Octolipen – This is a drug for the normalization of metabolism. Latin name Octolipen. Therapy is carried out with degenerative changes in the nerves. fibers. This condition causes alcoholic neuropathy, insulin resistant diabetes mellitus. Natural base drug (acid) does not have a toxic effect on the kidneys, liver and other organs. Octolipen реально совмещать с другими drugs. Convenient packaging allows doctors to develop different forms of patient therapy.
Release form and composition of the drug
Annotation of the drug contains the name in Latin. Acid has 3 pharmacological forms: tablets, capsules, concentrate. Активное вещество Octolipenа: thioctonic acid. Capsules and tablets of yellow color, cover from medical gelatin, weight – 300 and 600 mg. Ampoules have the composition of acid, water for injection. Volume – 10 ml. The excipients of the drug: starch, hydrogen phosphate calcium, magnesium stearate, medical gelatin do not have therapeutic effect.
Acid в ампулах обладает светочувствительностью. For preservation of the effectiveness of the drug, use glass vials dark color for dropper or UV protection from foil.
pharmachologic effect
Прием таблеток Octolipenа оказывает комплексное воздействие на an organism. By nature, the agent is an endogenous antioxidant. Octolipen имеет характер метаболического средства. The foundation: thioctonic acid. Действие Octolipenа аналогично с витаминами Group B. Substance entering the body:
Conducts decarboxylation;
Activates carbohydrate and fat metabolism (used for weight loss). Dosage restores glycogen levels and insulin;
Normalizes innervation. The nervous system and its structural neuron element adjust the transmission of pulses. Cramp, numbness limbs, impaired coordination of movements disappear after therapy acid;
Conducts detoxification. Acid будет способствовать выведению heavy metal salts;
Restores the structure of the liver in hepatitis and fat rebirth The manufacturer of the drug guarantees recovery the activity of hepatocytes, the function of the body is getting better;
Increases the absorption of drugs (iron and magnesium preparations). Magnesium used to combat convulsions. Доза Octolipenа, попадая в blood, increases the activity of the trace element;
Increases skin elasticity, eliminates wrinkles.
For чего назначают: показания к применению
Назначение препарата Octolipen проводят при:
Liver pathologies (fatty degeneration, cirrhosis, hepatitis of different species);
Polyneuropathy of a different nature (ICD code 10 G 62);
Innervation disorders in osteochondrosis and other age degenerative changes in the locomotor cartilage tissue system, nervous system (multiple sclerosis);
Poisoning with a toadstool, heavy metals and their salts (detox therapy).
Процедуры с Octolipenом повышают эластичность дермы, provide a reduction in edema, stop age degenerative changes. Sessions have a restriction: age up to 18 years old.
Instructions for use and dosage of medication
Depending on the pharmacological form differs use of means, duration of treatment, daily dose. Deviations from the dosage, duration of therapy, independent prescription of the drug causes side effects. Before therapy recommended to visit the doctor, the order of execution of his instructions. How much time to apply? The doctor sets the period of admission to зависимости от диагноза, показателей результата биохимического blood test. Octolipen не имеет видов детский и взрослый. therefore не используется для терапии людей младше 18 years old.
The drug is taken according to the scheme, as indicated by the instructions:
capsules: 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals, drink water, do not chew. Daily dose: 2 pieces;
tablets: 1 piece once a day. Duration of therapy establishes a doctor;
ampoules: once a day, 1-2 pieces are dissolved in 250 or 500 ml saline solution. Put the drip.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
Lack of clinical studies of the biochemical mechanism effects of the drug on the body of a pregnant woman, the system �”Mother-fetus”, intrauterine physical and mental development baby is not allowed to use ampoules widely, the solution for infusions. therefore беременность, лактация – противопоказания к терапии Octolipenом. A woman can decide for herself antioxidant therapy. But in this case, the manufacturer does not carry responsibility for the consequences.
Octolipen категорически противопоказан детям младше 18 лет, pregnant and lactating women. Individual intolerance thioctonic acid, medical gelatin, starch and other excipients are a contraindication to therapy. therefore перед лечением Октилипеном консультируются с врачом.
Side Effects < / h2>
Increased dosage, overdose, irregular course of therapy, non-compliance with the instructions lead to negative consequences. Skin reaction possible (allergic dermatitis, urticaria, hyperemia of the mucous membranes). При наличии опасных симптомов (рвота, тошнота, метеоризм) пациент прекращает прием Octolipenа, обращается к врачам. They pick up a safe analogue of the drug. P
Special instructions < / h2>
Simultaneous use of the drug and ethyl alcohol is not allowed. Ethanol reduces the effectiveness of the antioxidant. Injections, capsules, acid concentrate require frequent monitoring of blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes. If necessary, the therapeutic course of hypoglycemic drugs is adjusted. Otherwise, hypoglycemia develops.
