What is fibrous mastopathy: symptoms andtreatment

Fibrous mastopathy is a pathological condition of the breast. gland that is characterized by the occurrence of proliferation epithelium and connective tissue component. Tissue overgrowth the disease has a risk of transformation into malignant tumors, поэтому своевременная постановка диагноза и правильное treatment play a major role for positive prognosis and normal patient well-being. According to statistics, the incidence of mastopathy among women ranges from 50-70% depending on age, which makes pathology one of the most common mammological disorders.

What is fibrous mastopathy: symptoms andtreatment


Causes of pathology

In young women, the development of fibrous mastopathy is less common. The main cause of pathological growth connective tissue of the breast and epithelium is considered hormonal imbalance. The proliferation process is provoked a change in the ratio of estradiol and progesterone hormones.

As the disease progresses in the parenchyma of the breast there is an increase in the amount of estrogen, and the concentration progesterone component decreases. Progesterone deficiency leads to the fact that tissue fibers begin uncontrollably grow, the proportions of connective, epithelial component and adipose tissue. The main factors of appearance dysplasia:

  1. Disorders of the nervous and endocrine system controlled pituitary and hypothalamus. At the same time in hormone-dependent organs hypersensitivity to the estrogen provoking growths in glandular segments and functional units of organs (alveoli), and to androgens, which affect fibrotic changes. Также увеличивается уровень пролактин, необходимый для milk production during lactation. Increasing the concentration of this hormone was found in a large number of patients with mastopathy.
  2. Pathology of the reproductive system. Inflammatory processes in the uterine appendages (ovaries) cause an imbalance in in women’s body because of hormones uneven.
  3. Violation of the menstrual cycle with incomplete ovulation or her the absence of. If there is no ovulatory period in the menstruation, estrogen secretion continues to stimulate the uterus – due to this develops hyperplasia, the number of cells in the breast increases due to their increased division.
  4. Liver disease. The body’s natural filter contributes destruction of estrogen involved in the cycle. With different hepatic disease occurs their increased content in blood.
  5. Pathology of the thyroid gland. Endocrine Disorders have a significant effect on the normal concentration of genital hormones.
  6. Lack of vitamins. The consequence of hypovitaminosis – decrease liver function in the destruction of hormonal components.
  7. Psycho-emotional disorders. Stress, neurosis, sexy dissatisfaction is one of the causes of neuroendocrine pathologies and diagnosis of fibrous mastopathy.

The likelihood of neoplasm increases if a woman reproductive age is at risk. Diseases adrenal glands and the female reproductive system (past and present), diabetes, abortion, menopause, genetic predisposition, bad habits, injuries, late pregnancy, earlier termination of feeding also provoke hormonal disruptions and the occurrence of fibrous mastopathy. In such cases, a woman’s health survey It is recommended to be carried out regularly to detect signs of fibrous nodes at an early stage of the disease.


Forms of fibrous mastopathy

Fibrous mastopathy is called benign tumors. mammary gland – diffuse or nodular. In the first case, they characterized by engorgement of the mammary glands, the appearance of dense areas, foci that do not have clear boundaries – this form is considered the initial stage of the disease. Another name – focal fibrous mastopathy.

In a nodular type of pathology, single or multiple sites seals have a contour. Separately, consider fibrous cystic a form of pathology characterized by the formation of cysts, filled with liquid. Fibrocystic disease is prone to reincarnation in breast cancer therefore requires constant control.

By localization of seals fibrous form of breast mastopathy glands in women is bilateral (both mammary glands – left and right) and one-sided. The disease is prone to symmetry manifestations, as is the result of hormonal disorders. By the severity of the pathological process is mild, moderately pronounced and pronounced fibroadenomatosis. By тому, which component prevails in the mammary gland is classified:

  • mastopathy with prevalence of fibrosis;
  • mastopathy with a predominance of the glandular component;
  • mastopathy with predominance of cytosis;
  • sclerosing adenosis;
  • mixed type;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy.

Until now, in modern medicine there is no exact classification mastopathy, and existing descriptive terms and characteristics require refinement.

Symptoms of the disease

Clinical manifestations of breast disease depend on stage. Fibrous mastopathy begins and is asymptomatic. In the initial stage, painful indurations appear before monthly when hormonal changes, at this time it is possible increase in breast volume. Byсле менструации болевой синдром passes

The first symptoms of fibrous mastopathy are easily confused with normal breast tenderness in the premenstrual cycle. With over time, symptoms increase, swelling, density, swelling milky ducts and pain in the chest are noted more often, they are not cyclical, but permanent. With severe during the course of the disease severe pain appears when changing position body, light touch.

