What is more important for a man: a beautiful wife orpeace of mind?

Fri, 05 Jun 2015

On dating sites, male questionnaires often contain phrases:
I will get acquainted with the harmonous, beautiful, well-groomed girl. Further may
even refined breast size, height, weight and other parameters.

On the streets of the city, young ladies with bright looks, bright and fashionable
dressed, make the heads of representatives of the strong half
humanity to make turns almost 180 degrees. Even
relatives and friends, assessing the darling of their loved one
person, with approval respond in the spirit of: “And she is nothing,
pretty so. ”

Under the desire of a young man to choose a couple with a female
In this century or season fashionable
base. Say, for a man is important to play healthy
offspring, and beautiful girls are a priori exceptionally healthy and


The influence of society

It is believed that women are subject to the influence of the so-called
public opinion. Therefore, they are struggling with excess weight,
cellulite, plastic surgery, seeking to get married and
give birth to a child under 25, choose strong macho husbands and so

But men, oddly enough, people are also living in the same
society And from TV screens, glossy magazine pages,
advertising brochures they look stunning beauty with
feet from ears and the third size of the bust.

And then there’s old friend Vasya married models with platinum
hair and proudly displays it in the light.

The desire to be like everything is especially characteristic of young people and
adolescents, namely, at this age, relationships are born and the first
of love. So our men are looking for beauties, so as not to be worse
others, do not give up the hypothetical Vasya. Yes, and look nicer
caress gentle features and in bed a slim body causes more

Although there is such a science – psychology, where it is stated that
a man is more attracted to a woman, somehow resembling his mother.
Appearance, demeanor, character. And moms are different.
Even в молодые годы не всякая мама могла похвастать модельными
data. More often, these were ordinary women chosen by our dads,
just loving your son.

Behind a stylish appearance can hide both a good soul, and
rare bitch. With closer communication there is a considerable chance
stumble upon unattractive personal qualities or just
unsuitable person. The bride is all good, but she does not answer
deep spiritual needs of a young man. In this case
the result is logical: patient waiting first, aspiration
adapt to another person, then reproaches, scandals and


There is such a category of men – jealous. This is probably not very
well, but the fact remains – they are not uncommon. By its
nature, men are proprietors and cannot tolerate when someone
attempts that, as it seems to them, only they are entitled

Women beauties always attract strangers. Sometimes
it is purely aesthetic admiration, and sometimes quite obvious
lust. The girl herself may have nothing to do with it, just not
It is impossible even for a saint to pay attention to her. How will lead
her legitimate husband?

A calm and confident man probably won’t give it
Of great importance, although with obvious harassment of his wife of soul
balance will lose any. But the reaction of a jealous person is quite
predictable. Starting with the reproaches addressed to his wife, ending
the situation described by William Shakespeare. Imagined or
real rival will also have hard times.

Being a jealous wife is not easy for any woman, let alone written
beauty – even more so. It will be hard for a man to endure all
interested views aimed at his half. Even если
he understands and realizes everything, the heartache will be difficult to pacify and
drown out.

Mating market

In our pragmatic time, everything (or almost all) has its price,
sold and bought. There was no exception and the marriage market, as it were
cynically it sounded like that. Girls sit on diets, do
fitness, refer to plastic surgery, stylists,
fashion designers, nail technicians are not out of consideration
health concerns. Successful marriage has become a goal for many.
of life.

Successful marriage is often associated with the rich, beautiful and
promising husband. On the secured bachelor goes hunting.
Modern Cinderellas do not expect gifts from fairies, they themselves arrange
meeting with the princes. The girl should be fully armed
beauty. Often their efforts reach their goal. Bright appearance
stylish clothes, a good knowledge of male psychology – and the head
men spinning from happiness and love.

Already in wedlock, it turns out that a woman does not need love
husband, and his wallet or social status. Can imitate
orgasm, but can not imitate love. Even у богатого и
a high ranking person is a soul that needs warmth
and proximity, which can not give young predator. Then about scandalous
In divorce with the division of property, the inhabitants will learn from the yellow
the press.

Loneliness as a choice

People in the world are different. Explicit leaders and lifelong outsiders,
noisy extroverts and unsociable introverts, mathematics and
humanities. Someone can not be alone, but someone hard
be in the crowd.

The concept of “old bachelor” has long been known. It applies to
representatives of both sexes. It’s just that a person is comfortable living alone.
The appearance of another in his life is like a catastrophe, it breaks the whole
his habitual way.

Moreover, a bachelor is not necessarily neglected, closed and
shy from the opposite sex type. Although there are such too.
But nowadays lonely people who deliberately chose such an image
lives, often educated, intelligent and socially

Bachelors can be quite active, they are happy
meet with women, communicate, give birth to novels. But only. AT
their plans do not include marriage. Sometimes неземная красота очередной
passion in combination with her insistence on creating a cell
society forces to capitulate convinced alone. AT
As a result, our hero can say goodbye to peace of mind. More he
does not belong to himself, arrogant “we” invaded his life. AT
the result is both unhappy: he is due to interference with his personal
space, she – because of its callousness and coldness.

So, what is more important for a man: marry a beauty or
сохранить peace of mind? Probably, such a question is not
completely correct. The juxtaposition is appropriate only if
if a person goes against his true “I”, submitting to pressure
from outside: society or its individual representatives, for example,
parents, friends or the most beautiful.

But what is beauty ?!

But the most important question: what is female beauty? it
so individually and subjectively, that derive the formula of beauty
is impossible. For the lover the subject of his sighs is always full
perfection, whatever others may think.

The main thing is to feel your soul and act solely on its
the decrees. Then you will not need to do such unnecessary and ridiculous.
the choice between a beautiful woman and inner comfort – you will have

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