Hulahup – hoop for weight loss

Hulahup for weight loss is a sports equipment (hoop), which, in addition to reducing body weight, it develops joint mobility, slims, strengthens the press. Classes with him develop muscles, make the figure more prominent. Regular training with hulahup for losing weight helps to make problem areas beautiful, clean fat accumulation in the waist. The hoop has a massage action. This effective body trainer does not require certain skills and does not take up much space in the room.

Обруч хулахуп для похудения


The benefits of hula hoop exercises

The circle for losing weight (hulahup) is known in ancient Egypt, but then it was made of flexible grapevine or thin tree trunks. Then a surge in the popularity of the metal hoop came in the middle of the 19th century. Then American women became call it “hula hoop”, which means “dance with a hoop”. The rotational movements performed to music are well trained. heart muscle. For half an hour hulahup burns up to 300 calories, therefore It is often used for weight loss in the hips and waist. TO The benefits of regular hoop activities include:

  • training the abdominal muscles;
  • improved posture;
  • strengthening the vestibular apparatus;
  • blood supply and tissue massaging;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • elasticity of the skin in places of contact;
  • spinal flexibility.

TOак выбрать хулахуп

Almost all people in their childhood twisted plastic hulahup. WITH with age, skills can be lost, but if desired they quickly being restored. TOакой выбрать обруч, чтобы быстрее похудеть? First of all, you should choose the right weight gymnastic simulator. WITHамые легкие весят по 0,5 кг, а тяжелые – до 3 kilograms. Beginners are encouraged to start training with lungs. hoops, since untrained muscles can appear bruises.

You also need to pay attention to the hula hoop material. More often used to make plastic or rubber. Metallic Hoops are now almost not available. Hulahup may have inserted parts. On sale it is easy to find rubber shells with suction cups, spiked, with balls, with needle and ribbed elements and even with magnetic inserts that are physically affect the abdomen.


TOакой лучше?

For each person, the choice of hulahup is individual. To to figure out which shell is right for you, you need to know which sportswear manufacturers offer hoops inventory. On sale you can find:

  1. Металлический. Made of aluminum tube, hollow inside. It is characterized by low weight, therefore it is ideal. for beginners. TO положительным качествам металлического хулахупа can be attributed, and cheapness.
  2. Массажный (рельефный). A variety of spikes and suction cups create a massage effect that promotes weight loss. Massage hoop improves tissue metabolism, promotes burning fat and blood circulation process, tightens the abdominal muscles press.
  3. Утяжеленный. The weight of such a hoop can reach 2-3 kilograms. Classes with heavy hulahup give on the muscles very serious load, improve the shape of the figure, contributes to the rapid removal of accumulated fat in the waist and hips. This is the perfect option. для тех, у кого много лишних kilograms. Weighted simulator requires adaptation of the skin to heavy loads.
  4. WITHкладной. For effective weight loss collapsible shells that allow you to install right size. In their cavity is placed a special filler, which dispenses the training load. In order to projectile weight loss, cavities can be filled with sand. Such The model is very convenient to transport.
  5. Магнитный. Hulahup with a magnet creates in abdominal magnetic field, which contributes to the enrichment of tissues oxygen, accelerate metabolism, improve blood flow. Such effect occurs due to weak currents that occur in the lymph and blood.
  6. Мягкий. For the manufacture of this useful projectile for weight loss use reinforced rubber, which before occupation pumped with air. Material without a specific shape and very elastic. Thanks to this, the hoop can not only be rotated, but and apply for stretching exercises lower and upper extremities.

WITHколько крутить хулахуп, чтобы похудеть

Use hulahup to the result of training you it is necessary to satisfy 2-3 times a week for 15 minutes. Technique rotation during classes should be alternated, especially if you have weak vestibular apparatus. For higher efficiency It should turn Hulahup 30 minutes a day, but do not be zealous. To не навредить телу, сделайте 4 пятиминутных подхода. For beginners preferably protect the waist with a towel or handkerchief.

TOак правильно крутить хулахуп

Instructions on the technique of rotation says that you should not be zealous in the first classes with a simulator in the form of a ring, otherwise your muscles will hurt much later. To стать стройной, нужно подкорректировать рацион питания, убрать из меню калорийные блюда, соблюдать питьевой режим. You need to eat two hours before the exercise with hulahup, and if you want to reduce faster centimeters at the waist, then exercise in the morning on an empty stomach. < p>

For beginners достаточно заниматься по 5 минут с легкой нагрузкой и спокойной амплитудой вращений. TOогда вы почувствуете, что ваш организм без труда справляется с упражнениями, нужно сразу увеличивать интенсивность и длительность занятий. TOак правильно крутить хулахуп?

  • WITHтаньте прямо, спину выпрямите, взгляд устремите вперед, плечи расправьте.
  • Hold the sports equipment at waist level, put your legs shoulder-width apart, slightly spread your toes to the sides. < / li>
  • Start twisting the hoop in any chosen direction, making rotational movements with your hips, waist and body. < / li>
  • Pick the optimum rotational speed for you so that you can feel the tone in your gluteal muscles, at the waist, hips, back and abdominals. < / li>
  • If the hula fell, lift it and start all the above movements again. < / li> < / ul>

    Exercises with hula hoop for weight loss < / h2>

    TOомплекс упражнений с хулахуп для похудения:

    1. Normal rotation < / strong>. Begin training for weight loss with ordinary rotation. Periodically change the direction of the hoop, so that the muscles warmed up, and the pulse rate entered the working range. < / Li>
    2. Forward and back < / strong>. Hulahup press to the lower back, bend your knees slightly, set your right leg forward. Set the direction of the hoop counterclockwise at the waist in this position. After a couple of minutes, change legs in places, and rotate the hula hoop in the opposite direction. If you feel that the hoop is falling, lean back a little, and with your hips on the leg, return the projectile to the desired trajectory. < / Li>
    3. Hula hoops < / strong>. Place the hoop to the right of yourself, take it with the palm down (direct grip). Spin the hula hoop like a figure eight to the side of you, jumping through it. TOогда обруч движется сверху, нагибайте голову. If this is too difficult for you, use a simulator instead of a rope. < / Li>
    4. Вращение на 360 ° WITH. WITHначала попробуйте выполнить такую работу без обруча: поставьте на пол левую стопу, сделайте с правой ноги шаг вперед. TOорпус наклоните влево, а правой ногой размахивайте, словно маятником. Scroll 360 degrees clockwise. If it happened, then pick up the hula hoops, repeat the exercise, spinning the projectile. TOогда амплитуда достигнет максимального уровня, делайте вращение туловищем. Periodically change the support leg. < / Li>
    5. Walking with hula hoops < / strong>. Starting position, as in exercise number 2. TOогда обруч начнет параллельно земле вращаться и касаться передней ноги, шагните задней ногой вперед. TOогда освоите технику, привыкнув медленно ходить с хулахупом, попробуйте пятиться назад и ходить вперед быстрым шагом.
    6. < / ol>

      Video: how are the lessons with hulahup < / h2>