Instructions for use Sinakten Depot

Synacthen Depot (Synacthen Depot) is antiallergic means of steroid nature. The drug is necessary for recovery ACTH synthesis and other secrets that the adrenal glands produce. Medicine Sinakten Depot – a set of 24 natural amino acids. The concentration of the drug is safe for the treatment of kidneys. Thanks naturalness Sinakten adrenal plasma plasma responds quickly to receive funds and restores its functions. Introduction only intramuscular, which requires constant medical supervision when Therapy Sinakten Depot.

Instructions for use Sinakten Depot


Composition and release form

The basis of the drug – Tetracosactide (Tetracosactide). Amino acid in substance is located so that it is embedded in hormones adrenal glands during their synthesis. Additional components Sinaktena: sodium, benzyl alcohol, purified water.

Packaging of the medicine contains ampoules for intramuscular injections. The drug is released in volume of 1 and 0.25 ml, which allows you to create any treatment regimen with Sinakten Depot.

pharmachologic effect

The active substance tetrakozaktid in the preparation provides anastomosis with adrenal cell membranes, activates receptors adrenocorticotropic hormone. Active ingredient Sinakten Depot activates corticotropin. The drug starts the mechanisms of synthesis adrenal hormones, maintains optimal balance enzymes (pregnenolone and protein kinase) in the cortical organ ball. Steroids control cholesterol in the blood, the degree of decomposition of substances after metabolism. This effect of the drug Sinakten Depot affects all organs and systems. Therefore, it is used to correct many states.

pharmachologic effect Sinakten налаживает не только синтез hormones by the adrenal glands, but also the mental process, recovery skin cover. Therefore, the drug is used to correct a number of ills.


Indications for use

The drug Sinakten Depot is indispensable for the correction:

  1. Pathology of the nervous system: West syndrome, epilepsy, classical myoclonic encephalopathy with hyperarrhythmia encephalopathy in the acute phase and the infantile variety, multiple sclerosis;
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, connective tissue: joint damage by psoriasis, enteritis, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, sarcoidosis;
  3. The states of cancer patients. Chemotherapy is an indicator of the use of Sinakten Depot;
  4. Dermatological ailments: eczema, complete cure of psoriasis, lupus, dermatitis of toxic origin;
  5. GI tract pathology: enteritis;
  6. Allergic inflammation of the eyes;
  7. Bronchial asthma and respiratory allergies.


The steroid drug Sinakten is contraindicated to be used when individual intolerance to the components. Hypersensitivity on tetrakozaktid provokes cardiovascular pathologies system and alimentary canal. From taking Sinakten Depot follows refuse, if there is heart failure, the propensity to psychosis (including child psychosis) and hysteria, infectious diseases, pregnancy and lactation.

Infection and Sinakten Depot are incompatible. Therefore, in the period exacerbations of infectious diseases from the drug refuse. Otherwise possible anaphylactic reaction.

Androgen contains benzyl alcohol. The tool is not used for correction of the condition of newborns. Otherwise возможно отравление components of the drug or delayed development.

Side effects

Side effects препарата возможны при бесконтрольном приеме, increase the daily dose. Instructions for use Sinakten Depot states that androgenital syndrome is possible, acute psychosis children, myocardial hypertrophy, edema, mental disorders. Increased dosage of Sinakten Depot disrupts secretion digestive enzymes and juices. Gastrointestinal canal reacts specifically: peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer intestine, ulcerative colitis, inflamed small intestine. It is also possible reduction of immunity, hyperemia. With overdose pronounced immunosuppressive effect of the drug Sinakten Depot, accumulation of water in the body, elevated sodium levels, increased fat in the blood, heart failure is likely.

The body of the child is sensitive to Sinakten depot. With overdose or duration of therapy, a decrease is observed appetite, weight gain (tissue accumulates water due to increased sodium content). The child is naughty, frequent psychosis. Sinakten depot affects growth. To avoid a delay, once a month visit the orthopedist.

Dosage and administration for children and adults < / h2>

Согласно инструкции по применению Sinakten назначают по схеме: бронхиальная астма обострение, онкологическое заболевание в период химиотерапии – 1 мл Sinakten каждые 12 часов intramuscularly. After removing the serious condition of the daily dose of 1 ml at 24 hours 3 days. Then 1 ampoule 1 ml 1 time in 7 days;

  • Adults < / strong> – 1 ml daily for 4 days, then 1 ml every 5 days. Long-term therapy prescribed by a doctor after the results of the examination; < / li>
  • School-age child < / strong> – for exacerbations of 1-0.25 ml daily intramuscularly. Дальше назначают по 1-0,25 мл Sinaktenа чрез 3 дня для поддержания состояния;
  • up to 6 years < / strong> – it is applied at 0.25-0.5 ml. When steroid synthesis is restored, the reflex process is normal, maintaining a dose of 0.25 ml 1 time in 3 days; < / li>
  • Babies < / strong> – prescribe a hormone of 0.25 ml daily. Если восстанавливается или усиливается функция надпочечников, рекомендуется применение Sinakten депо по 0,25 мл 1 раз в 5 дней.
  • < / ul>

