What kills a woman in sexuality?

Tue, May 20, 2014

Every man has his own idea of ​​sexuality.
The male part of the population often distinguishes women by the principle of “like
or not ”, not paying attention to trifles. Actually the criterion
female sexuality can decline for many reasons. Woman
must take them into account to always remain attractive to

A survey of female audience conducted by researchers allowed
reveal the main “killers” of female sexuality.

Unpleasant smell

This criterion takes the leading place. Voted for him
64% of the surveyed audience. Men are on a par with women extremely
sensitive to fragrances. Unpleasant smell полностью убивает в даме
sexy notes. Young people do not value the value and quantity
used perfume, and above all the fragrance of purity emanating from
the fair sex.

Slips in appearance

More than 30% of readers voted for this criterion. Here
applies overweight ladies, unwashed clothes, too catchy
makeup, unkempt hair. Such moments do not leave room for
male imagination games.

Pants-afnagi, ugg boots, ultra-mini top clothing list
�”Antisex”. Over 20% of respondents voted against them.

Misses in behavior

Too loud laugh, the habit of making comments to other people
lack of confidence, low self-esteem, causticity, jealous
character reduce the sexuality of women in the eyes of representatives
strong sex.

Good looking lady and her inviting character
indicates that she wants to please, which means
tuned to relationships. Most men like feminine
partner, so they will repel the manifestation of the ladies male
behavior and her desire to “beat” a man.

Her habits

Woman лишается очарования из-за некоторых «бесполезных»
habits: smoking, stories about former partners and comparison with them,
propensity to complain and habit to command.

More than 26% of the surveyed respondents consider a lady with a cigarette
non-sexual. Men admit that this habit kills in
partner femininity. Therefore, a lady should choose another
option to show off your graceful wrists and beautiful

Any man is annoyed by constant criticism. Such behavior
along with other factors deprives a woman of sexuality.

There are also reasons why the woman stops feeling herself.
yourself sexy. Among them:

  • domestic problems that erase women’s mysteriousness and
  • conflicts with a partner;
  • boring relationship script.

Text: Svetlana Ahi

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