What is the chase dream about?Miller, Nostradamus, Freud and others. Interpretation of dreams about chasingits different variants

Пн, 26 сен 2016 Автор: Виталий Шеломидо

A dream in which the chase dreams is very common,
and people who see such a dream often want to find out that he
Can mean.

Today we will try to determine what the chase is about and what
can a man promise such a dream.


What if a dream chase?

Such a dream is people quite often, and it can be conditionally
divided into two types: chasing you, or are you trying to
to catch up. The first option means that in real life you will
forced to do most things “on the go”, which, of course, neither
what good will not.

If you yourself are pursuing someone in a dream – this means that
Regardless of your timidity and uncertainty, you will succeed
in the reality. In any case, you still can’t stop
reassessment of their life views and opportunities, charge
self confidence.

In a dream like this, any object found on the way is
символ некой идеи, которая не выходит у вас из головы in the reality.
In general, a dream in which you are chasing someone is a sign
challenging but successful work.

However, interpretations of such a dream can be many, depending on
plot and emotional component of the dream. Analyze
most common dreams.

1. If you watch in a dream as one person chases after another
– this is a sign that in reality you are trying
correct the situation, have an impact on what is happening. Completely
perhaps your chosen method is not entirely effective, and
it would be worth choosing another way to solve the resulting

2. If you are trying to hide from a large number of strangers
you people – it means that there is fear inside you
responsibility, which is most likely related to your work. You
it is worth a good work on yourself, otherwise you
You can never succeed and be recognized in society.

3. If a woman or girl saw in a dream how she was being pursued
own husband or young man is a dream warning
that some kind of understatement exists between you.
This situation is very dangerous, because if you do not nip it in the bud,
the consequences can be most dire for a marriage. You стоит сесть
and talk to your soulmate on cleanliness and find out everything
accumulated claims to each other.

4. If you are trying to escape from the chase unknown to you
human is a sign of internal conflict with you, you can not
determine your desires, feelings and conscience. Perhaps,
it’s time to finally understand yourself and find out what you are
really want, and not torment yourself in doubt.

5. If you see chasing an animal in a dream, it means
that in real life you are trying to get away from life problems, and
stubbornly not willing to notice them. This is a very wrong position.
since very soon you will be waist high in the pile of unresolved
problems that will morally push you from all sides.
Try to overcome yourself and not be afraid of difficulties, how would you
it did not want to.

6. Trying to hide from a car that chased you or another
the vehicle is a sign of your stealth and closure
in itself, trying to escape from contact with society. Try not to
shut up inside yourself, meet people, and very soon you
understand that communication is great!

7. If you are in a dream trying to escape from prosecution
representatives of the authorities (police) – this means that in real
life you have some secrets that no one can
tell from what and suffer.

8. If you see yourself in a dream, catching up with another person – this is
a sign that in reality you are setting yourself unattainable
goals that you are unlikely to ever achieve.

9. If you run away in a dream, but persecution is not to be seen.
– expect situations in reality when you have to perform some
work literally on the run.

What dreams of chasing the dream of Miller

American psychologist Gustav Miller treats sleep with
chase in their own way:

• If you are trying to escape from prosecution – this means
that very soon someone close to you will begin serious
health problems, so be alert right now;

• If you manage to escape from the people who were chasing you – this
a sign that in real life you will soon be overwhelmed with problems,
which you can easily overcome;

• If you are struggling to catch up with a person in a dream – this
means that in order to improve your well-being, you will be ready
on any steps that result from joy and satisfaction from
achieved goals will not bring you;

• If you failed to catch up with a person, it promises you sadness
and irritability.

What dreams of chasing the Nostradamus dream book

• If you participate in a chase in a dream, it means that
real life you are driven by some obsession that
however, you will not be able to do it;

• If you are trying to overtake in a dream a person close to you –
it means that you are trying to complete some kind of thing that does not give
you rest However, you will not be able to do this quickly, because
what you will worry much about;

• If you watch someone of your detractors
trying to overtake a stranger to you is a sign of your
inner fear. It is necessary to understand their phobias and try
get rid of them if possible.

What is the chase dream of Freud’s dream book?

The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud has an opinion
regarding a similar dream. He believes that sleep with the chase
may mean that the dreamer has a definite purpose, which he
by all means trying to achieve. But the problem is that
This goal is unattainable, and the person torments himself in vain.
hopes. Such a dream usually comes to people who are
for a long time can not achieve their goal and very
worried about this. Such a dream comes to a man at the moment
when he feels desperate and completely devastated.

Also, such a dream, according to Freud, can mean
the threat hanging over a man. And it can be like
spontaneous and deliberate. Freight’s dream interpretation tries
warn the dreamer that he was in this period as much as possible
cautious and did not lose vigilance.

Interpretation of the tarot dream book

• Watching in a dream as adults chase the baby – a sign
opportunities that you missed. If adults are trying
overtake a teenager – this means that you are awaited in advance
on service. New post will not bring you moral
satisfaction, but the profit from it promises to be good;

• See how the police are trying to keep up with the killer holding
in the hands of edged weapons – a sign of your aggression to another
man Dream Interpretation recommends not to chop from the shoulder, and try
find out its cause and learn how to control your emotions;

• See a strange dream in which housewives chase
homeless – a sign that in real life you put
maximum effort to change the situation. However you
this is unlikely to succeed, and circumstances will be much stronger

• If you see in a dream, near your house, the police are chasing
a group of criminals – this means that in reality you have to do
some work in a big hurry. This situation will arise according to
the reason for some situation related to one of those close to you

• If you are trying to overtake your friend in a dream – this
it means that in reality he is in danger;

• If you see the police chasing your parents – this is
a sign of deterioration in your relationships with other people due to
your arrogance. Try to treat others more loyally.
and do not exalt yourself above other people.

What dreams of chasing the dream book sorceress Medea

• If other people or animals are chasing you in a dream
a sign that there is internal conflict within you. You
you can never curb your own emotions, aggression or anger towards
другому man Try to control yourself and more.
work on yourself;

• If you are pursuing someone yourself – this is a favorable sign,
promising you a difficult job that will end up for you

• If you are trying to hide from someone, this is
A sign that you are avoiding problems and trying not to notice them.
Such a position is unacceptable, because no one can solve your problems.
will try to overcome this defect.

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