What is Panthenol Ointment used for?

What is Panthenol Ointment used for?Leather is the largest organ in the human body. Among her numerous functions distinguish protective, coating, regulatory and excretory. Daily skin is exposed to aggressive mechanical, chemical, physical and biological external factors. Panthenol ointment is intended to treat skin lesions of various etiologies. This drug helps with sunburn, cracks, dermatitis, diaper rash newborns and other forms of violation of the integrity of the epidermis.


The composition of the Ointment Panthenol

The main active component of the ointment Panthenol, stands substance dexpanthenol in a concentration of 5%. AT pharmacies can meet various forms of the drug, among which, along with the ointment, there is also a cream and spray. TO Auxiliary components include petrolatum, lanolin, liquid paraffin, mityl parahydroxybenzoate, isopropyl myristate, cholesterol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, water. Ointment for external use has a yellowish tint and a pleasant smell of lanolin, not intended for application to the mucous membrane.


What helps: indications for use

According to the instructions for use, the drug contributes to regeneration of fibers of the epidermis – stimulates the healing process skin tissue. The ointment has a slight anti-inflammatory. action, provides normalization of cellular metabolism, improves strength of collagen fibers.

If there is damage on the skin, such as a burn, wound, inflammatory processes, furuncle ulcer, Panthenol contributes fill the shortage of pantothenic acid. After drawing on the damaged part of the drug is rapidly absorbed, and the current component enters the relationship with plasma proteins.

What is Panthenol Ointment used for?


Panthenol is effective in treating various types of skin lesions, including solar, thermal and chemical burns. The drug copes with burns first and second degree. AT некоторых случаях специалисты рекомендуют делать повязки with ointment. The drug disinfects the affected skin, promotes tissue regeneration.

With diaper rash in newborns

Panthenol ointment is used to restore the integrity and normal functioning of the skin in young children from the first days of life. The drug is effective in dermatitis, scratches and diaper rash, occur in babies in infancy.

TOроме того, это профилактическое средство, оказывающее preliminary effect and the warning of diaper rash newborn baby.

What is Panthenol Ointment used for?

With viral diseases

The drug is used to eliminate the symptoms of some viral diseases. Unpleasant manifestations of herpes, such as burning, itching, redness, can be reduced with this drug. The ointment helps to deal with the symptoms and accelerate wound healing. The drug promotes fast epithelization of lesions on the skin.

From injury

Panetonol is used to treat injuries resulting from mechanical effects. So, the drug is effective at aseptic wounds resulting from surgical interventions, difficult healing skin grafts. Thanks its properties, the tool has found application in various fields medicine and cosmetology.

During lactation

Panthenol – an indispensable tool for nursing mothers. This ointment copes with burns, wounds, irritations and helps to heal cracks and inflammations that form on the nipples during breastfeeding.

AT составе препарата нет никаких вредных для здоровья грудного baby substances, so moms use it without fear.

What is Panthenol Ointment used for?

For what and how is used in cosmetology?

Active ingredient Panthenol able to attract molecules water and keep them in themselves on the principle of sponge. For this reason This component is found in cosmetics. Him low molecular weight allows you to penetrate into all layers of the skin, providing its deep hydration. The active component of the ointment is therapeutic, so its concentration in creams is lower than in medicinal ointments. The substance under consideration is part of light cosmetic products – gels, serums, emulsions and milk

Dexpanthenol is found in cosmetics for the care of skin and hair cosmetics – masks, shampoos, conditioners. ATещество буквально окутывает каждый волосок тончайшей пленкой, providing reliable protection of curls from ultraviolet rays, exposure to high and low temperatures, aggressive external factors. Penetrating into the hair shaft, the active substance fills all voids and cracks, thereby restoring integrity.

Instructions for use of Panthenol ointment < / h2>

Panthenol – an ointment for external use. The tool is applied in a thin layer on the surface of the affected area. The drug is recommended to use 2-4 times a day. When applied to an infected area of the skin, it is pre-treated with an antiseptic. Newborn babies with the presence of diaper dermatitis ointment is applied after each change of the diaper.

The duration of use of the drug depends on the severity of skin symptoms, features of the disease. For inflammation and cracks in the nipples that have arisen during lactation, the ointment is applied to the surface of the injury after each feeding. The drug does not need to be washed off. For the treatment of burns it is used from the first minutes of injury.

Contraindications and side effects < / h2>

Panthenol, being a drug for external use, has a number of contraindications. If used improperly, it can cause side effects, but the negative effects associated with applying ointment on the affected skin area result from allergies. The main contraindication to the use of the drug – hypersensitivity to the components included in its composition. Panthenol is well tolerated and extremely rarely provokes an allergic reaction.

How can you replace Panthenol: analogues < / h2>

Analogues of Panthenol ointment are presented in various dosage forms, which makes it possible to choose the best option for yourself:

  1. Bepanten < / strong> – an ointment that acts as a healing drug that helps the skin to regenerate if it is damaged. Among the indications for use are diaper rash in children, burns of various etiologies, trophic ulcers, bedsores, postoperative injuries and other types of violations of the integrity of the epidermis. Не содержит в составе сильнодействующих веществ, поэтому подходит детям и женщинам в период breastfeeding.
  2. D-Panthenol < / strong> – a drug in the form of a cream. ATрачи рекомендуют смазывать данным препаратом участки кожного покрова, поврежденные в результате воздействия холода, для увлажнения сухой кожи. D-Panthenol is prescribed to prevent the development of skin inflammation, it is actively used as a cosmetic. < / Li>
  3. Dexpanthenol < / strong> is a drug that has a regenerating effect, contributing to the normalization of metabolism in the skin cells. Dexpanthenol is a vitamin B group, is a derivative of pantothenic acid. It is an effective drug for external use, which helps to heal wounds and damage the skin. < / Li> < / ol> |

    Reviews < / h2>

    Catherine, 27 years: < / strong> With the onset of frost, the skin instantly loses elasticity, becomes dry, covered with abrasions and cracks. I tried a lot of creams and ways to deal with this unpleasant phenomenon, but all for nothing. TOоллега по работе посоветовала мазь Пантенол. I used to think that it only helps with burns, but was convinced of its universality. The effect struck me, considering such a modest price for a tube. Now Panthenol is a magic wand.

    Alena, 44: < / strong> Panthenol – a remedy for burns. Checked on myself. Not so long ago, it was strongly burned with an iron, worried that it had seriously damaged the skin and scars would remain. The husband brought this miracle ointment, and we immediately inflicted on the damaged area. The pain went away after just a couple of hours, and the burn itself passed after just a couple of days. In this case, there are no traces. Recommend. In my opinion, this is the best drug in its segment.

    ATиктория, 31 год: Использую Пантенол в качестве косметического средства. This drug helps me in combating acne on the face. She found information about him through reviews on the Internet, tried and was pleased. Ointment dries pimples, but it does not overdry the skin, heals wounds and scars. I am pleased with her.


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