What is the toilet dream: home or public?The basic interpretation of different dream books – what dreams the toilet

Сб, 10 мар 2018 Автор: Инна

Dreams can be both cognitive and enjoyable, and
alarming. The main thing is to fully understand their meaning. For what
is the toilet dreaming? How to interpret such a dream?


For what снится туалет — основное толкование

If you dream you see a toilet, then your thoughts are not so
clean as you want to show others. In order to
to fully interpret the dream – you better remember all of it even
the smallest details:

– Where is the toilet in your dream;

– Who visited you with him;

– Was he clean?

– What emotions have caused you to sleep.

If in a dream you are experiencing some disgust – in reality you will
also unhappy with everything that will happen in your life. You
do not want to give consent to some important matter. Don’t want
negotiate something important to you too.

A dream in which you have to go to the public toilet – says
that your life will be made public. You will be
study long and hard, many will talk about you, many will
try to catch you in some problems and some flaws. Dream interpretation
advises you to actively and unceasingly engage yourself and not
pay attention to other people. If you follow the advice, you
save your nerves and you can safely do personal
by life.

A dream in which you actively talk with someone on important topics
and do it from the toilet – says that you do not notice how
people are biased towards you. People are skeptical and
Do not believe in your capabilities. A dream in which you see someone
talking to you from the toilet – says that you can not
listen to your loved one and it will cause a break

This will be a very painful event for you. Therefore, the dream book
advises you to listen to the opinions of others, advises you more
actively respond to their requests and their desires. Then you can
receive in return from them recognition and understanding of your personal
needs and concerns.

A dream in which you see someone моет туалет — говорит о
that you will not charge yourself with a responsible matter, you do not
you will start to charge a large amount of work, you will shift it
on the shoulders of another person. But is it right? You might be better
solve all your questions and all your problems yourself.

A dream in which you see someone заставляет вас мыть туалет
– says that you will have to make someone’s volume
work, it will not particularly please you. If you see in a dream that
the toilet is dirty and you have to wash it for a long time – then you have to
perform a huge amount of work in order to get the desired

If you have recently thought about how it would be good
if you got a promotion – now it becomes
possible, but the way to get what you want is not too honest.
You may have to go on a trick, or with someone.
договориться, чтоwould получить желаемый result.

A dream in which you have to wash a clean toilet says
that you tend to exaggerate problems and disasters. Probably,
you are accustomed to perceive much in your life through negative
thoughts and deeds. You многое в жизни привыкли воспринимать близко к
heart Dream interpretation советует вам пересмотреть своё отношение к
reality and not do stupid, double work.

Just try to pay more attention to your needs and
do not inflate them, do not turn them into a cult. Deal with that
what exactly do you want from life. Sleep in which you see how
someone for a long time can not enter the toilet – talking about
suspiciousness of your colleagues.

Maybe you are too active at work, maybe you
manifest strong-willed qualities of character and people do not understand how to
them to respond. If you do not find a common language at work
Who, perhaps, the problem lies in you? And no one else
guilty of the difficulties that gives you life? If you all
thought it over and realized that this is the case – it’s time you take action
in order to facilitate your life and become more intimate with
by their colleagues.

Dream interpretation не рекомендует полностью подчиняться общественному
opinion, but you have to reckon with it. The dream in which you see
a lot of strangers who go around the territory and are looking for
toilet – says that you get into a company where no one
knows exactly what he wants. You можете попасть в такую компанию,
where everyone thinks of the other badly and tries to catch the other
some negative things.

If this really happens, it will be very difficult.
defend their point of view and it will be very difficult to acquire in this
company friends. You будете действительно одни в поиске решения
their problems. If in a dream you are looking for a toilet in a big house
can’t find it, go from room to room that seem
you are chic, but you cannot find a toilet – you will wander among
friends and acquaintances, but you cannot find anyone who would
interested in you.

If you find a toilet among the many rooms, and
turns out to be the same chic, expensive and well-groomed – you can
change your life and make it dear, smart and one that
many will be jealous.

If in a dream you see someone close the toilet door, and you
you can’t get into it, the door shuts – such a dream means
that the opportunity that you truly do not
wouldла нужна. You, скорее всего, просто обманулись в ожиданиях и
now you have to face it. You слишком долго шли к
цели чтоwould отступать, но она не стоит потраченного времени и

A dream in which you spend a long time in the toilet and you
start knocking on the door – says that you spend a lot
time to make a decision that is not worth your attention.
Try not to get upset, do not panic. All his

For what снится туалет по соннику Фрейда

Freud’s dream book says that the toilet is a dream
needs for changes in personal life. Perhaps you are very strong
want new relationships and do not know how to afford them.
Perhaps you really want the attention of a person who is busy with others.
relationships and suffer from it.

Perhaps you want new, clean feelings if you are trying in a dream
wash the toilet from dirt. You пытаетесь смыть с себя весь негатив,
wash off the insult and frustration. If in a dream you see people
выстраиваются в очередь в туалет — вы не привыкли ждать result.
You привыкли форсировать соwouldтия, привыкли получать от жизни больше,
what you deserve.

For what снится туалет по Эзотерическому соннику

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that the toilet is a dream, as a symbol
accumulated negative life, which is urgently needed
get rid of. Such a dream can also mean that you want
free yourself from duties and affairs assigned to you.

If in a dream you wash the toilet in a strange house – you will become a witness
не совсем приятных соwouldтий, возможно, вас втянут в ссору, или же вы
learn someone’s secret. It will not give you peace of mind, and you all
You will worry more because you have learned too much.

Sleep in which you see how туалет захлопывается — говорит о
that you have a real opportunity to get rid of problems and
troubles of the past. Everything negative that once happened to you –
should remain in the past.

For what снится туалет по другим сонникам

In the dream book Grishina it is said that the woman dreams about the toilet as a symbol
her hidden fears that do not allow her to live fully. In the dream book
it is also said that a dirty and very unclean toilet can
testify to the wrong thoughts and actions of a woman in reality.
Perhaps she does not allow herself much, or vice versa, too much
allows himself, but does not admit to himself that.

For what снится туалет по соннику Эзопа? It says it
a dream that characterizes a person’s secret thoughts. His secret
desires and secret states that he carefully hides from

So, if in a dream you see a very dirty toilet – you yourself
filled with negative thoughts and experiences. If the toilet is in a dream
decorated in bright colors – you lack active recreation and
active communication.

A dream in which a man sees a woman washing a toilet – says
that he will humiliate his soul mate will be very
much to forbid her and very much to demand from her. Sleep in which
a man helps a woman to wash the toilet – talks about his devotion and
desire to keep relationships. It is worth appreciating and not pushing away

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