Compatibility with alcohol < / h2>
Употреблять Octolipen и алкоголь противопоказано. The interaction of the drug and ethyl alcohol reduces the effectiveness of therapy, increases the likelihood of negative consequences. В это время антиоксидант не окажет therapeutic effect.
Price < / h2>
Сколько стоит Octolipen? The price of the acid depends on the pharmacological form, the pharmacy network and the distributor. Стоимость препарата Octolipen в России:
tablets from 650 rubles; < / li>
concentrate from 280 rubles; < / li>
ampoules from 330 rubles. < / li> < / ul>
Acid prices in Ukraine:
tablets from 690 hryvnia; < / li>
concentrate from 360 hryvnia; < / li>
ampoules from 330 hryvnia. < / li>
Чем заменить Octolipen: аналоги препарата
Фармакологическая промышленность выпускает много вариантов аналогов препарата, которые заменяют витамины группы В. Рассмотрим некоторые из заменителей Octolipen:
Thioctacid < / strong>. The drug is used for intravenous administration (struino or drip), oral (tablets). Concentration – 600 mg of alpha lipoic acid. Indications for use: diabetic polyneuropathy, high cholesterol, hepatitis. Accepted in the morning on an empty stomach. < / Li>
Тиолипон (полный аналог Octolipenа). Pharmacological group – metabolic drug. Available in the form of a solution for injection. Injected intravenously (struino or drip), intramuscularly. Injections: 600 mg 1 time per day. In case of diabetes mellitus and therapy with a remedy, sugar indices are more often corrected. Control: 4 times a day; < / li>
Espa-lipon < / strong>. The foundation: thioctonic acid. Препарат корректирует цирроз печени, восстанавливает проводимость нервных fibers. Lipolic acid accelerates fat metabolism, causes a decrease in sugar. Patients with diabetes require constant monitoring of the glucose level in the body. Accept acid: 1 dropper per day. The amount of the substance in the preparation is 600 mg. / Li>
Что лучше принимать: Octolipen или Берлитион
Группа препаратов Octolipen и Берлитион содержит один лекарственный компонент. Thioctonic acid normalizes the oxidative process. Means differ by additional components, pharmacological form, manufacturer. Therapy gives one result. Acid имеет высокие коммерческие накрутки, сертификаты международного качества.
Berlition – a solution of 300-600 mg for injections. Octolipen бывает в таблетках, ампулах, капсулах. Also this medicine is a cheap counterpart to Berlition. therefore получил широкое распространение.
Doctors Reviews < / h2>
Inna Gennadievna, a neuropathologist : Polyneuropathy is a dystrophy of peripheral nerve endings. The disease brings discomfort to patients, is rapidly progressing. Medicine is not fully determined the causes of the disease. Neurology uses various methods of treating pathology: medication, physiotherapy, etc. Положительный результат дает thioctonic acid. The course of treatment restores the functionality of the nerve fiber, improves the innervation. Я рекомендую Octolipen своим пациентам.
Mark Ivanovich, endocrinologist : The number of patients with diabetes has rapidly increased. The majority noted insulin resistance. In such patients, the hypoglycemic state is unstable, and trophic nerve tissue suffers. Octolipen стимулирует кровообращение, состояние нервной системы, налаживает иннервацию пораженного участка, кислота снимает боль. The dosage form allows you to create different treatment regimens for patients (possibility of intravenous administration, intramuscular injection, to be taken orally). Комплексная терапия с Octolipenом приносит быстрый результат.
Reviews < / h2>
Anna, 28 years old, Samara < / strong> : I went to the women’s forum and read positive reviews of a hepatoprotective drug. I decided to buy. Received as instructed. I noticed that I started to lose weight. Лекарство Octolipen помогает нормализовать жировой обмен, берет под контроль аппетит. I recommend the drug to everyone!
Julia, 31, Krasnodar < / strong> : The attending physician diagnosed polyneuropathy of a diabetic nature. Сказал, что помогают убрать симптомы, остановить изменение нервных волокон ампулы Octolipenа. I bought them at the pharmacy prescription. Took a couple of weeks, during this time noted a positive result – gone coordination problems, limbs no longer numb and cold. Now every movement is easy and simple. И все благодаря Octolipenу.
Nikolay, 35 years old, Moscow < / strong> : Recently, I notice the numbness of my legs, arms, pain when moving. Обследование у врачей показало нарушения работы нервных fibers. Выписали рецепт на средство Octolipen. The medicine was swallowed, without chewing, after eating. The first pack of acid was over and noticed that health had improved. Analyzes showed positive changes. Таблетки Octolipen буду пить повторно.