During self-examination of the mammary glands, they are clearly detectable. delineated areas in the form of knots or compaction of the dairy structure glands without obvious boundaries, often pressure is accompanied by pain a symptom. Mastopathy is accompanied by nipple secretion. The consistency of the liquid is different, as the color of the discharge – transparent, greenish, whitish. Symptoms include worsening physical and emotional state in the period of PMS, inflammation axillary lymph nodes, which is determined self palpation.

Diagnostics < / h2>

When detecting the first signs of mastopathy during self-examination, you should consult a specialist – gynecologist or mammologist to prevent the growth of seals in size, the appearance of cysts and other negative consequences of the disease. The nature and extent of the pathology is revealed in a comprehensive examination. < P>

The first stage of diagnosis includes the taking of anamnesis, examination of the patient, and probing of the breast. During it, the doctor finds out the presence of seals, their prevalence. Information about other gynecological diseases (for example, mastitis, inflammation of the appendages) plays an important role in determining the diagnosis, allows us to associate mastopathy with the presence of pathologies.

Diagnostic Methods < / u>:

  1. Анализ на уровень hormones. Byзволяет диагностировать гормональный дисбаланс, из-за которого образовывается и проявляется mastopathy.
  2. Mammography. On the x-ray photo of the mammographer, a change in the structure of the mammary gland can be detected. This type of X-ray reveals tumors, determines the oncological process, and therefore is an important diagnostic procedure for the mammary glands. < / Li>
  3. Ultrasound diagnosis. Ultrasound of the mammary gland reveals cystic implants, gives an idea of the qualities of their walls, determines the deep seals, the detection of which is impossible with mammography, determines the size of the lymph nodes. In practical medicine with the help of ultrasound it is possible to carry out invasive procedures, it is used to take puncture material for further research from the internal cavities of cysts. The procedure can be both therapeutic in nature. < / Li>
  4. MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging helps to see both large and small lesions, visualizes changes in the structures of the surrounding tissues, gives an assessment of the lumen of the ducts. An x-ray load is absent in the MRI, making it safe to use. < / Li>
  5. Histological analysis of tissues and cytological examination of secretions. It gives an opportunity to judge the presence of oncology, helps to know the cellular structure of cystic formation, determines the swelling of the stroma (breast carcass). < / Li> < / ol>

    Some studies (for example, puncture) bring significant discomfort, require additional preparation and anesthesia. Sometimes, after examining a breast doctor, there is a need to carry out other studies, the purpose of which depends on the specific situation.

    How to treat fibrous breast mastopathy < / h2>

    If after examination, palpation of the mammary glands and visual diagnostic methods, mastopathy is diagnosed, various methods of treating the disease are applied, which take into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

    The tactics of therapy depends on the nature of the disease, its causes. Fibrous pathology is well treatable in the early stages, with a wide spread of the process, it becomes more difficult to cure mastopathy, sometimes the therapeutic process is quite long and takes many months. Surgical removal, conservative therapy, and folk remedies are used to get rid of an unpleasant illness.

    With conservative treatment, doctors prescribe a complex of drugs, the main purpose of which is to normalize hormonal levels. In some cases, it is advisable to treat fibrous mastopathy by performing an operation. This method of treatment is effective but undesirable and is used in extreme cases.

    Also appointed folk remedies that have a good effect with proper regular use. Improving the state provides a diet and a healthy lifestyle. Does not exist a single scheme for the treatment of such diseases – the choice of treatment option and the decision on its termination is made individually for each case.

    Drug therapy < / h3>

    The basis of conservative treatment is the use of medications to normalize hormonal levels. The duration of the course is different in each case, the results can be achieved in a short or long term. If the chest is sore, anti-inflammatory drugs are used non-hormonal and hormonal preparations for the local treatment of mastopathy.

    In cases where women suffer from psycho-emotional disorders, sedative medications are prescribed. If hormone therapy is carried out on time, it helps to avoid complications of fibrous disease. The main groups of drugs that can be treated:

