What is the dream of the angel: come down from heaven orstanding behind his back. Basic interpretations – what to expect if you dreamedangel

Пн, 12 сен 2016 Автор: Инна

Dreams are not a man every night, but when they come –
necessarily carry with you important information.

It should be attentive to her. К примеру, к чему снится angel?
This dream has many interpretations, it is worth understanding them.


К чему снится angel — основное толкование

In ancient times, people worshiped many gods. Each
cultures and civilizations had their deities, but many of them also
присутствовал культ angelов. It is a worship of them, a sign
thanks for their good deeds.

In Europe, it is still believed that on the right shoulder of a person
восседает angel, который нашёптывает ему именно добрые дела, мысли
and deeds. On the left shoulder sits a demon – he leads a man
the hard way built on lies and crimes. Therefore, so
важно вспомнить все детали сновидения, в котором вас посетил angel
– they can find answers to many questions. The main one is
How to improve your life and current situation?

In the classic dream book it is said that:

• Angel in a dream promises new emotions and joyful events;

• It promises changes of precisely positive nature;

• It is possible to receive long-awaited news, inheritance.

Стоит особое внимание уделить тому, как появляется angel в вашем

• Descends from heaven – in fact you will descend

• Is directly in front of you – you will open your eyes to
the situation;

• Appears behind your back – you should expect support from friends and

Worth attentively прислушиваться ко всем словам и советам angelа
– in them he will tell the person about the further course of events and that
how to change it for the better. The dialogue may not take place, but in
Anyway, the pictures of the future will open up before you.

If a angel появляется в дождливую и плохую погоду — после долгих
wandering and testing awaits you a lull and the beginning of a new life. Be
Careful, do not miss the opportunity to make new friends and
useful links. If a angel явился молодой девушке, которая давно
dreamed of a firstborn – her dream will come true soon, at the same time – baby
will be welcome and welcome.

If a angel вам приснится в виде вышитого полотна и при этом —
you will only be visited by the feeling of joy – they will open before you
new opportunities and perspectives. It is worth listening carefully
your conversations with people around you in a dream. They will open
a lot of truth.

К чему снится angel по соннику Гришиной

К чему снится angel? In the dream book Grishina said

• To the blessing from above, to the discovery of new horizons;

• If a у angelа в руках карающий огненный меч — пора задуматься
about your spirituality, it’s time to pay tribute to God and thank all the gifts,
which life presents to you;

• If a у angelа в руках чаша — вас ждут испытания, но они
strengthen your spirit;

• If a у angelа в руках горящее сердце — стоит остерегаться
tests in love, you can not overcome them;

• If a angel вас будит, приносит вам ветвь — вас придётся
recognize their imperfections, will have to recognize their other

• If a angel вас целует во сне – вас ждёт смена рода
activities, but it will be nice for you, will bring a positive;

• If a angelы водят хороводы в вашем сне — вас ждёт
genuine, undefiled joy, love of neighbor;

• If a angel склонился над вами во сне — вас спасут в беде,
lend a helping hand;

• Слушать речи angelа — всё правда в них, стоит запомнить его
words and follow directions;

• If a вы боретесь с angelом во сне — вы будете бороться со злом
in yourself and win the victory;

• If a angel умывает вас, пытается вымыть вам глаза — стоит быть
attentive to the world. Open his eyes on him.

К чему снится angel по соннику Миллера

К чему снится angel? Miller’s dream book states what
a dream can prophesy confusion and discontent with the future. You
ailments and fears will begin to bother, but they will be empty. You
many positive and negative events can occur
changes in life.

If sleep has positive colors, positive mood,
then the changes in your life will be positive, nothing bad
really will not happen. You can get an inheritance, or
other positive news from relatives. Worth attentively
присмотреться к поступкам angelа и к его поведению — возможно, он
will be upset, then you will be visited by sadness and disappointment.

If you have done something good and good recently
get thanks for it from above. The angel in the dream blesses you
on further positive matters. But if you recently committed
something terrible – one should expect reckoning, it will be long and,
possibly painful.

К чему снится angel по другим сонникам

В эзотерическом соннике сказано, что это знак
over. A badge of higher powers that bless you. If a у angelа
in a dream, the color of the wings abruptly changes from white to black,
it means that terrible events, huge problems will begin in your life,
as a result of them you lose your social status

If a в виде angelа вам является кто-то из усопших родственников
– it means they patronize you and bless you with new good ones
affairs If a angelом приснится маленький ребёнок — вскоре вас ждёт
replenishment in the family, if you have children – they will be healthy and
will please parents every day.

If a angel устал и склонился на одно крыло — вы тоже устанете от
daily routine, but for his labors will be thanked. After sleep
об angelе не стоит вступать в конфликты и не стоит делать
необдуманных поступков — вас могут жестоко наказать за них over.
It is better to act according to conscience and according to common sense.

В соннике Тафлиси сказано что angel, явившийся
in a dream – it promises you victory over enemies, your work will be justified,
Evil tongues will leave you alone. If a во сне angel имеет вид
heartbroken, you should know that you are in trouble.
Do not give up their life positions and do not back down from the intended

If a angel трубит в трубу — вас стоит избегать конфликтов, так
as you are clearly tuned to them. It is worth being attentive with your
desires. They should not harm other people’s lives. Also worth
remember that the more you give to others, the more you get
yourself. It is the immutable law of energy exchange that will save you from
failures in business. Do not do good, you should not wait for good.

If a же к вам явился angel смерти — стоит вступить с ним в
standoff If in a dream you overcome it, then in reality you will be
all difficulties and obstacles are subject to. If you give up and
just give up – you should not expect changes in life, rather
it will be stagnant. Your enemies will overcome you and everything
because you gave up. It is necessary to show the will power to the end.

If a angel смерти парит в небесах над вами — то у вас возникнут
difficulties in the professional field. In order for this
avoid – it is necessary to apply preventive measures. Need to carefully
perform their duties, do not miss the little things.

В соннике Ванги сказано, что angel может
appear in a dream as a sign of good news and positive change. If a
angel во сне витает над головой у вашего родного человека —
perhaps he will die soon. His soul is already awaited in heaven. If a angel
appears behind your loved one’s person – in reality he will help him,
support in a difficult moment, and you have to come to the rescue, it means
someone from the family she needed.

If a вы сами являетесь angelом во сне — вы неправильно
distributes profit in reality. You have not shared wealth and not
they were giving alms. It’s time to pay special attention to this. If a вы
пьёте воду из рук у angelа — стоит быть внимательным к своему
health, it may fail. At the slightest indisposition worth
call a doctor. Все слова, все предупреждения angelа стоит
take it seriously. If a вы что-то из них забыли — вспомните
feelings that you accompanied when communicating with him. Perhaps in
your memory will pop up pictures from the past.

В любом случае, сон об angelе сулит благословление over. Highly
well if such a dream is a dream before an important event, or
event means everything goes smoothly and very joyfully. If a
angel во сне явился к кому-то из молодожёнов — их союз благословлён
on childbearing. And if young people are just going to play
wedding – they will live smartly, in love and joy. Practically
all sorrows and troubles will bypass them. In any case, it is worth being
grateful to any gifts of fate, because she gives
happiness is not all.

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