    IMPORTANT! < / strong> To test the effectiveness of therapy, a test is performed 30 minutes after the drug is injected. The test with synacthen shows how the drug triggers the receptor and the mechanism of synthesis of substances by the adrenal glands. Если показатель поднимается на 500 нмоль/л, то лечение Sinaktenом результативное, а доза – оптимальная.

    synacthen.jpg < / h2>

    Special instructions < / h2>

    Терапия Sinaktenом требует особого контроля для таких заболеваний как сахарный диабет, повышение артериального или внутричерепного давления, артериальная гипертензия, остеопороз, проблемы со свертываемостью крови, повышенное тромбообразование, тромбоэмболия. Then reception is carried out with care, and the daily dose increases. With бесконтрольной терапии Sinaktenом развивается гипергликемия. Therefore, a patient with diabetes mellitus constantly monitors glucose indicators.

    Intramuscular injections in infants and young children, students require monitoring of growth, myocardial activity. Myasthenia, myopathy are warned with the help of a cardiogram and a visit to the doctor once every two weeks during therapy.

    With употреблении Sinaktenа необходимо поддерживать соотношение калия и натрия. To correct the condition, salt-free diets and nutritional supplements are used. With them, sodium retention is excluded, protein, carbohydrate, fat metabolism is normal. With необходимости бессолевая диета сочетается с заменителями калия.

    Where to buy < / h2>

    Купить Sinakten депо сложно. On the official website of the manufacturer of the pharmaceutical division of Walgreens Boots Alliance of the campaign Novartis Pharma AG, you can view information about the drug, but not the distribution network. In the usual pharmacy, Synacthen depot is sold by prescription, but the drug is rarely available. The best option is to order at an affordable price on the Internet. Кортикотропный, синтетический, оригинальный Sinakten предлагает интернет аптека:

    • Drugs from Germany – Zakazlekarstv.Com (with delivery throughout Russia); < / li>
    • Ukrevromed – Zavalij.uaprom.Net. < / li> < / ul>


      Сколько стоит Sinakten депо? The price in Europe ranges from 255 euros for a package of 1 ml ampoules, from 175 euros for a package of 0, 25 ml ampoules. Producer-country Austria company Novartis delivers the drug to the territory of the CIS:

      • Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg) between 18,511 and 12,340 rubles, respectively; < / li>
      • Ukraine – from 7291 and 4861 hryvnia per package; < / li>
      • Kazakhstan – between 97682 and 65121 tenge. < / li> < / ul>

        Товар включает услуги доставки и торговые сборы.

        Analogs < / h2>

        The original drug has a complex effect on the adrenal glands. Полностью заменить фармакологические свойства Sinakten нереально. The analogue affects one problem, removes a couple of symptoms. With наличии противопоказаний, отсутствии препарата терапию проводят, используя:

        1. Novatron. Withменяют для лечения злокачественных новообразований, рецидивов. The composition is synthetic. Complex treatment only under the supervision of a physician; < / li>
        2. Betaferon. The drug is a derivative of interferon. The adrenal cortex cell membrane responds positively to therapy. Withменяют для коррекции рассеянного склероза;
        3. Avonex. Effective immunomodulator, antiviral drug. The active ingredient stimulates the immune system. Multiple sclerosis, rheumatic diseases – at early stages their development stops, at later stages it slows down. < / Li> < / ol> |

          Reviews of the drug < / h2>

          Lyudmila, 45 years old, Moscow < / strong> : My mineral metabolism has been disturbed for a long time. Участковый врач приписала лекарство Sinakten депо. I read reviews about it on the forum. Everyone noted the naturalness and safety that it possesses. Withнимала по простой схеме. After a couple of days, I found positive changes: the skin was flaking, my appetite was restored, my well-being improved.

          Nikolai, 55, Pyatigorsk < / strong> : Psoriasis has been tormenting for 20 years. For the disease need regular monitoring, daily treatment: ointment, pills. Нашел в интернете отзывы на Sinakten депо, решил купить. The drug showed a quick result. A couple of days, and skin pigmentation, swelling, itching sensation passed. Now do not hesitate to undress on the beach, wear outdoor clothing in the summer. И все благодаря Sinakten депо.

          Katerina, 37, Ekaterinburg < / strong> : I have allergic dermatitis, psoriatic arthritis. Doctor посоветовала пройти курс Sinakten депо. Anti-inflammatory drug improved condition for the week. Gone pain, itching, pigmentation, swelling, rash. Suspension for injection – salvation for me. Therefore, I have never regretted that I bought the drug, in which the natural composition.


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