Which zodiac signs are most affectedflu and other diseases

Which zodiac signs are most affected flu and other diseases

Everyone wants to be healthy and cheerful, but sometimes
we all catch cold and flu. How do the zodiac signs flu?
Let’s figure it out.


Top 3 signs of the zodiac most affected by the flu and others

Which zodiac signs are most affected flu and other diseases

Овны – они склонны к респираторным и вирусным
infections. They are very long and hard to get sick because they are accustomed
the disease is carried on the feet.

They practically do not listen to anyone and do not comply
bed rest, therefore, have problems with cardiovascular
system, susceptible to joint destruction.

They should take care of themselves.

Which zodiac signs are most affected flu and other diseases

Раки – они достаточно мнительны, эмоциональны и
prone to respiratory diseases. They may several times over
Season to have the flu and infect all their households. They
also prone to allergies and asthma.

But, if the Cancers decide to take care of their health – they
will quickly strengthen the immune system, this will help them
close ones.

Then the flu is not terrible for them, because they will stop
doubt that they have good health.

Which zodiac signs are most affected flu and other diseases

Весы – очень быстро заболевают гриппом, если
attend social events and enjoy public

They would have to carry out the prevention of flu and colds,
since summer, then the disease would not overwhelm them several times

They склонны к бронхитам и пневмониям, не нужно думать, что
the disease will never leave them, just would be worth saving yourself. Still
one of their problems are diseases of the musculoskeletal
apparatus. It would be worth paying attention to.

Which zodiac signs are most affected гриппу и diseases –
let’s talk about the rest

Which zodiac signs are most affected flu and other diseases

Тельцы – они чаще простуживаются, чем
get sick with the flu.

They have problems with the nasopharynx since childhood, but they try
get rid of them at a more conscious age and they have this
great coming out.

They соблюдают постельный режим и никогда не перечат окружающим,
peacefully take all prescribed potions. But the pressure and work
hearts they should also watch carefully. It is important to play sports
active recreation.

Which zodiac signs are most affected flu and other diseases

Близнецы – болеют редко, но очень серьёзно.
If they get the flu, then with handfuls of pills and lots of mixtures.

It is very difficult to tolerate rare diseases, most often they have
kidneys and liver suffer as a result of uncontrolled intake

Therefore, after the disease, Gemini will have to complex
restore health.

Which zodiac signs are most affected flu and other diseases

Львы – по ним практически не видно, что они
are sick. But he is in bed rest.

Ready to work on the second day of illness, but try it
do at home. Recover quickly. 

They should pay special attention to the state of the stomach and
pancreas, these are their weak points.

Which zodiac signs are most affected flu and other diseases

Девы – болеют часто, но лечатся комплексно. They
they can prescribe their own medicines and herbal preparations
strongly anger therapist.

Self-medication helps them, but does not save them from colds.

They do flu shots, but they manage to do it again.
get sick, such is their luck. It is also important to monitor health.
nervous system because they work too much.

Which zodiac signs are most affected flu and other diseases

Скорпионы – по ним так сразу и не поймёшь,
they are sick or not. And all because they are filled with positive
emotions and even with a very high temperature are able to dance
almost until the morning.

Yes, they are, so they get sick much less often, even if
go in the cold without a hat and drink cold drinks.

Well, they are really addicted to drinking, and with this
addiction would be worth fighting, as well as chronic
lack of sleep, unwillingness to fully relax.

Which zodiac signs are most affected flu and other diseases

Стрельцы – постоянно торопятся, у них масса
and new plans, so the flu is a real reason

They просто пару дней могут отлежаться и никуда не
hurry, although the Sagittarius themselves do not like monotony, so what
what can you do if it’s outside and the temperature is too low
is high.

They are ill not for a long time, just a couple of days and you can again
to do important things.

Which zodiac signs are most affected flu and other diseases

Козероги слишком тяжело переносят недуги. Speech
is about moral depression, about the difficulty of coping with
by reality. About the complexity of making important decisions.

Even a minor cold causes terrible panic and
desire to be alone.

Capricorns are so worried about their health that they can
cast panic on all loved ones and relatives. With respiratory system
they are chronic problems, as with the nervous. Therefore – prevention
diseases will be the best option for them.

Which zodiac signs are most affected flu and other diseases

Водолеи – они любя проводить время на свежем
the air, so the flu and colds are almost not inclined. AND
if you accidentally overcooled, then surely very quickly
will recover. They не станут обременять окружающих заботой о себе.
They ведь сами в состоянии о себе позаботиться. This is wonderful
a skill that helps Aquarius cope with other ailments –
insomnia, suspiciousness, weak eyesight.

But Aquarius only takes care of their health,
when is the doctor insists on hospitalization because im just
there is no time to get sick and get depressed.

Which zodiac signs are most affected flu and other diseases

Рыбы долгое время пытаются скрыть от окружающих
signs of a cold because they urgently need to go to
work, do business, save employees from working
moments and just pick up the kids from school. At the same time, many of them
are infected, and even close ones.

Fish can catch a cold several times a season.
once the flu.

He manages to get sick in the summer, although they do not drink cold drinks and
eat right. Fish do sports, but it doesn’t help
to improve their work immunity.

They may have poor health since childhood and many
diseases. At the same time, they try to spend more time on
fresh air and never complain, perhaps in vain, so about them
cared, and they recovered faster.

In any case, it is better to take care of health with
childhood. But, if time is lost, then, not depending on the sign
zodiac – it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports,
allow yourself complete rest so that immunity can withstand
flu and cold.

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