Cytolysis syndrome (cytolytic syndrome)

Cytolysis syndrome, cytolysis is a common liver disease. This name is generic and describes only necrotic. or dystrophic organ changes. The exact name is determined causes of damage: alcohol, immunity, parasites or other factors. Depending on the type of ailment, damaged structures organ regenerated or drug therapy stops the process of further destruction of the liver.


What it is?

Cytolysis is a process when a liver cell (hepatocyte) is susceptible negative effects of factors that destroy its protective shell. After that, the active cellular enzymes go outside and damage the structure of the liver, provoke necrosis and dystrophic organ changes. Due to various factors ailment arises in any period of life. For example, autoimmune in infancy, and fatty rebirth – after 50 years.


How does cytolysis occur: symptoms and signs

Depending on the stage of the disease, the degree of damage to structures cytolysis may not give symptoms for a long period. Particular or total destructive change is most often manifested yellowing of the skin and eyes. This triggers a surge. bilirubin in the blood. Therefore jaundice is an informative trait. metabolic disorders.

Digestive disturbance characteristic of cytolysis: increased gastric acid, belching, heaviness after eating, bitter taste in the mouth after eating or in the morning on an empty stomach. On late staged symptoms of an increase in organ pain in hypochondrium right side. For a complete picture of how affected the system of the liver / gallbladder, diagnose.

Biochemical studies < / h2>

When symptoms of liver ailment appear, specialists conduct a comprehensive study:

  • Determine indicators of bilirubin and iron in the blood, markers of cytolysis of hepatocytes: AsAT (asta), AlAt (alta), LDH. This is the main diagnostic method. Markers norm: 31 g / l for women and 41 g / l for men, LDH – up to 260 U / l. The increase signals a violation of protein metabolism, the beginning of necrotization of the structure of the liver. To determine the indicators, a complete blood count is performed; < / li>
  • Histological examination. A biopsy takes a piece of the liver. Diagnosis gets cellular material. Helminth content, necrotization and degree of hepatocyte damage are determined; < / li>
  • MRI and ultrasound. The liver and gallbladder are seen in different projections. Possible image detail. The diagnostic method shows the change in the size and structure of the body, the presence of tumors or worms. < / Li> < / ul>

    Causes of appearance and symptoms < / h2>

    Various factors are provoking liver damage. Most often, the function of the body and the strength of the shell of the hepatocyte is affected due to:

    1. Ethyl alcohol. Dangerous dose of 40-80 grams (depending on the person’s weight and metabolic rate); < / li>
    2. Inadequate therapy with independently prescribed pharmacological drugs, a combination of 2-3 drugs with hepatotoxic abilities; < / li>
    3. Infections of hepatitis viruses; < / li>
    4. Helminthiasis; < / li>
    5. Violations of cellular and humoral immunity. < / li> < / ol>

      Only the determination of the number of enzymes, viruses in the blood, histological examination of the structure of tissues and the etiological survey of the patient determine the cause of the disease.

      Chronic or acute illness has symptoms: jaundice, tenderness and enlargement of the liver, enlargement of the spleen, disturbance of the digestive processes.

      Alcohol Disease < / h3>

      Often the culprit of pathological cytolysis of hepatocytes is alcohol. With daily use, poor quality ethyl alcohol or surrogates an inadequate reaction occurs: the activity of the liver enzymes increases, the density of the hepatocyte membranes decreases. This starts the lysis of the body. 40-80 grams of pure ethyl alcohol has a toxic effect on the structure of tissues.

      Hepatic syndrome with alcohol abuse for a long time may not give symptoms. But over time, bitterness in the mouth and other digestive disorders signal the problem. Liver cytolysis syndrome is amenable to correction with drugs. Hepatocytes have high plasticity and ability to regenerate. Therefore, with complete abandonment of alcohol and compliance with therapy, the treatment quickly gives a positive result at any stages of the illness.

      Autoimmune hepatitis < / h3>

      Congenital features of the immune system sometimes provoke hepatic syndrome. The hepatocyte is destroyed by cellular and humoral immunity for unexplained reasons. Children often suffer from this form. A pronounced symptom of organ dysfunction can be observed in the first days after birth. Autoimmune cytolysis is rapidly developing. Only a liver transplant can save life and health.

      In this disease is characterized by the absence of lesions of the bile duct. The gallbladder is not enlarged, has no pathological changes.

      Drugs < / h3>

      Long and The uncontrolled intake of medications most often provokes the cytolysis of hepatocytes. Especially dangerous are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are taken uncontrollably and in violation of the recommendations of the instructions. Also a threat to cause antibiotics, antifungal drugs. In case of violation of therapy or self-attribution of the drug, the medicinal component provokes not a healing effect, but liver failure. The amount of pharmacological agent is also important for the liver. The instructions for any drug indicate the daily limit dose, the excess of which provokes the breakdown of organ cells.

