What to do with the things of the deceased relative,photos, jewels? When can I occupy a roomdead man?

What to do with the things of the deceased relative, photos, jewels? When can I occupy a room dead man?

Everyone in his time to be faced with
the death of loved ones. Unfortunately, the knowledge that all people
are mortal, and death is a natural, inevitable process, not
reduces the sorrow of loss. In any case, we are trying to decently
to lead the deceased on his last journey and give him those honors
which he deserved.

After the funeral, the question often arises: what to do with things

Some get rid of most things at lightning speed.
deceased since they cause painful
reminders of who will not return.

Others do not want to part with any item that stores
a piece of a departed loved one.

But surely few people are familiar with the rules of storage,
use and disposal of the things of the departed.

We will talk about them today.


What does religion say?

Any item that a person constantly uses, keeps in
imagine a piece of his soul. Therefore, many religions prescribe
get rid of almost everything that the deceased enjoyed.

Like, if you do not, he will not be able to go to another
world. However, you can get rid without regrets, for example, from
well-worn, inexpensive and immaculate things. But how to part with that
what is dear to the soul, what is valuable or can bring practical

What does Christianity say about this? Christianity
prescribes to deal with the things of the departed at its discretion.
The main thing is that they are useful to others. Part of them
can be left on the memory, part – to distribute or carry to church.
Orthodox Christians prefer most of their personal belongings.
handing out the deceased.

Some believe that in the 40-day period from the date of death
you can not dispose of that belonged to the deceased.

It is believed that all this time the soul is in unstable,
rebellious state. On the 40th day, the soul is decided – worthy
She is paradise or she will forever suffer in hell. This is why some
believe that all this time it is better not to touch the things of the deceased at all.
We need to wait for the moment when the last strings break,
connecting it with the sublunary world.

According to another view, handing out the things of the deceased is better.
just in the process of 40 days.

It is believed that in this way all earthly affairs will be completed.
deceased, and his soul will find peace in the next world. Besides,
handing out to the needy the things of the deceased asking to pray for him,
relatives provide his soul a more enviable future in
the afterlife.

The only thing that priests do not advise,
so is throwing things out.

But if you absolutely need to get rid of things, then the best
burn her. To do this, it is not necessary to go into the forest and arrange there.
ritual bonfire: you can just take things to the garbage – because they
then burn it like that.

However, if things from the deceased got
testament, it is more rational to wait 40 days and only then
to dispose of.

It is also impossible to share the property of the deceased during this time –
out of respect for him. The first time after the death of a relative or
a loved one should pray hard for his soul and not
to do the carving of the remaining material goods.

From the point of view of esoteric

As you can see, the Christian religion cannot clearly answer
question: what about the things of the deceased? Moreover –
priests are constantly urging not to give in to superstition
regarding the things of the departed and not ascribe to them any
supernatural properties.

The followers of the mystical teachings do not agree with them: they believe
that every thing saves the energy of its master, and the thing of that
died, becomes forever stained by the energy of death –
scary, cold, addictive.

This is especially true of the clothes of the deceased – it can be
truly dangerous for its new owner.

Bioenergy believes that she could capture all the negative,
what a person experienced just before death or even
a few months before her.

A person wearing such clothes may suddenly become aggressive,
depressed, painful and unlucky. However, all this applies
only to the clothes that the deceased most often wore. But if everyone
I really want to wear something from the things of the one who went into the world
they must be cleaned before use.

The most popular way to clear things from negative
Energy – wash it in saline.

First you need to soak the thing for a while in the cold
water with salt, and then wash, dry and iron.
For some, this is not enough, and they, after all these manipulations
additionally sprinkle the thing with holy water. Other things are altered
into something else – it helps too. However, there are those who
thinks that nothing can clear things of the “dead”
energy, and wear them in any case impossible. In some
In cases of this categoricalness is quite appropriate.

