What is the dream tiger? Basic interpretations of differentdream books – why dream striped predator

Ср, 16 май 2018 Автор: Инна

In a dream you can see a variety of scenes.
You can witness pleasant events and very disturbing
accidents. But it is important how you perceive what you see.
Are you worried or do you like what you
have seen.

What is the dream tiger? Worth to understand.


What is the dream tiger – the basic interpretation

The tiger is a strong mammal that causes many
mixed feelings, both admiration and fear. But what does
a dream in which you see a tiger? Interpretation may be the most
varied. To make it fully and correctly –
It is important to consider all the details of sleep:

• Where did the tiger appear in your dream;

• Was he friendly?

• Has the animal attacked you?

• What was his coat coloring;

• What did you experience when you saw a tiger;

• Who else have you had a dream about?

If in a dream you see a tiger that sneaks up to you from afar –
get ready for the problems that are about to overtake you, which are not
will give you peace to exist and happily do their work. Also
you may be faced with the injustice of others, with their desire
learn everything after such a dream.

If you dream of a tiger that peacefully slumbers, most likely
your enemies will wait, leave you temporarily alone. Also
such a dream foreshadows the termination of some kind of confrontation, which
could drag on. You could sort things out with someone, about someone
something to argue. And now the time has come when you can complete
conflict and end the dispute in their favor.

A dream in which you see someone suddenly open the door
a tiger bursts into your home and it promises a quarrel with an influential
a person who will simply be furious with your behavior. By how
You have solved your questions and problems. You may have thought about
to deceive someone, to do something for your own good, but for another
harm. Dream Interpretation warns you against such actions. Try hard
act extremely honest and modest.

Also такой сон может предвещать вам проблемы в общении с
close friends. Some anxiety will enter your life and
uncertainty. You will be more and more afraid to do as
you want More and more you will follow the laws of society. if you
after such a dream you want to find out something with your relatives
Serious – protect yourself from such thoughts. Try hard ничего
do not allow this in your life.

A dream in which you see how people run away from a tiger – promises you
obstacles and problems with a particular situation. Maybe,
you yourself will try to get away from something, get away from something. it
there may be some important decision, as well as an important trifle,
detail, which you are so lacking in reality.

if you приснится, что вы убегаете от тигра — постарайтесь
in reality to take all the obligations on themselves and not to refuse to anyone
help. You will try to hide from commitments, hide from
life events. You will feel like you have too much
piled on, but it is not. In fact, you will just walk away from

if you приснится, что тигр трётся о ваши ноги — постарайтесь
not to succumb to other people’s provocations. Maybe, кто-то захочет
ingratiate you and show you that you can fully
confide in one person. But do not be so gullible
and good-natured. The man who wants to show himself now
friend, in fact, can be the enemy and harm you. Try hard
struggling to minimize his harm, do not let the enemy
intrigues, do not allow someone to control you and
your life.

If a tiger in a dream eats a big piece of meat – you will get a big one
kush You will not count on the fact that you are so lucky.
You can suddenly become the owner of a great gift of life.
But along with it, troubles may come to your life. Sleep in
where you see a tiger go to a watering place – says that
you yourself do not have enough resources. You need support and

You really do not have friendly communication. You need a man
who would have supported you in everything and would not let you limp.
Try to focus on everything new and new in the near future.
wonderful. Try to open up to new acquaintances and new ones.
meetings Do not be alarmed if everything in your life starts rapidly

if you приснится, что тигр рычит на вас — не бойтесь. Rather
All in all, the enemies will decide to blacken your name, but they will not succeed. You
you will be above preconceptions, you will be at your best everywhere and in everything. You
may even inspire such behavior of ill-wishers.

if you приснится сон, в котором тигр ночью нападает на деревню
and killing people – in reality you visit an unfavorable place.
Maybe, вам по работе придётся посетить такое место. Dream interpretation
advises not to get upset about it. In fact, everything is in your
life is good. The main thing is not to give in to temptation and not
harm close people. You могут искусить роскошь и
permissiveness. Do not give in.

if you приснился тигр, который talking to you –
listen to his words. it могут быть мудрые советы, которых
should adhere to in the future and avoid possible mistakes.
Also такой сон может быть полезен тем, кто давно пытался
understand the situation and could not do it.
Now you will receive the necessary and correct hint from life.

What does the tiger dream about in Freud’s dream book?

Freud’s dream book says that a tiger dreams when a man
needs the protection of a strong and wise man. Maybe,
a woman is exactly this image of a man painted in her imagination and
now he came to her.

If in a dream a lonely girl sees a tiger – she will soon
will be able to meet a rather powerful man who
will be able to solve many of her questions. He will look after her nicely
but rely on a long love affair with him is not worth it. Rather
all, it will be a temporary hobby that is very fast
will end. it может быть даже просто влечение, которое ни к чему
specific will not lead. But in memory of the girl will remain for a long time.

if you приснится, что тигр лижет лапы — вы познакомитесь с
a person who will be very gallant with you. He will be so
courteous and gentle that you might think that he is caring for
you. In fact. A man will just be well brought up and
will give you enough time. Try to accept this
attention with gratitude and not abuse them.

If a girl dreamed that a tiger attacked her and tore her –
gossipers will not let her rest. They will constantly carry
negative information about the girl. Do not give her the opportunity to live
calmly If a pregnant woman dreams that the tiger is sitting at her
feet – she will be safe. No one can offend her.

If she dreams that the tiger roars and rushes at her – it’s time
take care of your health. Soon someone from close people
she will be dissatisfied with her and will put too much pressure on her. Important to avoid
excessive pressure and nervousness.

What dreams tiger on the esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that the tiger is very wise and
strong animal. If it appears in a dream, then a person
нуждается в поддержке и help. If in a dream you see a tiger killed
– your enemies will be defeated. You have nothing to fear.

Why dream of a white tiger? Such a dream may indicate that you
negative attitude to the person who is nothing bad to do
can not and does not want. Review your attitude towards enemies.
Maybe, не все они против вас.

What dreams tiger on other dream books

В соннике Гришиной сказано, что тигр
personifies a warlike and self-confident person. He is such
how do you want to be yourself. If in a dream you turn into a tiger –
in reality you will be able to defeat your vices and grow stronger in your

You станете обладателем новых возможностей и связей, если тигр во
dream bowed his head before you. If the animal purrs and tries to
you rub – be prepared for not quite fair game of competitors.
They can bypass you at times in important business.

В соннике Эзопа сказано, что тигр снится тогда,
when you are almost ready for new beginnings, but you need
поддержке и help. You may still have a long way to the cherished
goals But, if you have already begun your march, you cannot be stopped. If a
are you afraid of a tiger and can’t go to an animal, even
if it is in a cage, such a dream promises you many problems and
disagreements with colleagues precisely because of your indecision, desire
stay in the shade.

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