Why can’t yeast dough?

Why can't yeast dough?

Yeast dough is soft, tender, rises well,
and baking pleases good taste. But it is in the ideal version. Not
always like that. Why is the dough sometimes hard, it falls,
baking quickly hardens, it turns out very heavy bread and


Error one: cold foods and premises

Yeast dough rises only in warm

For this reason, the ingredients for cooking must be heated.
Flour and bulk products are simply left at room temperature.
so they lay down. Fluids are specially heated to 38-45

You can also spoil the dough, if you run the yeast in
hot water.

They simply die, perhaps in part. The dough will be long
rise, it will turn out heavy, dense, pastries will not please
softness and size. After kneading, the dough is left in a warm place.
but no longer heated, this can not be done. Above required
Cover with a breathable cloth so that the mass is not covered with a crust.

Error two: poor quality yeast

Yeasts are dry and live pressed, usually they are in briquettes.
Recipes indicate the desired type. Now most often used
dry yeast. Notзависимо от вида продукта, важно проверять его срок
shelf life. Overdue yeasts have a weak lift. If a
the dough does not rise, then the problem may be exactly that. Can
pre-check the validity of the yeast.

How to check yeast:

  1. Mix the required amount of yeast with prescription
    amount of fluid. Add some sugar, you can take from
    recipe, but not all the norm.
  2. Enter a few spoons of flour. It should make a talker like
    dough on pancakes.
  3. Leave in a warm place for 15-30 minutes.
  4. If a на поверхности появилась хорошая пенка, болтушка поднялась
    and increased in size then good quality yeast. Add
    the remaining products, make the dough.
  5. If a болтушка не увеличивается или поднимается слабо, то можно
    add more yeast and also knead the dough.
  6. If a болтушка не изменилась, то дрожжи негодные, не стоит
    spend time on them and spoil the rest of the products.

The same talkie do to activate and speed up
fermentation. It turns out a simplified opara, which significantly
reduces the rise time of the dough.

Dry yeast can be replaced with live yeast, for this simply
we increase the number three times. 10 g dry yeast take
about 25-30 g of pressed yeast. You can also change them in
back side. Dry yeast has more lift
are concentrated, besides they are beautifully stored and do not require
special conditions. Therefore, more and more often they are used in

Important! Notзависимо от вида дрожжей, нужно придерживаться
recommended amount. Not нужно его увеличивать, иначе у теста
there will be an unpleasant taste. If a заложить меньше нормы, процесс
lifting will be strongly tightened.

Error three: a lot or little flour

No dough is made without flour. Depends on its grade
result. Everyone knows that flour needs to be sifted. It eliminates
litter and removes lumps. The product becomes loose and airy, but
It is important not to overdo it with the amount.

Yeast dough does not need to hammer. Even after kneading it
should stay soft and stick a little. If a муки будет много,
baking will be tough, bad rise, it also tastes
will reflect.

Еще одной ошибкой является малое количество
. If a тесто растекается, не держит форму, сильно
sticks to hands, it’s hard to work with him. In addition, the batter is very
quickly rises and perekisat. Such a mass is suitable only for
yeast pancakes and pancakes. Patties, buns, loaf of it
form fail.

Error four: a lot of sugar or no

Yeast-free yeast dough does not work, but it also
will not taste good without salt.

Sand helps to activate the work of yeast, promotes the rise
mass, speeds up processes. If a замесить без него, тесто может
rise, but it does not redden, there will be large pores, to taste
Baking reminds ordinary bread. In pies, buns, sugar rolls
always add.

Another mistake when mixing homemade dough – a large number
Sahara. It turns out a heavy, dense muffin. With an excess of sugar
yeast is difficult to work, so the measure is needed in everything. Sometimes better
sprinkle sugar bun over the top than to lay a lot when

Fifth error: dough a little or a lot stood

If a дрожжевое тесто не поднялось хорошо, то оно просто не
sour. On average, he needs to stand for 2.5 to four hours.
After the first lift, the dough is dipped by hands and mixed. Then
give rise again. The cooler in the room and more
ingredients in the composition, the longer it will take to

If a тесто разделать сразу после замеса, оно может немного
rise in the oven, but pastries will not please the taste.

Signs of test readiness:

  • it stood for at least two hours;
  • weight rose well at least once;
  • when pressed, the fossa is not restored, but remains.

Иногда тесто перекисает. This happens if in
there is a lot of yeast, mass is too long. To fix this
is impossible. You can determine the sour smell.

Also, the peroxide dough itself goes down. It
loses sugar, does not flush in the oven, does not rise or is sluggish
it does. Not нужно тратить на него время, но небольшую часть
can be used as a sponge.

The secrets of working with yeast dough

  • If a нужно ускорить подъем и созревание теста, можно при замесе
    add a spoonful of brandy or vodka.
  • In addition to yeast, you can add a small amount
    разрыхлителя, достаточно одной чайной ложки на килограмм flour.
    The dough will be porous, soft, and the taste will not change.
  • If a дома прохладно, то миску с тестом можно поставить на
    pot of hot water, sometimes turn on the stove under it, a little bit
    to warm up.
  • To prevent the yeast dough from sticking to the pan, you need it well.
    knead until smooth. You can also lightly grease the bowl.
    vegetable oil.

If a в тесте много соли, то оно будет плохо подниматься,
besides it will turn out bad to taste. Per kilo of flour is enough
one teaspoon.

The exact amount of salt depends on baking, and also
additional ingredients. For example, in margarine she already

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