Health и эстетическая красота зубов — очень важны для
Their appearance often characterizes the state of internal
human organs, but sometimes this happens when teeth
They look great, but they start to wander.
What to do at such a moment?
Teeth, what are they important for a person? What to do if staggering
The teeth are laid even during fetal development.
Already at this moment it is important that everything enter the body of the child.
The required amount of vitamins and trace elements. They are responsible for
construction of the bone and muscle structure of the child’s body. If a
weak bones, teeth that are flimsy
root system, it is likely that they will not last long
and begin to stagger. Perhaps even for no apparent reason.
The teeth are an important element in the processing of food,
which enters the human body for its further assimilation.
Food is very important for people, without it they can not survive. If a пища плохо
chewed – suffers intestines and stomach. Therefore, it is worth monitoring
chewing by carefulness and thus ensuring that the teeth do not
staggering and not spoiled.
Many young ladies complain that they have accumulated in the body
extra pounds, but at the same time they do not think about the fact that
chewing food is pretty bad, which leads to its full
undigested. Such food is immediately deposited as extra
kilograms on problem areas figures of girls.
Chewing stimulates better digestion and strengthens
gums Do not forget that it is from the health of the gums in many ways
depends on the health of the teeth themselves. If a дёсны воспалены, кровоточат,
it’s not worth talking about healthy teeth. It creates discomfort when
chewing and may cause increased tooth sensitivity.
If a развивается пародонтоз, то вполне могут начать шататься и
teeth, they can even fall out without help.
Dentists argue that most patients carefully and
judiciously relate to the health of their teeth only
when they have to be removed. The thing is that
Many countries do not have a regular check-up culture.
a dentist. Every six months such an inspection is necessary.
and eliminate dental problems. Otherwise you have to eliminate yourself.
Sometimes a person does not even suspect that he has huge problems.
with teeth until they start to wander. What to do if staggering
tooth? Yourself is best not to do anything until
establish the causes of this situation. It is worth contacting the dentist
to establish the cause and its elimination.
What to do if staggering зуб — советы стоматолога
Often the teeth begin to move because of diseases of the mouth
cavities. Some patients handle this problem.
against the development of stomatitis. This is a viral or fungal infection.
mucous membrane of the mouth, which can touch even the roots of the tooth. AT
As a result, the root system deteriorates and the tooth begins
to stagger.
AT таких случаях стоматологи приписывают антибактериальное
treatment and apply various methods to save the tooth. AT некоторых
In cases, a pin is implanted into it, which keeps it from reeling.
and complete fallout. Using a pin is possible almost
fully restore the structure of the tooth.
It happens that a tooth overcomes deep caries and as a result
this is starting to rot his roots. ATозникает флюс. Pus begins
accumulate in the cavity of the tooth and thereby displace it, the patient
it may seem that the tooth is loose. Often this is a false feeling. WITH
this problem should immediately contact the dentist, because
how to solve it yourself is pretty hard.
An experienced specialist will quickly eliminate the center of suppuration and
can even save a tooth when it comes to flux. Nothing complicated for
There is no qualified dentist in this matter. ATозможен также
variant of periodontal disease. This is a rather insidious disease.
which can be caused by dozens of factors, microorganisms and
Often, parodontosis occurs on the background of avitaminosis, prolonged
depressed. Gums become thinner, start to bleed, they no longer
hold the tooth in his cavity and he begins to stagger. AT этой
The situation of the treatment process and its prognosis are very favorable. AT
In this case, the dentist may order the use of special
periodontal toothpastes and oral rinses.
These specialized tools will quickly remove the cause of the problem and
it will also quickly stop tooth reel. But what to do to
prevent the development of such an insidious disease? WITHледить за
teeth and gums. If a только несколько капель крови виднеются на
a toothbrush while brushing your teeth is a signal to action.
There are cases when young people as a result of development
periodontal disease have lost almost all their teeth.
What to do if staggering tooth? Methods of traditional medicine
Many nations have teeth – this is the connection with their come from If a начинает
staggering a tooth is a disease or death. ATеря в эти приметы
Our ancestors invented a lot of folk remedies to save the tooth.
WITHтоит отметить одни из самых действенных:
• Regular use of calcium supplements can strengthen
teeth, roots of teeth and gums;
• Rinsing the mouth with a weak chamomile decoction, man
provides their health and shine;
• It is good to use a disinfecting weak decoction of oak bark;
• Well proven sea salt, which stands
rub into the gums of loose tooth;
• If a десна сильно кровит — стоит применить примочки с соком
The national first aid kit is rich in various recipes that are designed to
исцелить person What to do if staggering tooth? Not worth it
to panic. WITHтоит выявить причину сложившейся ситуации и
eliminate it. It is also worth remembering the benefits of preventive
measures that can allow you to save yourself from so unpleasant
situations when teeth are loose.