Why does a woman frog dream – is it good orbadly. Basic interpretations: what is the dream of a frog woman

Вт, 30 авг 2016 Автор: Инна

Dreams appear unexpectedly.

But they are very important.

Immersed in a dream you can get answers to many
questions. What dreams of a frog woman? Worth to understand.


What dreams of a frog woman general interpretation

What dreams of a frog woman? She doesn’t
foreshadows her any good. It should be attentive to your
health, otherwise there is a great possibility that it will begin to fail.
It is worth listening to the advice of friends regarding their image
of life. Perhaps a woman pays too much attention to someone else’s life.
and does not betray the value of his events.

If a снится, как лягушата прыгают в траве
in reality, the appearance of loyal friends that will help solve
challenging tasks and situations finding a way out of the impasse. If unmarried
a woman will dream of a male frog – she will marry a man with
children and will take care of them. Interpreting all the characters
dreams – it is worth to decide whether a woman is satisfied with such
the prospect, will she really be happy in such a union,
or should she be wary of a relationship with a widower?

Есть во сне приготовленных лягушек — наяву
a woman often follows her whims, and it ruins her, does not give
opportunities to rationally build your life. She needs
a wealthy and wise partner who will tell you how to build
your life For a woman to hear frogs croaking – prepare for
departure soon. The trip will be short, but very

What dreams of a frog woman by Aesop’s dream book

In the dream book of Aesop are very original.
interpretation, what dreams of a frog woman.
Such a dream can
foretell the rain. Perhaps a woman a few days before the dream
happened to see a frog in reality – then it is not surprising that she appeared
and in her dream. If a woman dreams that she steps on a frog –
perhaps she is awaited by very sad events of which she will
try to avoid.

If a woman often falls into dreams of something
нереальном и недостижимом
— это может повлечь появление
лягушкand in her dream. If she had to talk with
a narcissistic man – then it immediately becomes clear why she
dreamed a frog. She personifies the pomp of the interlocutor.

If a woman dreams that she took a frog in
— ей пора всерьёз позаботиться о своём здоровье.
It is worth assessing the health of loved ones, perhaps someone from
they are infected with an incurable disease.

Croaking лягушек во сне — к слезам и они будут
have a good reason. Trouble will arise in life alone
for another. Survive their women will be difficult. To dream like
the frog jumps on the road ahead of you – in private life will begin
lucky streak of circumstances. A decent man can
make a woman a marriage proposal. For those people who
are in a pair – such a dream promises quick marriage.

What dreams of a frog woman by Miller’s dream book

In Miller’s dream book, it is said that frogs are in a dream like
harbingers of change in the mood of a woman. If they do not play
the main role in her dream is the way it is. She is not worth
great value to betray such a sign. But if the main line
Sleep is built around a frog – it should be attentive.

If a woman dreams about how she steps on
— в скором времени у неё в жизни наступит череда
trouble and grief. She will long recover after
long shocks. If in a dream the caught frogs appeared –
a woman needs to be careful with her secrets.

If a такие имеются — они будут раскрыты, что
very negative impact on her reputation. It is worth taking all
possible measures in order not to sharpen the conflict. Croaking
frogs in a dream – says that it’s time to visit friends and
spend good time with them. If a woman thinks she is
accustomed to loneliness and she is quite comfortable without fun company –
she is mistaken.

What dreams of a frog to a woman according to Freud’s dream book

What dreams of a frog to a woman according to Freud’s dream book
– to frustration and disgust in sex. If a woman dreams like
she takes a frog in her hands – in reality she will do what will cause
her disgust In order against the background of this relationship
– a woman should discuss the problem with her partner and not with
friends and girlfriends. It will be the right decision arising.

If a женщина слышит во сне кваканье лягушек
in reality await her exotic caresses men. She should be
extremely careful in choosing the chosen one. Otherwise, her health is like
mental and physiological may be endangered.
A woman should not have many partners, it is enough for her to stop
choose one of them and be content to enjoy sexy
leisure time.

If a женщина давно одинока, то сон о прыгающей
the frog promises her a quick meeting with a passionate man. These
relationships will not last long, but will bring moments unforgettable
pleasure. She should be особенно внимательной и смотреть по
parties not to miss opportunities to become happy in
have sex

What dreams of a frog woman for another dream book

In the dream book, Denise Lynn said:

• Frog symbolizes the inner beauty of a woman;

• inconsistency in relationships;

• Желание найти идеального спутника of life.

The frog can be a symbol of a woman’s patience, her desires
save the family. It can also symbolize deceit.
partner, he can strike suddenly without experiencing

From time immemorial, the frog personified the change of seasons in nature and
soil fertility. For a woman who has long dreamed of becoming a mother –
such a dream promises a quick conception. If a person has a long time in
life met derailment plans and financial losses – he
gradually begin to leave them. For a woman, this means
the resumption of previous connections and contacts.

For a young girl, a jumping frog in a dream can mean her
fickle mood. No desire to make informed decisions
to take responsibility. Depending on mood
dreams these traits can speak as positive,
and negative phenomena in the life of a woman.

If a woman for a long time pestered diseases of the genitourinary
– such a dream indicates a speedy cure. Healing opportunity
will be found by chance. Also a dream about a frog can promise
unrequited love, the inconsistency of the second half invented
ideal. In this situation, it is worth taking the reality as it is.
there is.

What does a frog dream for a woman according to the dream book Gishina:

• To the kind words addressed to her, to the recognition of her merits;

• Killed frogs in a dream – someone will harm her;

• Jumping – to the pleasure and enjoyment of life;

• Eat them – woe to the heart, grief;

• Hearing their croaking – favorable expirations

В новом семейном соннике сказано, что поймать
a frog woman in a dream – she is careless in her statements and
desires. If a frog lives in a swamp – such a dream promises a strip
misfortunes and sorrows. You can cope with them only with the support of
friends and family people. Big frog in a dream – big and joyful
change will enter the life of a woman.

В китайском соннике Чжоу-гуна указано, что если
the frog croaks in a dream and runs away, and the woman pursues her – her
expect major quarrels. Also in the life of a woman can occur
the moment she is completely confused about her feelings

По соннику Цветкова — лягушка, прыгающая через
the road – promises espionage and surveillance. Perhaps the woman’s lover
ceased to trust her and tries to check her honesty. If a
a woman dreams of an ordinary green frog, sitting motionless and
watching her – such a dream promises deception and betrayal. If a
a woman will dream like a huge green frog jumping out of her
out of her mouth – she will earn oratory, it can
expect large-scale performance.

In any case, dreams of frogs should push the woman to
всестороннему анализу своей of life. She must decide in
feelings and dreams for your partner. Not worth it
demand a lot from him. It is enough to become feminine and
radiate happiness. Then no verification of the fate of their relationship
scary. If a у женщины после сновидения сложились тревожные
Premonition means something goes wrong in her life. Worth
be attentive to the words and actions of strangers. Perhaps grief
And not to avoid, but troubles will end faster.

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