Why do apples dream

Mon, Jun 20, 2016


Why do apples dream – по соннику Миллера

As a rule, a dream about apples promises well-being, especially when
dream of red fruits surrounded by green foliage. Having seen in a dream
ripe apples on a tree, be sure: the time comes when
all your best expectations will be fulfilled. So prepare for it,
ponder your actions, and boldly get down to business. But if you see
apples that lie on the ground – beware, someone from your
the entourage is weaving intrigue against you and wants to cause you harm. Rotten
apples speak of the futility of some of your efforts. There is a dream
spoiled apples – to trouble.

Why do apples dream – по соннику Ванги

Apples are a symbol of wisdom and reward. If in a dream you are tearing
apples from the branches, it means your life will turn so that you have
There will be a great interest in the essence of terrestrial phenomena, however,
remember that to understand God’s plan to the end people are not given.

There is a dream яблоко – к знакомству с человеком, который станет
for you the source of wisdom. If you do not thank him for
good science with your kind and respectful attitude, it’s with you
trouble can happen.

To dream a wormy apple in a dream – to false news. If you not
will think about your next steps, you can lose. Cut
Apple on slices – to pay for their mistakes.

Why do apples dream – по соннику Фрейда

There is a dream красивое спелое яблоко – к несбывшимся надеждам на
intimate relationship with some person. If you see in a dream
wormy apples mean you suspect your second
half. However, nothing threatens your union, since your
speed partner realizes how much your family cares to him and in
your home will return peace and well-being.

Why do apples dream – по соннику Нострадамуса

To dream big apple – to the great discovery soon,
which the dreamer makes; rotten apple – to the unfortunate ending
there is no one you are busy with right now.

There is a dream яблоко – к судьбоносной встрече с красивой женщиной.
Also this dream may portend that once in some of the countries to
power will come a woman who will make her state the most
powerful in the world.

To dream in a lot of apples – to the discovery of some on Earth
amazing apple-like fruits that will help people
for a long time to keep youth and health.

Why do apples dream – по английскому соннику

A dream about apples is a very good omen. He promises
long and happy life, mutual love and success in service
affairs To mothers, this dream foreshadows a worthy fate for their

Why do apples dream – по соннику Цветкова

Apples in a dream promise trouble and disease. Collect them – to
home turmoil; there is – to frustration and anger.

Why do apples dream – по соннику Хассе

To dream apples on a tree – to numerous friends;
tear off – to joyful events; collect – for useful actions;
there are ripe ones – for joyful loving agitations; there is sour – to
sadness and insincerity of a friend; receive – to good events; cut
– to parting with friends. To dream of rotten apples – to danger;
heavenly – to profit; drink apple juice – to the disease.

Why do apples dream – по соннику Менегетти

The apple is a symbol of life, therefore in a dream it personifies life

Why do apples dream – по эзотерическому соннику

A dream of a green, unripe apple – a sign that you have a young
soul. If you see in a dream упавшее яблоко, или такое, которое
spoiled before maturation, it means that your soul is aging beyond his years.
A bulky, beautiful apple in a dream foreshadows good health and
optimism; wormy – to an internal disease that can be
invisible for a healthy appearance.

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