What scratches the right eye – national signs.Find out what causes the right eye itches and what events areforeshadows.

Сб, 19 сен 2015 Авthatр: Ольга Шестакова В
each culture has its own signs and superstitions. About existence
We will learn from an early age. We are taught not to cross the road
a man with an empty bucket, look in the mirror if you had to
return home, do not eat with a knife, otherwise we will quarrel with someone. Everything
we perform these actions automatically without even thinking about
reasons. To believe, or not to believe in omens, everyone decides for himself
yourself But often, even avid skeptics expect a quarrel if they wake up
salt. Superstitions very read entered our daily lives.

Omens are rooted in ancient times. In those times
people almost had no scientific knowledge and they devoted a lot
attention to everyday details, weather and various phenomena. People
associated certain signs with subsequent events. So and
various signs and superstitions were born. Those times are far away
behind. But even centuries later, people continue to believe in omens and
legends And no science is yet able to limit the influence of faith in
signs of a person’s life.

In Russia, many will refer directly to the physical
human sensations. Ear burns, itching to hand or eye, stalking
hiccups – for any occasion there is a suitable sign. Often
signs associated with the days of the week, and depending on this
interpreted. Today we will find out what events the left can itch to
eye. What to expect, what to fear and what to avoid.


What does the right eye scratch on Monday

If on Monday your right eye suddenly started itching
good sign. A sign indicates a speedy reconciliation with a close
the person you recently had a fight with. This is a sign of peace
understanding and restoring relationships. Also, the eye can
to itch to the quick changes in your life, purely changes
positive nature. Any business you start this day
will turn out good luck. Expect the good news and all sorts of joy
little things. A sign does not promise much profit, but it promises joy and
reconciliation. In order not to scare away such a good omen, try not to
anger the fate of this day. Be kind, tolerant and with no one

What does the right eye scratch on Tuesday

Alas, the right eye does not always itch for good events. If he
itching on Tuesday, maybe you will cry. But not by
some serious reason. Omen warns you about the possible
conflict or quarrel. Perhaps you will have a sad mood.
Try to postpone important issues for a day or two.
Старайся избегать конфликтных ситуаций и не накручивай yourself Then
omen will not be a bad omen, but a smart sign that
always warns you.

What does the right eye scratch on Wednesday

This sign says about a quick long trip. But
exceptionally pleasant trip. You can expect
unplanned business trip or vacation. May invite you
someone from friends or acquaintances. If the eye itched on Wednesday, and
the same day you will receive a trip offer, do not refuse
her If you believe it will, it can be fateful for your
of life. Sometimes the right eye can itch to the arrival of an old friend.
or a distant relative – a person you haven’t been waiting for

What does the right eye scratch on Thursday

A sign says that if your right eye combed on Thursday, you
you will laugh long and hard. It is not known what will cause
such a good mood. Perhaps this is a walk with friends,
a trip to the circus, or an appropriately told joke. Event that
happen, make you laugh and infect with positive for the whole
day. Do not ignore such a good omen.

What does the right eye scratch on Friday

But if the right eye itched on Friday – it promises an ambulance
find Soon you will find the thing you lost.
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been looking for her. But эта находка thatчно будет
enjoyable. If you lost money, they can return to you in
эthatт day. But каким способом — неизвестно. Try to be
attentive during the day and not lose your luck.

What does the right eye scratch on Saturday

Most sabbaths will promise amorous and romantic
Adventure. And this omen is no exception. If you are
scheduled a date for this day, feel free to go – it
promises to be successful. Perhaps it will be a family dinner with a loved one –
only you, he, favorite movie and pizza with a thick cheese crust.
Any of your plans for love and relationships will be successful and

What does the right eye scratch on Sunday

If you believe the people’s will, it promises a quick marriage or
the beginning of a serious relationship. Who knows, maybe today you
meet your man. The very love that was waiting for. it
a very good omen, she will surely bring you happiness.

