What vampires dream about: chase, attack,are running away? Basic interpretations: why dream evil or vampireskind

Ср, 05 окт 2016 Автор: Инна

The world of dreams is huge and multifaceted and do not forget that we
there are only guests in it. Dreams give us clues in which direction
move to reach the goal, so you should carefully
interpret every dream. What dreams of vampires? Worth
sort out.


What vampires dream about – basic interpretation

Legends about vampires can be found in the epos of ancient peoples
long before our time. These are mythical creatures that
feed on human blood. They need it in order to
to survive.

Nowadays there is a definition of vampire energy and
most dream books interpret the appearance of classic vampires in a dream
as a sign that energy is per person
attacks. What to do in this case? Determine where it comes from
negative, and eliminate the source.

If in a dream a vampire lures you, and you fearlessly follow
him – you will also meekly follow someone else’s false
ideology. Worth иметь свою голову на плечах и свою точку зрения в
respect many questions. If in a dream you are a vampire – someone suffers
from your character and your actions. Worth определить, кто же
this unfortunate and take all possible measures to
change the situation. It may even be your loved ones to whom you
too strict.

If a young girl dreams about how seducing a vampire is –
in reality she will get a wonderful relationship with a passionate young man, but
It is worth looking at the chosen one – he may not be the one
who gives himself.

What are vampires dreaming about in Miller’s dream book?

Miller’s dream book says that vampires in a dream can talk about
your purposeful and overly active nature. if you
dream of a vampire child, you are either afraid to acquire offspring,
or too tired from the everyday routine. What to do? Need to
change the way of thinking and lifestyle.

If a young girl dreams of a young and passionate vampire,
who drinks her blood – in reality she will get a passionate relationship,
which will take place on the verge of a nervous breakdown. It will be
relationship filled with emotions, but do not dwell on
achieved, it is worth them to gradually strengthen and create a durable
union based on love.

What vampires dream about Freud’s dream book

Freud’s dream book says that vampires dream of passion and
suffering. Both of these phenomena will be associated with mental agony.
person If a young girl dreams about her surroundings
vampires – she should not be tempted, she must be true
chosen one, or look only for a regular partner and not
exchange for a temporary relationship.

If a young man has a dream about how a vampire attacks him
– he lacks diversity in sex, perhaps it is about games
sexual plan. The man most likely wants and affection and passion
but he does not find them in the current partner, therefore he is forced to look for
them in other girls. What should be done in this case for
maintaining relationships – talk frankly about preferences in
sex and understand that they are important for building a strong union.

What dreams of vampires in other dream books

В соннике Дениз Линн сказано, что вампир
symbolizes the depletion of a person, lack of interest in life,
lack of opportunity to develop. First of all exhaustion
is energetic, and then psychological. it
means that a person does not follow his own words and thoughts. is he
wasting his energy in vain, he is exhausted at work and in

Perhaps the man himself is an energetic vampire and
delivers a lot of trouble to people around. Such a dream may even
point to the person who suffers most from
attacks energy vampire. Worth внимательно проанализировать
the plot of the dream. Most likely – it has a hidden meaning, which
will allow a person to determine what role he plays in life
surrounding and who of them constantly attacks him, sends

In the dream book Grishina said what is the dream

• If you are pursued in a dream by vampires – sleep promises illness,
carnal passions and pleasures;

• if youпир пьёт вашу кровь — болезнь именно того органа, из
whom he sucks blood;

• if youпиры напали во сне на толпу людей — возможно, что на
you spoil

In the dream book, the attack of vampires in a dream is treated as an astral
attack. Someone is attacking you in reality. You do not need to panic, you need
just look at the dream – surely there are signs in it,
pointing to the detractor. Also such a dream may indicate
the evil eye, especially if the vampire in the dream bit the child.

if you приснилось что вампиром во сне являетесь вы — вы
overly pressure your loved ones, maybe they really
suffer from your attacks. Worth пересмотреть своё отношение к
by him.

В восточном женском соннике сказано, что
vampires in dreams appear as harbingers of unprecedented changes. Evil
rock can play a cruel joke with a man. If in a dream the vampire attacked
on you – you will find yourself in reality danger. If in a dream you
turned into a vampire – you yourself have subjected your life
danger, it happened because of your confidence. If you are
in a dream, you defeat a vampire – it means that in reality you will be able to defeat evil rock
of fate.

В соннике Цветкова сказано, что если вам во сне
there were vampires – you have too big ambitions and claims to life.
If you are directly, before you see a dream sick –
it means you will recover soon.

In the dream book Vanga it is said that:

• Vampires in a dream foreshadow terrible events that you
fate has prepared;

• You will suffer, you will be prone to

• if youпир нападает на вас во сне — кто-то из ваших близких
severely ill;

• If in a dream you превратились в вампира — наяву вы подвергнет
themselves and their loved ones of great danger;

• See how a vampire drinks blood – the disease will hit someone from
your close people and will last quite a long time;

• If you killed a vampire in a dream – in reality fate will give you a chance
change the situation.

В эзотерическом же соннике представлено
positive interpretation of vampire sleep. So, if you are attacked
in a dream vampires – you get a wonderful offer. If you
You yourself have become a vampire – you will receive property in your possession. If
a man will dream how a vampire girl has attacked him, then in reality he
fall into the influence of the powerful woman who will lead them.
He should look at his partner seriously and not give her
to manage yourself.

В соннике Азара сказано, что убить во сне
a vampire – such a dream suggests that in any case you will gain
victory over the enemy, do not be so much wary of his influence on
your life. His influence is temporary and will not actually cause you

If во сне вам приснится, что вы целуете вампира — вы
lose a life. Such a foreshadowing can be interpreted as
literal death, and as the loss of spiritual life. You can
lose the old moral and spiritual values. Also such a dream
can talk about the loss of the former way of life. it может быть
change of residence, social circle, work.

If you are overwhelmed by a protracted illness – do not despair, soon
ailment will recede, and you will live a full life – that’s what
vampires dream of a sick person.

What dreams of vampires on the Erotic Dream Book?
If in a dream you выступаете в роли вампира, и усердно ищите жертву —
such a dream suggests that you are extremely dissatisfied with your
the second half, or their intimate life in general. What’s worth
take in this situation? Qualitatively change your personal
a life. But the number of partners does not always mean quality. Worth
think about it.

if you приснится, что вампир напал на вас — вас ожидает
passionate love acquaintance that may well end
new relationships, even a stormy romance. Worth присмотреться ко
all the details of the dream. They conceal the meaning of new relationships. is heи
point out how best to build them, where to start.

In any case, if you had a dream involving vampires – you
Soon there will be many tests to go
goals These tests will be justified. The main thing is not to lose yourself in
cluttered events and do not let others lead you astray.
Worth соблюдать баланс энергии и не позволять другим людям забирать
your actions have power. Do not let other people
to manipulate you, but you yourself do not need to allow manipulation.
Observe the laws of energy balance, and life will thank you.

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