What is the president dreaming about: meeting with the president,acquaintance? Basic interpretations, what the president’s orforeign country

Вс, 26 мар 2017 Автор: Инна

In a dream, you may experience the most unpredictable events and
personality. Perhaps your relatives will dream, or
известные personality. What is the president dreaming of? Worth to understand.


What dreams of the president – the main interpretation

Having seen the president in a dream, a person might think that he and
awaiting such a significant meeting in reality, but in reality such
dream means only the possibility of new acquaintances and new

It is important to remember all the events that occurred in the dream, because
which is very important to interpret a dream from beginning to end. So important

• Did you talk with the president;

• In which room did your meeting take place;

• What was the topic of the conversation, and what actions were taken
the president;

• What emotions caused you to sleep.

If you dream that you met the president in his office –
you may soon be invited to a rather important conversation, the topic
whom you yourself will become. This may be a discussion of your
the current financial situation, and the decision of other urgent

If you dream that you are a guest of the president of another country
– such a dream may mean that you will soon have to visit her.
If you dream that you yourself have become president – this may
mean that soon you will be seriously discussed. You are against your
will become a public person and unwillingly trust
the truth of public life.

If you do not like this outcome of the case – you should now
make every effort so that information about your professional and personal
life has not become public. Dream Interpretation warns about
that it is not necessary to interpret all the events of sleep literally, rather
all, in reality they will manifest themselves from the opposite side.

If you dream that the president has come to visit you – you
we should expect the visit of a two-faced person who, instead of good and
good news will bring you home trouble and gossip. If
You have already scheduled a meeting – it is better to postpone it and no longer
return to the discussion of this topic. If the president wants a dream
stay with you overnight – it’s time you become more
hospitable and arrange a celebration, a party in his house.

If the president sent you an invitation to visit his apartment
– in reality you will receive an invitation to visit a rather exotic
a place. The invitation will come from someone close to you.
people, maybe even subordinates.

If you dream that you walked around the city all night and suddenly
met the President on your way – such a dream does not mean that you
become a witness of some happy event, on the contrary, such
dream foreshadows obstacles to your cherished goal. Probably,
the barriers to these will be human greed and

If you dream of a presidential tuple, it is important to remember where you are.
could meet him:

• A motorcade driving past your house – you miss the real
a chance to earn big money;

• The motorcade, waiting for you near the house – the opportunity to establish
relationship with loved ones, but after a while;

• A motorcade waiting for you near work – the maximum
efforts to make new heights in professional

• The motorcade, which passed by – troubles will pass by
you, but do not hope, you yourself can be the culprit
difficult situation in the future.

If you dream of sleeping in your bed president, such a dream
does not foreshadow treason and disappointment, rather you will become too
spread about your personal life and thereby cause
genuine interest in it from the ill-wishers.

If you dream that you are present at the funeral of the president
– such a dream foretells you a calm and measured future, rather
all, all your troubles and problems will be left behind and you will be left
just enjoy every new day. If in your dream the president
gives an interview – do not hope that colleagues will share with
your professional experience. In your work you will be the only
specialist and help you wait for nowhere.

If you dream that the president opens a solemn
event – your celebration plans will end in failure. Rather
In total, you will not plan your expenses, and you will not be able to calculate correctly.
the time of the celebration. Because of this, your guests will stay

If in your dream the president отдыхает в кругу семьи — вам и
It’s time for yourself to take care of your loved ones.
Remember how long ago you didn’t sit in your own tight circle
household members. If the president is having fun in your dream and even
drinking alcohol, it is worth considering whether you have the same

Perhaps you did not notice for yourself any addictions?
It’s time to pay attention to them and if they have a place to be –
abandon them for the benefit of yourself and your health. If it’s hard for you
make your own decision – you can count on
help and support of close people.

What is the dream of the president of the esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that the dream in which you had a dream
the president is most likely talking about your political awareness
and your excitement about the fate of the country. If you woke up with pretty
unpleasant sensations – such a dream says that, most likely, you
It will take some time to rely on large spending.

The whole thing may be that in your state now
there are really crisis phenomena, unforeseen events,
and you, because of your character, cannot but worry about them.
But, if you woke up in a wonderful mood – such a dream
says that you will soon be able to count on support
an influential friend or acquaintance.

If you see in a dream an unknown person in the role
President – you will see quite interesting information.
If you see yourself as a president in a dream, you should cool down
and a little temper their ambitions, otherwise you face a total

What is the dream of Freud’s dream president?

What is the President dreaming of – for new beginnings and the development of new ones?
relationship. Dream interpretation treats such a dream as fatigue from all that
what has already happened in your life and how and the desire to change your
privacy dramatically.

If a man dreams that in the role of president in his dream
a woman is speaking – such a dream means that he will become the slave and
will lose its credibility in the relationship. If this situation is not his
satisfied – he needs to take care now that he would
lover in everything could have relied on him and always took him
point of view.

If a man dreams that he himself becomes president, do not
Is he too despotic and cruel to his chosen one?
Perhaps he was used to dictate to her the rules of the game and the rules
behavior? Even if there are good reasons for this – it’s time
stop behaving that way.

If a girl has a female president’s dream – such a dream can
to mean that she is afraid of treachery and betrayal. This
fear only destroys the already fragile relationship, does not give them
develop. It’s time to rethink your values ​​and tackle
self-development, otherwise the partner will get tired of constantly making excuses and
to be at fault.

What is the president dreaming about in other dream books?

In the astromeridian dream book, it is said that communicating in a dream with
President – to unexpected and rather joyful events. If
you see yourself in a dream subordinate to the president – such a dream says,
that you may fall under the influence of a fairly significant

• If вам приснится, что вы попали на званый ужин и сидите
at the same table with the president – it’s time for you to take a break from business
righteous, and take care of yourself;

• If the president smiles in your dream – you will be jealous

• If вы во сне слушаете выступление президента — любимый
man will betray you.

It is said in Tsvetkov’s dream book that a meeting in a dream with the president is not
foreshadows any joyful events. Probably, вас будет
expect a series of disappointments and losses. You already have a premonition
its offensive, but can not accept the fact that the period
joy and good ended.

Do not be disappointed in yourself and in life, if you dreamed
sleep with a negative context. Such an event should push
you to a thorough study of your mistakes and mistakes. You should
remember who you might inadvertently offend and immediately apologize
in front of this person.

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