      Women put themselves at risk of cytolysis by consuming hormonal contraceptives of any form. They provoke a violation of blood circulation in the liver and gall bladder. The blood becomes thicker, toxic substances are worse excreted, the size of the body increases. Various hormonal drugs have a toxic effect on the liver. It does not matter if it is used for therapeutic or contraceptive purposes.

      Especially attentive with medical treatment should be women during pregnancy. The placenta accumulates medication and gives it to the fetus. The result is congenital organ disease. To prevent this process in the liver, to soften the effect of the drug, pregnant women in the first trimester, if possible, refuse from pharmacological therapy. If this is unrealistic, then the doctor individually selects sparing means for the correction of health.

      Hepatotropic viruses < / h3>

      Hepatitis is transmitted by viruses of types A, B, C, D, E. Some enter the body if they violate the rules of personal hygiene (do not wash their hands and products before use), others – during unprotected sexual intercourse or non-sterile medical, cosmetological (tattoo, tattoo) procedures. If there are signs of cytolysis, then a puncture biopsy of the liver will accurately identify the virus.

      Antiviral therapy with modern pharmacological agents stops the development of the disease, stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissue structures. Clinical viral cytolysis of the initial stages is fed faster correction. In case of violation of the functional capabilities of the organ, it is worth immediately taking tests and starting treatment of cytolysis of the liver.

      Lipids < / h3>

      The body can cause illness by improper fat metabolism. This happens for several reasons. Obesity and non-insulin type diabetes mellitus provoke a violation of fat metabolism. Hepatocytes begin to be replaced by fat deposits. Glycerol and fatty acids, which are part of lipids, block the enzymes of the body, destroy the protective membrane of cells. Therefore, a healthy diet, weight control and the rejection of unhealthy foods, transgenic fats is the best prevention of fatty degeneration of the liver.

      The presence of parasites in the human body < / h3>

      Increased blood supply to the body, a high content of glycogen and glucose make the liver the most attractive organs for worms. Damage to the structure of the tissue and provoke violations can:

      • Amoebas. Helminths in the liver form clusters and abscesses. The phenomenon directly destroys the structure of the organ and provokes choleostasis in children and adults; < / li>
      • Adult individuals, echinococcus larvae overlap the ducts of the gallbladder and cause hepatic cytolysis. Such a condition and a late degree requires pharmacological therapy and surgery; < / li>
      • Microscopic lamblia parasites with toxic waste products provoke pathogenesis and the appearance of destruction of hepatocyte membranes. The reduction of local immunity creates a favorable environment for the penetration of viruses and bacteria into the liver. Therefore, helminthiasis often goes together with the inflammatory processes of the body; < / li>
      • Ascariasis provokes the destruction of liver cells, necrotization of the structure. The phenomenon is accompanied by choleostasis. Treatment of the body includes pharmacological agents and traditional medicine. < / Li> < / ul> |

        How to prevent the appearance of liver cytolysis? < / h2>

        Many factors of different nature provoke a pathological process in the liver cells. To cytological syndrome does not poison life, you should follow certain rules and norms:

        1. Organize a healthy diet. Sharp, fried, fatty foods destroy hepatocytes. With constant use of such dishes increases the likelihood of liver cytolysis. In order for the cell structure to remain unchanged, the organ qualitatively fulfilled its functions, it is worth to eat food with gentle thermal processing, introduce more greens and vegetables; < / li>
        2. The hepatocyte membrane requires high quality amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids for regeneration. Therefore, in the menu of healthy liver there are sea fish of fatty varieties, dairy products and olive oil; < / li>
        3. Mandatory detox therapy for the liver after a course of antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; < / li>
        4. Do not abuse alcohol. Ethyl alcohol and its components negatively affect the cell membrane of the liver, reduce the functionality of the organ. Therefore, you should not get involved in low-quality alcohol. There will be no harm to the liver from a glass of natural alcoholic drink, but daily drinking of beer violates the mechanisms of protection of the cells of the organ; < / li>
        5. Follow the rules of personal hygiene and monitor sterility when conducting medical and cosmetological procedures. Violation of the norms threatens the health of the body; < / li>
        6. The work of the liver does not suffer from parasites, if periodically carry out the prevention of helminth infections. Traditional medicine proposes to use pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, garlic tincture as a therapy. Unlike pharmacological preparations, they do not affect cell permeability, do not provoke damage and damage to the structure of the organ. < / li> < / ol>


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