When it hurts to swallow – we treat the throat at homeconditions? What to do if it hurts to swallow: fast homehelp

Вт, 08 мар 2016 Автор: врач-терапевт Анна

Yesterday you felt good, but waking up in the morning
found to swallow hurts.

Eating food is impossible, nothing around is not

You start to remember what could be causing this.
states may have eaten something cold.

In most cases, the cause of this condition is normal.

Many have a question, it is painful to swallow: what to treat at home

Do you need to go to the doctor, if so, to what. After all the throat
may hurt because the body is present and progressing
serious diseases.


Больно глотать: можно это to treat at home?

Virtually everyone experienced this unpleasant experience.
the feeling is all in the throat, and it is very painful to swallow. In the throat
all tickles, and constantly. Such symptoms indicate
viral and catarrhal diseases. Often the symptoms are only
harbingers of infections.

As mentioned above, the main cause of sore throat with
swallowing is the excessive activity of viruses and bacteria that
appear as a result of diseases.

The most common cases when this occurs
condition in the body:

1. Angina.

2. Paratonsillar abscess.

3. Acute viral infections.

4. Acute laryngitis.

When tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils, due to excessive
microbial activity. Tonsils begin to increase in
size, and a yellow or white bloom appears on top.
Usually the patient feels a cutting pain when swallowing. TO
additional symptoms include fever.

Паратонзиллярный абсцесс – это осложнения после
sore throats The inflammatory process spreads quickly enough
and moves from the tonsils to the fiber, thereby forming an ulcer.
That is why, если пациент чувствует сильную слабость, болит
head, the temperature rises, then we can safely conclude that
появились осложнения после sore throats The pain is felt only with one
hand, and at the time of eating sharpens. That is, every time
when the patient opens his mouth, he will feel pain.

Фарингит – это воспалительный процесс в
mucous throats. When swallowing saliva, the pain is practically not
is felt. The same applies to laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx).
Pharyngitis is constantly sore in the throat, and with laryngitis, the voice
becomes hoarse, occasionally coughing fits.

Острый респираторный вирусные инфекции – это
one of the main causes of the development of diseases in the respiratory tract.
The pathology is characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms:
temperature, dryness and sore throat, it hurts to swallow. At first
there is a strong dry cough, then the phlegm goes away and the voice

Small children often have sore throats, but for other reasons –
коклюш, скарлатина, корь. Disease data by
featured resemble all of the above, so identify them
difficult. But в любом случае need to обязательно обращаться к врачу.


If each of these diseases do not begin to be treated on time, then
serious complications simply can not be avoided. Inflammatory process
become aggravated and lead to the following diseases:

• pneumonia;

• frontalitis;

• sinusitis;

• kidney disease;

• heart attack;

• bronchitis;

• joint disease.

В процессе вирусных атак, а также после них, может
развиваться бронхит
. It proceeds without visible symptoms.
Abuse of bad habits only increases the risk of

Еще одно осложнение – воспаление легких.
According to statistics, 5% of patients with pneumonia, eventually die.
Therefore, if you feel pain when swallowing, and the temperature is not
decreases over time, it may carry a danger
for your life. When the first symptoms appear,
be examined by specialists.

The consequence of the seemingly ordinary sore throat can be
болезнь почек и суставов. Dangerous is that
many patients are constantly moving throughout their illness, because doctors
recommend to comply with bed rest. Those diseases that
reappear after a while, most dangerous for

Фронтит или Гайморит — это еще дни главные
causes sensation of sore throat. However, you need to remember that this
the consequences of those diseases that were not cured at one time
to end.

Throat diseases are not always associated with inflammatory processes.
in the body. Here are some more causes of sore throat, but less

• allergy;

• pollution;

• too dry air;

• HIV;

• swelling of the throat or tongue;

• diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It hurts to swallow! We will treat at home: what for this
need to

It is often painful to swallow: what to treat at home
many simply do not represent. For this there is enough
a lot of money:

1. Means for rinsing. For this you can use such
drugs like furatsillina tablets, propolis tincture.

2. Пастилки для рассасывания и pills. Lately
Strepsils are popular Grammeidine, Faringosept.