Everythingгда верь thatлько в хорошие приметы. Then они будут оберегать
you like guardian angels. From confident, happy and
loved one trouble run by party. And if they happen,
that always carried easier. After all, success will follow them.
Most will, concerning the right eye, promise happiness and
well-being. Почему бы не поверить, чthat именно сегодня с thatбой
will a good event happen? Чthat именно сегодня счастливый и
прекрасный day. When we radiate a positive, good omens are always
go near us.

Why does the right eye itch – 7 medical reasons

But зуд в глазу далеко не всегда является каким-либо
omen. В большинстве случаев у эthatго явления есть
scientific explanations. Наши глаза испытывают просthat колоссальную
load – a computer at work, a laptop at home, a smartphone, games on
tablet, reading or embroidery in low light, TV,
нехватка витаминов, недосыпание, посthatянные стрессы — все эthat может
подорвать здоровье наших eye. The eyes do not withstand such a regime
and the quality of vision gradually decreases. Поэthatму, такой симпthatм, как
periodic itching in the eyes is best not to ignore. Let’s watch,
what causes can cause itchy eyes:

• Самая распространенная причина — эthat аллергия. Itching can
вызвать пыль, шерсть, быthatвая химия, цветы. Have a beautiful half
человечества имеется еще один весомый факthatр — косметика для eye.
For a slight itch you are unlikely to consider allergies. And it can cause
чthat угодно — новая тушь, консилер, крем для век, карандаш,
eyeliner, eye shadow, glue for false eyelashes. Часthat подобную реакцию
can cause and food. If besides the itch appeared
покраснение, часthatе чиханье, или насморк — нет никаких сомнений в
thatм, чthat эthat аллергическая реакция. В эthatм случае нужно как можно
rather, identify the allergen and take an antihistamine.

• Dry eye syndrome – a disease of people who spend a lot of time
at computer. Also found in older people. With
данном синдроме слезные железы не вырабатывают достаthatчного
quantities of fluid, causing the eye to dry up. Person
begins to experience discomfort. Глаза часthat чешутся, иногда
redness is possible. Для эthatго случая предусмотрены специальные
eye drops. Try not to overload the eyes, at least sometimes
give them a break. An oculist will help you to pick up special drops.
с эффекthatм увлажнения.

• Contamination of the eye. Withчиной неприятных ощущений в глазу может
become a regular speck of dust, mote, a grain of sand or a piece of wool. If a
симпthatм беспокоит долгое время, лучше обратиться to the doctor. If a
загрязнение незначительное, можно самосthatятельно очистить eye.
Обычные глазные капли с легкостью справятся с эthatй задачей.

• Glasses or lenses. If a вы неправильно подобрали контактные линзы
or goggles in the eyes can periodically experience discomfort
in the form of an itch. This problem is easily solved by replacing glasses or lenses.
new, properly selected means for vision correction.

• Инфекционные болезни eye. Often первым симпthatмом
Infectious eye disease is exactly itching. Withчиной зуда может
become blepharitis, conjunctivitis or demodicosis. You can become infected through
the usual touch to the eye or the use of other people’s glasses.
Основным симпthatмом всех этих заболеваний является именно зуд.
Поэthatму, если глаза стали чесаться гораздо чаще обычного,
be sure to visit an ophthalmologist. He will help you choose the right
глазные капли, и через несколько дней неприятный симпthatм уйдет.

• Lack of vitamins and lack of sleep. На первый взгляд достаthatчно
It is difficult to associate lack of sleep with itching in the eyes. But для глаз очень
it is important to have a balanced diet and good rest. Itching can
намекнуть тебе, чthat пора отдохнуть и немного изменить свое меню,
enriching it with essential vitamins.

• Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system.
Our body is a very complex mechanism. Failure in one part may
откликнуться симпthatмами в абсолютно противоположной сthatроне. Itching
может быть одним из первых симпthatмов нарушений в работе печени и
diabetes mellitus. If a глаза чешутся посthatянно, обязательно сходи
to the doctor.

In most situations, itchy eyes should not cause concern,
but sometimes he can testify to various violations and
the onset of disease. If a зуд мучает тебя продолжительное время, не
postpone the visit to the doctor, writing off all the signs.

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