What is the dream of a tattoo: is it a bad dream?Basic interpretations – why dream of a tattoo

ATт, 01 ноя 2016 Автор: Инна

The world of dreams is diverse and unpredictable. In the dream may
appear a variety of pictures. Dreams can foreshadow how
so favorable adverse events. The main thing is right
interpret the meaning of sleep. Why dream of a tattoo? Worth
sort out.


What dreams of a tattoo – the basic interpretation

Tattoos dream to a long road to the likelihood to leave your
home – so dream interpreters the appearance of tattoos in a dream. If a
the tattoo appeared to you in a dream on other people – you, most likely,
very jealous of your favorite people. If a же вы сами во сне делаете
tattoo – most likely your character and your moods will be pushed away from
of your loved one, your friends.

Also if you see old and almost erased from time
tattoo on yourself – you are subject to the desire to evaluate the present
based on past experience. If a вы видите множество ужасных
tattoos on other people – you rate people by their words, not
by deeds. In particular, it is dangerous to do in communication with his
loved one, because you can hurt him so much

If a же вы делаете кому-то татуировку и у вас не получается, вы
you get upset and you still don’t get out – you are also in vain
You will try to do what you love. You will try in vain
like someone in reality. And from this you will pester tears and

It is also important to interpret the dream about the tattoo, based on
what part of the body is it located:

• If a во сне татуировка появляется у вас на руке — вы хозяин
own life;

• If a татуировка появляется на руке у другого человека — кто-то
bypass you in business;

• If a татуировка появляется на спине — стоит повернуться к
people face, especially to native people;

• If a вы видите татуировку на спине другого человека — он
will cover you in difficult times from adversity;

• If a вам кто-то делает татуировку на спине во сне — вам стоит
look at this person – he can become a friend for long

• Tattooing on the leg means nothing more than obstacles and
problems in moving towards the goal.

Worth рассмотреть символ, или символы, из которых состоит
tattoo – it is from them that your future consists. You should
determine exactly what prevents you from building it full?
Perhaps this echoes of the past?

If a татуировку вы увидите у себя на животе — не стоит
to risk. Perhaps you started to play rather dangerous games –
worth stopping the game. After all, life is a reality and not a game.
If a же вы видите татуировку на животе у другого человека — он вам
can be dangerous and colossal.

The tattoo on the shoulder indicates that the relationship between
partners are far from full-fledged and not equal. To partner
you can rely on, but do not depend on it, as it will
use this addiction against you. His kindness will come soon
the end and he will become a tyrant.

If a же татуировка у вас на груди — обязательно задумайтесь над
those who own your heart. But, and if it is on your face –
you don’t want to accept yourself as you are. You want something
change in life, but do not make rash actions. They
may be fraught with reputation and relationships.

If a же вы видите татуировку у кого-то на лице — такой человек
will be two-faced, and you will not immediately understand. Tattoo on chest
means you need to control your heartfelt suffering
they only take away your strength and do not give you the opportunity to develop.
If a вы видите у себя на шее татуировку — вам кажется, что вы
you are dependent on circumstances, and you are very
are suffering. Also such a dream may portend a conflict with
hard for you consequences. Such a dream can directly indicate
to your mistakes in relationships with colleagues and relatives.
Worth прислушаться к подсказкам.

What dreams of a tattoo on Freud’s dream book

Why dream of a tattoo? Freud’s dream book says she
dreaming as a symbol of the fact that the person is completely immersed in the routine
household affairs. And this is no accident. Workload compensates
man lack of love and affection. So he does not feel
alone and at the same time absolutely not engaged in his personal
by life.

This situation can not only lead to the suppression
sexual attraction but also to the dysfunction of sexual
systems in general. What should be done? It is important to remember that in any
case, always and everywhere worth adhering to the golden mean. Not
deny yourself the pleasures of life, but also glut it
gifts – also not worth it. It’s about moderation in intimate.

If a во сне вы видите татуировки на незнакомом вам человеке — вы
sexually attract someone you know. But you do not give
man and a chance to be part of your life. You can
stop the moral rules and principles, but they will not bring you
happiness, personal freedom. Worth задать себе вопрос — хотите ли вы
be happy or do you want do the right thing

If a вам приснится, как кто-то делает вам лично татуировку — вам
you should look at your life and see if you really
do you enjoy the life you live? Maybe you
not enough basic care and affection from a partner? Then
you should discuss with him all the nuances of your relationship, perhaps this
allow you to find a common language with each other and avoid

What dreams of a tattoo on the Miller dream book

Miller’s dream book says that if you’ve been looking at
your body tattoo – you will long be decided on the first step in
quite important to you. If a же вы видите всё своё тело
covered in tattoos – you will have to leave your home.
Tattoos on another person – a passionate desire to possess them. But
Is this the right thing to do? Do you have the right to do this?

Also if you are asked to get a tattoo in a dream, but you
hesitate and can not answer in the affirmative
neither refuse nor accept – you will also doubt all
their actions. For those who are engaged in business – such a dream will be
talk about the fluctuations in the choice of business partners. Worth
choose stability – so the dream book suggests.

What dreams of tattoo on other dream books

In the esoteric dream book, it is said that the tattoo on another’s body
means you are unhappy with your appearance. You might even
unhappy with the external data that nature has bestowed upon you.
If a татуировка наносится во сне при вас — вы должны себя изменить
in order to start enjoying life again. Worth присмотреться к
the picture that is depicted on the tattoo – most likely you are in it
find an extra hint how to build your life

In the spring dream book, it is said that tattoos are dreaming of rash
deeds that lead to unintended consequences. AT
in the autumn dream book, it is said that if you see a person in a dream,
which is simply no place for living tattoos – you are destined to get
in such a difficult situation from which the exit you can not
to find. If a вам снится татуировка скрытого криминального подтекста
– someone has compromising against you. You should пересмотреть своё
environment, so that no one could harm you.

AT летнем соннике сказано, что если вы увидите довольно
extraordinary tattoo on the body of another person – you happen to
meet a rather famous person. If a вы видите у себя
on the body of a tattoo – you should be prepared for litigation. If a вы
you put out a tattoo in your dream – such a dream tells you
that the courts and the problems that you have created for yourself are waiting for you.

If a у вашего любимого человека на теле появилась татуировка в
as a girl – you should look at him, perhaps he is awake
got me a mistress. If a беременной девушке приснится, что ей
make a tattoo on his stomach – it is worth being neat, someone is actively
discusses her pregnancy and thus harms the health of the baby. If a
girl before the wedding dream about how her man makes her
tattoo – she made the right choice in life and her partner
worthy of it completely.

Whatever you appear in a dream – it is worth remembering that this is only a dream
and do not need so much attention to the fact that interpret
dreaming is literally. Sometimes improvisation is needed, sometimes it is worth
discard stereotypes and face it. It is in such
moments before the man opens the truth that helps
move him through life.

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