Everyone knows that sports help to improve health and
improve your figure, but not everyone wants to go to sports or fitness
halls. But you can do the exercises at home!
For example, jump rope. Probably many in childhood loved with
friends and friends to play with a rope, but in a more mature
an age when extra pounds are continually found,
a good tool would be a jump rope for weight loss.
How to choose a rope?
To begin, of course, you need to select the rope. Correct length
jump ropes – already half the success. So fold the rope in half,
grasp her hands and place them at chest level. If below
Jump rope touches the floor, then this is the ideal option. For those,
who does not want to conduct experiments, there is already calculated data
(height: length of the rope):
- – Up to 152 cm: 210 cm
- – 152-167 cm: 250 cm
- – 168-183: 280 cm
- – More than 183 cm: 310 cm
How and how much to jump to lose weight?
The rope is selected, it’s time to start the exercises. Not worth it from the first
jump for several hours at a time, start from 10-15 minutes of lessons in
day. First try simple jumps – on two legs, then
Land alternately on one or the other leg (running on
jump rope). So the first few days will pass. Constantly little by little
increase the load, start jumping on one leg, as well as
twist the rope not only forward, but also back.
The results are not long in coming. Just imagine – just for
15 minutes of intense exercise burns about 200 calories! You
be able to lose weight quickly and efficiently. And if there is a possibility
combine exercises with a non-debilitating diet or
just eating right, then the kilos will evaporate not by
days and hours.
What muscles are trained in jumping rope
In other matters, this is only a theory. That’s what women write already
tried exercises with a rope. So, jump rope for weight loss,
- Catherine, 26 years old
I was looking for different ways to lose weight, in particular, I was sitting
on different diets, but in the end I realized that there is nothing better than sport. AT
gym I’m walking shy, so I decided that I would start
jump at home with a skipping rope. The first week I could not do
longer than 5 minutes a day, and the legs just buzzed. But it went pretty
quickly, especially since there was a great desire to lose weight. Now
(спустя месяц) я занимаюсь по часу в day. Girls women
believe it is easy and effective. ATо-первых, я худею на глазах,
and secondly, shortness of breath was lost when climbing stairs. I advise
- Elena, 32 years old
Of course, about the fact that the jump rope for weight loss is a good option, I
I knew for a long time. But I was always too lazy to start classes. Under pressure
husband, we still bought this miraculous shell. To do
started both. You не поверите, за месяц я сбросила 9 кг, а он аж 11
kg! It happens sometimes too lazy to jump, but we support each other and
Together we strive to become slim and look younger!
- Anna, 20 years old
I can not call myself fat, but I have always been a downed girl,
therefore, not so long ago, it was decided that it was time to fight with
hateful calories. Of all the possible ways I decided to choose
rope for weight loss. What to say? A week later and even two
I did not see the result. But as it turned out, I’m just a little
was engaged. I thought that 5 minutes a day would be enough and a miracle would happen. But
not! Jump rope is a daily work. Now я перестала есть после
6 and do with a skipping rope twice a day, with 1000-3000 jumps.
I already feel much better, lighter, freer. I am sure that
results will be clearly visible soon.
- Anastasia, 24 years old
Girls, believe, losing weight with a rope is a miracle! Lose weight
quickly, you will be beautiful. Most importantly – do not be lazy and be
ready for the fact that if you are not involved in sports at all, then
At first, the muscles will whine, ache and buzz. If you can
stand, you will be rewarded in full!