If a person died from a serious illness, then all that he
used (for example, clothes, bed linen and even dishes), and
really better burn it.

Jewelry, of course, you will not throw it away – they can be simply
melted into something else. Everything else that you think
left traces of the illness of a deceased relative, but that is impossible
Throw away (eg furniture), you must thoroughly clean it with water with
salt and then sprinkle with holy water.

This is especially true of children’s things. If the parents of the deceased
baby do not want to part with what reminds them of their
child, then these things can be left, but hide away and no one
do not transmit. However, both psychologists and esotericians are advised to leave
a few things to remember about the baby, and get rid of the rest.

If for some reason you took the thing of the deceased
child, pray and burn the gift.

In other cases, use the things of the deceased, in terms of
esoteric, though not recommended, but still possible.

А вот с обувью дела обстоят иначе: ее ни при
What conditions are not recommended for the relatives and friends of the deceased?
It is believed that all negative energy in the human body
accumulates down at the feet, so shoes are great
battery negative. Negative this can be easily transmitted
relatives of the deceased. But for strangers, these things will not do
nothing wrong: give them wholeheartedly to those whom they
will need. By the way, an interesting belief about this is
the Jews: they, too, have decided to distribute most of the things of the deceased.
The exception is shoes. With all the decorations too
not so easy.
It is believed that if the deceased was mild and
a sympathetic person, relatives can safely wear it
decorations – they will bring them only good. Но если владелец
драгоценности обладал не самым приятным характером
– был
aggressive, grumpy and envious – then these traits can move
to the new owner. Such jewelry can be attributed to jewelry
workshop and melted into something else – the fire will burn the whole

Wristwatches, by the way, also accumulate in themselves
energy of its owner and keep it for a long time.

Besides, если украшение принадлежало родственнику, который
died in youth, was divorced or suffered from a serious illness,
it can not be worn in any case. Otherwise, the new owner of the product
will repeat the difficult and tragic fate of its previous owner.

If you got such a jewel with a “bad” fate,
take it to the workshop and melt it into something else, and
if you can’t do it, just put it in a secluded place,
from time to time to get and admire it, but never
for what not to wear.

You can hear different about the cross
opinions. Some say that you can not wear it. Others, on the contrary,
We are sure that the next-to-last cross will bring them only

Churchmen wearing a cross cross gone to the next world
a relative does not see anything wrong if his
sanctify. But if you still fear negative
consequences then just take it to the temple as a donation
or to decorate any icon.

Телефоны, планшеты и компьютеры – все это
high-tech things, so often people don’t know where
look for the answer to the question of how to be with them after their death
the owner. There is no single opinion here.

Like other things, the phone and tablet can be cleaned and
enjoy it. But appliances and other utensils may
enjoy without any concerns.

What to do with the room of the deceased?

The room of the deceased must be put in order and not earlier.
the ninth day after the sad event.

Everything unnecessary, old, spoiled is thrown away, and
the rest is cleaned with a saline solution.

Personal belongings of the deceased are removed away, and remain in sight
memorable items. After all the manipulations can sprinkle the place.
holy water. Books, records, documents and awards advise
hide in the far corner.
Letters and personal diaries can be
leave or burn.

Eсли человек перед смертью сильно болел и мучился, то
his room is being renovated.

Esoteric, psychics and adherents of many religions argue that
the bed on which the person died, with all the bedding
accessories, it is better to throw it away.

Is it possible to leave visible photographs

Adherents of esoteric teachings will tell you that in visible places
pictures of relatives who have passed away are forbidden to be kept – they say
carry the “dead” energy.

Paradoxical though it may sound, but even often to look at
These photos are not recommended by psychics. But the answer
The clergy will be the same as in previous cases:
photos of the dead can be stored where you want.

In fact, in the old days there was a tradition to hang
on the walls are portraits of members of their kind. And no one even in the head
it came that these images somehow harm those living in the house.

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