every way and she will want
do more for you than you already do.

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