3. Sprays and aerosols. Unfortunately, small children are not always
can be forced to swallow a pill or lozenge. That is why
sprays and aerosols can come to the rescue.

4. Household funds. You can use not only drugs from
pharmacies, but also home procedures. For example, the following:

• compresses;

• gargling;

• inhalation.

5. Dieting.

Does it hurt to swallow? We are treated at home: consistency

Most infections in our body fall through airborne droplets.
by. If the bacteria are trying to harm us, the throat starts hard
to hurt It is important to start treatment in time. Since inaction
causes bacteria to spread to many organs and
leave behind dangerous consequences. It hurts to swallow: than
to treat at home? This question is asked by many, considering that
before you go to the doctor, you need to try to cope with the disease
on their own.

Symptoms arising from a sore throat are known.
almost everyone. Pain with severe redness of the throat will
observed with laryngitis and pharyngitis. Other symptoms speak of
development of completely different infections. That is why важно сначала
learn the root cause of the disease. If you are sure that
a few days ago you blew out and serious reasons for
There is no concern, you can try to localize the infection
on their own.

It hurts to swallow: than лечить в домашних условиях – ответов на этот
The question is quite a lot. The first thing to do is eliminate
all food that contains too many spices. Also not
It is recommended to eat too hot and cold food. Everything is solid,
sweet – set aside for later. These products are able to create
favorable breeding environment for bacteria. Try as much as possible
drink warm water more often. Rinse your mouth with furatsillina solution (one
tablet on the floor of a glass of warm water).

Is home treatment effective?

1. Any type of infection begins to quickly localize if
constantly gargle with seawater. You can cook it
yourself: take one glass of boiled room water
temperature and add 1 tsp. of soda and salt. After all
stir thoroughly, drip 5 drops of iodine.

2. If you know that laryngitis was provoked by the fact that you
they talked long and hard, you often need to drink warm water or tea.
It is recommended to add inhalation oils.

3. To treat a sore throat, of course, you need to consult a doctor. But
You can also speed up the healing process yourself. Grease
throat propolis solution. Plugs on the glands can be removed with a cotton

How to cure a child’s throat

Not all small children will gargle or drink.
pills. Lubricating their neck uncomfortable, because the kid can just
Do not open your mouth. It hurts to swallow: than лечить в домашних условиях
little children? All moms ask this question. You can bury in
spout a mixture of sunflower and sea buckthorn oil (1: 1). Required
so that the solution gets into the tonsils through the nasopharynx. It is possible that
it will cause a slight burning sensation, but in this way get rid of
cold can be a couple of days.

If the baby has a normal temperature, then he can be done
Iodic mesh on the chest and heels. You can hold your feet before bed.
warm water. Also, like adults, all day long children
need to give to drink warm liquid.

It hurts to swallow: treatment at home will be effective?
Doctor’s opinion

It hurts to swallow: than лечить в домашних условиях, а главное, как?
Many of us are thinking about this issue. It sounds trite, but
discomfort in the throat can lead to
sore coming organs, and even teeth. Most often, such a disease is all
trying to win on their own, but be sure to contact
to specialists.

The body is quite vulnerable to proliferation and occurrence.
various kinds of infections. That is why, help квалифицированного
specialist is necessary. Especially if the sore throat is not
passes after a week. Many traditional medicines may not
cure, but rather harm.

In order to find the right treatment, the patient needs
fully inspect. Identify the true cause of this condition,
which can not be done independently at home. Doctors strongly
They recommend neither to delay, not a single day, especially if the child is sick.
After all, the usual sore throat, may be the result of the most serious
diseases that may lead to death.

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