What to feed a kitten in 3 months to petgrew up healthy and strong. What is included in the kitten’s diet in 3 months:what not

Чт, 30 ноя 2017 Автор: Валентина Оболова

By the age of three months, kittens increase muscle mass,
milk teeth change to permanent, actively formed
digestive system and skeleton. Consequently, from what
feed the kitten for 3 months, depends on the full development and health
pet Let us examine 3 important aspects of this question: from which
food should be the diet of the baby than the kittens can not be fed,
how often and in what portions you need to be given food.


What to feed the kitten 3 months: products for a balanced
power supply

Since all the cellular structures of the body are based on
protein, the main course of the menu of kittens, consisting of natural
food becomes meat. This dish takes up to 80% of the day.
ration. At the same time, only low-fat fillets are allowed to feed the kitten.
meat varieties – turkey, chicken, rabbit, beef,

Meat must be boiled and minced: in small pieces or
twisted in minced meat. Raw kittens can only be offered
frozen high-quality product, which is guaranteed
no worms. Meat by-products, in particular, useful for
the body of the liver, it is allowed to include in the menu no more than 1 time in 7-14

Vegetables and fruits. They contain many vitamins, minerals and
trace elements that are urgently needed by the growing body.
Kittens, like children, must have them. Pumpkin, zucchini,
cabbage (white and cauliflower), cucumbers, beets, carrots, apples,
watermelons, greens – all this is recommended to offer kittens in the raw
(ground) and boiled. If the baby refuses to eat, vegetables
mixed with minced meat or boiled porridge in vegetable broth.

By the way, cereals should also be present in the diet of 3 months
kitty Best of all, the purr perceives the digestive system.
oatmeal, semolina and rice. Cook them both on vegetable and meat
(low-fat) broth, milk, water. To improve the taste of porridge
mixed with meat or vegetables in a ratio of 1: 2.

Eggs are a useful and necessary product. But not protein. Kittens
it is allowed to give only boiled chopped yolk. Raw
желток можно добавлять в пищу не чаще 1 раза в 7 days Whole not
separating the white from the yolk, kittens are given quail eggs – 1 piece each
2-3 times a week.

Dairy products with the lowest percentage of fat
обязательно включают в рацион kitty Ryazhenka, kefir, natural
yogurt, sour cream, liquid (children’s) curds, cream, sour milk –
Everything can be offered to the kitten in a warm form.

The 3-month kitten allowed in the diet is fish. But
by no means freshwater, which can be a source
helminth infections. Kittens дают только филе морской рыбы без

To replenish vitamins fluffy pets need weed.
It may be a young nettle, scalded with boiling water and crushed,
wheat germ, barley, oats. Weed can be bought in
pet store or grow independently on the windowsill.

Special mineral supplements and vitamin complexes (in
tablets, capsules) – the main source of many trace elements and
of vitamins. If a kitten eats only natural food, their
Be sure to add to porridge, hen in meat, fish mince. TO
This group of useful products include brewer’s yeast. This
The product is added to the food kittens little by little.

What is 3 months to feed a kitten

First of all, you need to say that giving kittens food with
your table is not worth it. Even if it is products allowed to
pet use. Dishes for people are prepared with the addition of salt.
and spices that for the body of the caudate
are needed.

In addition, there are a number of foods that are prohibited in the diet.
little kittens. We list the main ones:

1. Fatty meat (pork, lamb) and meat with bones
(especially hollow).

2. Whole milk. In the cat’s stomach, this product is not
digested. If you can not do without milk, it is recommended
instead of cow, give goat milk to a kitten. It is much more useful.
and not so fat.

3. TOисломолочные продукты с высоким % жирности.

4. Protein chicken eggs. The product contains the substance Ativin.
biotin blocking action that is crucial for
развивающегося организма kitty Egg white can be mixed in
pet food as a medicine for diarrhea.

5. Raw freshwater fish. Increases the risk of intestinal infection
parasites, leading to urolithiasis.

6. Spices, seasonings, sugar.

7. Any sausages and canned food for people.

8. TOартофель. TOорнеплод ни в каком виде не усваивается ЖTOТ
kitten, so this product is never introduced into the diet

9. TOукуруза (зёрна, крупа, мука), бобовые (фасоль, соя, горох).
Cause bloating, fermentation in the intestines.

10. Soft and hard cheeses with high fat content.

11. Baking, pasta, flour.

12. Any sweets, pastries. Especially harmful
kittens chocolate. It contains theobromine – poisonous for cats
substance. Chocolate can cause the strongest, even lethal
outcome, poisoning.

If the kitten has problems with digestion, from the diet
exclude products that impair his health. So with diarrhea
Do not give your baby fermented milk products. With constipation from the menu
remove any solid food, rice.

What to feed the kitten 3 months: ready food

У готовых кормов для cats есть 2 весомых преимущества
relatively natural food. They do not need to cook, plus, no
the need to additionally enter into the diet vitamin complexes,
mineral supplements. The lack of dry food and canned cat food –
flavors, flavorings and preservatives used in
production of such products.

If the choice, what to feed the kitten for 3 months, still fell on the finished
feed, you need to carefully analyze the composition
product. With any doubt that such food can harm
pet’s worth considering the suggestions of others
cat food manufacturers.

Having decided on the choice of feed, it is necessary to examine a number of rules for
составлению рациона и режима power supply:

– canned food (press) is never mixed with dry food;

– feed the kitten preferably with prepared feed only one

– change to another food is highly undesirable;

– canned food in a liquid sauce (jelly) kittens give 4-5 times in volume,
set for a single meal;

– You can not leave wet food in a bowl for the whole day.

Buy for kittens need special feed with the addition of
vitamins, trace elements, minerals. It is advisable to stop the choice
on products marked “professional” from reputable
with the best manufacturers. These feeds are expensive,
but the health of the universal pet cannot be saved.

What to feed the kitten for 3 months: the mode and rules of feeding

First you need to decide on natural products
consist of a pet’s ration or of ready-made feeds. Further,
when a baby grows up, it’s not possible to move from one type of food to another

Such changes can have serious consequences for
здоровья pet Combine feeding with natural food and purchased
feeds also cannot be in order to avoid digestive problems, risk
развития заболеваний ЖTOТ, гипервитаминоза.

TOормить 3-месячных котят нужно 5—6 раз в день. Overall volume
food eaten per day should be 180-240 grams. Daytime
A serving of meat – at least 40 grams.

Butвые продукты необходимо вводить в меню постепенно, чтобы
Kitten’s organism managed to adapt to them. Dishes are desirable
alternate, cooking them from different cereals, vegetables, meats and

Small kittens lack the feeling of fullness. Therefore food
Crumbs need to be served in small portions every – 3 hours.

TOошкам нельзя есть ледяную или горячую пищу. All food for kittens
should be warm. TOонсистенция блюд, особенно в начале прикорма —
soft, mushy, without solids.

Most importantly, the kitten needs to provide permanent free
access to water. Drink is poured into a separate clean (warm) bowl,
changing 2 times a day so that the water does not stagnate.

Finally, another important rule. Since from 3 months in
ration kitten present meat and fish products, always
there is a risk of infection with helminths, infections. therefore
small pet should be regularly shown to the vet, on time
vaccinate and deworming.

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