What is Indovazin ointment used for?

Indovazin мазьIndovazin ointment is an anti-inflammatory drug of external use, possessing an angiprotective effect. This drug relieves pains that arise from sprains, bruises, radiculitis, neuritis. Indovazin быстро снижает отечность, улучшает blood circulation therefore becomes in many life situations real salvation. In the pharmaceutical market Presented in several forms, and we consider the pharmacological действие Indovazinовой мази.


Форма выпуска и состав Indovazinовой мази

The ointment contains 30 ml of indomethacin and 20 ml of troxerutin. Thanks to these active substances, the ointment base is quickly absorbed. from the surface of the skin, providing a quality therapeutic Effect. Penetration of the active components in the blood slightly. In addition to the main, the drug includes excipients:

  • macrogol 400;
  • carbomer;
  • propylene glycol;
  • sodium benzoate;
  • ethyl alcohol 96%.

The form of the drug: ointment or gel aluminum tubes of 20 and 45 grams. Упакован Indovazin в картонные packaging sold without a prescription. The drug has a shelf life of 2 year, after which it is not suitable for use.


What helps ointment: indications for use

This decongestant, analgesic and analgesic agent actively used to treat diseases of the joints (polyarthritis), radiculitis, varicose veins. Also the drug is used in inflammatory processes after traumatic hematomas, fractures. It is used to treat the following diseases:

  • Acute, chronic polyarthritis.
  • Nervous plexus lesions, inflammation of the nerves.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Hemorrhoids (in complex).
  • Damage of soft tissues (bursitis, periarthritis, tendovaginitis).
  • Radiculitis.

The use of the drug perfectly removes puffiness after sprains, hematomas, sprains and other injuries, reducing recovery time damaged tissue. It effectively reduces breakage and reduces blood capillary permeability, exerting a toning on the veins impact. Indovazin мазь помогает от синяков, отеков, arising after surgical interventions. When applied to the skin ointment removes fever, pain in the foci of inflammation that are located both in depth and on the surface, improves microcirculation blood. The mechanism of anti-inflammatory action inhibits the processes fusions of hormone-like substances.

Dosing and Administration

По инструкции применяется Indovazin путем втирания мази massage movements to the area of inflammation. On the affected areas and sore joints cause a small amount (4-5 cm) of preparation 2 times a day. The total daily amount of medication should not exceed 20 cm. ointment. Therapeutic interventions are usually held 10 days after consultation with the doctor. Interactions with other drugs have not been identified.

Contraindications and side effects < / h2>

Клинически не доказано, что применение Indovazinа безопасно при беременности и в период кормления грудью (лактации), поэтому использовать его разрешено только под контролем специалиста, если ожидаемая польза превысит риск для ребенка. It is not recommended to apply the ointment in the presence of leukopenia (a reduced amount of blood leukocytes in the blood), bronchial asthma, gastric or duodenal ulcers, as well as in hemorrhagic diathesis. With caution, rub the drug to children less than 14 years of age.

If there are no contraindications, the drug is well tolerated. Случаев передозировки или аллергических реакций при его использовании не наблюдалось, но по некоторым отзывам о Indovazin мази отмечались местные реакции: зуд, покраснения, чувство жжения и тепла в месте нанесения. These are manifestations of individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components, with the appearance of which the use of the agent should be canceled.

Special instructions < / h2>

При случайном проглатывании Indovazinа может возникнуть ощущение жжения в ротовой полости, чрезмерное слюноотделение, рвота или тошнота. With such symptoms, the patient immediately washed the stomach, and then show the doctor. If the drug gets on the mucous membrane, open wounds or eyes, immediately rinse the affected areas with warm water.

Price < / h2>

На вопрос, сколько стоит мазь Indovazin, можно смело ответить – этот препарат доступен по цене всем слоям населения. The average cost of an anti-inflammatory drug in pharmacies in Russia varies from 200 to 300 rubles for a 45 g tube and, accordingly, from 150 to 200 rubles for a 20 gram tube. It is easy to buy the drug in specialized online stores at a price not exceeding the pharmacy price. Аналоги Indovazin мази

Если по каким-либо причинам в ближайшей аптеке вы не найдете Indovazin, спросите у провизора, есть ли аналоги мази в продаже? These include the following drugs:

  1. Troxegel. Prescribed for the treatment of edematous pain syndromes, trophic lesions of the skin, hematomas. Shown with vascular effects of radiation therapy. < / li>
  2. Panthevenol. It is used as part of a complex treatment for edema or pain caused by venous insufficiency of the extremities. This analogue is effective in treating cracks in the nipples during breastfeeding, diaper rash, pressure sores, scar induration. < / Li>
  3. Troxevasin. It has a venoprotective, veno-tonic, anti-edema effect. The drug is used for edema, pain in the legs, before and after varicose syndrome, with sprains, sprains, contusions. < / Li>
  4. Venoruton. Recommended for use with weights or fatigue in the limbs, varicose ulcers, violation of tissue nutrition, varicose dermatitis. < / li> < / ol> |

    Reviews < / h2>

    Лариса: Indovazin мазь у меня дома находится постоянно. Adult family members use the drug for the treatment of minor household injuries: abrasions, bruises. Сын активно занимается спортом, иногда бывают растяжения, а спасает от болевых ощущений применение Indovazinа.

    Валентина: Не знала о применении мази Indovazin, пока не столкнулась с болями в коленном суставе. And I did not hit, the legs did not load, did not fall. I tried different tools, but nothing helped. Купить мазь Indovazin мне посоветовала соседка, и уже после первого использования мне стало легче, но боль еще оставалась. On the third day of using the drug, the pain passed completely.

    Анжелика: Купила гель Indovazin от синяков на лице. The product is sticky, the skin glistens after application and becomes yellow. I did not see any advantages from using this drug. Bruises does not remove, they go off after 2 weeks on their own. Польза Indovazinа для меня полностью отсутствует.


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