    1. Vitamins (“Aevit”, “Alphabet”, etc.). Strengthen immunity, improve liver function, help get rid of the unpleasant effects of medication, increase the effectiveness of therapy in general. < / Li>
    2. Sedatives (Novo-Passit, Motherwort, Seduxen). Herbal medicines are used mainly to normalize the state of the nervous system, which has a serious effect on the hormones of a woman. < / Li>
    3. Antispasmodics, drugs that improve blood circulation (Askorutin, Pantokrin). They improve blood microcirculation, fight with local blood flow disorders, which can provoke pain. < / Li>
    4. Hormonal anabolics (“Retobiol”). Substances in the composition of drugs contribute to the renewal of cells. < / Li>
    5. Androgens (“Danazol”). They contain hormones with a specific effect, which consists in the regulation of hormonal levels by suppressing estrogens. < / Li>
    6. Inhibitors of prolactin secretion (“Bromkriptin”). Reduces lactation, contributes to the regulation of the menstrual cycle. < / Li>
    7. Estrogens, oral contraceptives (“Estrozhel”). In small doses, stimulate the pituitary gland, have an anabolic effect. < / Li>
    8. Progestin gels, Dugestone, Norkolut, Utrogestan, Livial. Struggling with an excess of estrogen, which was formed in the conditions of development of mastitis, with their help normalization of progesterone concentration occurs. < / Li>
    9. Anti-estrogens (“Tamoxifen”). It blocks estrogen receptors, reduces their biological activity. < / Li> < / ol>

      Anti-inflammatory anesthetics (Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Ksefokam) are used to help reduce edema and the severity of fibrous mastopathy. Acute pain relieves non-narcotic analgesics – Paracetamol, Baralgin, Novocain. Against breast mastopathy, which has a cyclical nature and is accompanied by swelling of the extremities, it is possible to use diuretic teas.

      Surgical treatment < / h3>

      Patients with a nodular form of mastitis, cystic formations, and intraductal papillomas undergo surgical intervention. Radical treatment is resorted to because of the risk of cancer in the lobes of the mammary gland in women.

      Before removing lesions, a visual diagnosis and biopsy is performed. Surgical treatment is carried out under local or general anesthesia. The first case applies only if the seal is easily detectable and is close to the upper layer of the epidermis. In the treatment of large foci of mastitis, general anesthesia is used.

      Sectoral resection makes it possible to remove the lesion, with minimal impact on healthy tissue. After surgery, the woman is observed in the hospital. Subsequent drainage for outflow of excess fluid is rarely performed and is used in case of serious surgical intervention, if the incision is localized in the upper part of the mammary gland.

      Diet < / h3>

      Nutrition correction is of great importance during the treatment of fibrous mastopathy, since dieting normalizes the hormonal level. By eating large amounts of foods containing fats, the amount of carcinogenic components and estrogen hormones in the body increases.

      Women whose diet includes a large amount of coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, and cola suffer from mastopathy much more often, since there is a high content of methylxanthine in these foods and drinks. The substance contributes to the accumulation of fluid in cystic formations, swelling of the mammary glands.

      Women are susceptible to mastopathy, and there is little fiber in their diet, which affects the bowels. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, changes in intestinal microflora are associated with the elimination of toxic substances and affect the development of fibrous disease. Estrogens that enter the intestine along with the bile can be reabsorbed back through its walls. An important role is played by the normal activity of the liver, which is adversely affected by the consumption of fatty foods and alcohol. Recommendations for compliance with the diet, which should be followed in case of fibrous mastopathy in women:

      • eliminate harmful fats from the diet; < / li>
      • provide regular intake of vitamins;
      • completely eliminate alcohol, coffee, chocolate, cola, tea; < / li>
      • supplement the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, healthy cereals; < / li>
      • limit the consumption of pickles, smoked meats, fatty and fried foods. < / li> < / ul>

        Folk remedies < / h3>

        The use of folk remedies helps to reduce pain, cope with inflammatory processes. Их использование подразумевает регулярность и четкое следование инструкции, только тогда treatment будет эффективно. Before using traditional methods of treating fibrous mastopathy, women should consult a doctor. Recipes for treating a disease:

        1. burdock and cabbage < / strong>. Compresses from the fresh leaves of these plants help to remove the swelling of the mammary glands and pain. Before you apply the leaf part of the plant on the skin of the breast, beat it with a hammer to highlight the juice. < / Li>
        2. Alcoholic infusions of non-toxic herbs < / strong>. For the preparation of the drink fit immortelle, birch, elderberry. These herbs belong to anticancer drugs. To prepare the tincture, take a dry plant and fill it with alcohol (40%) in the ratio of 1:10 and hold for 10 days. Take – 3 times a day for a teaspoon, the duration of the course – 40 days. < / Li>
        3. Mint, chamomile flowers, valerian root, fennel seeds < / strong>. Pour the components, taken in equal parts of a teaspoon, with a glass of boiling water. Cool before taking. Drink half a glass 3 times a day to reduce symptoms. < / Li>
        4. Pumpkin < / strong>. Used as a compress. Grated vegetable flesh is required to apply to the mammary gland daily before bedtime. Pumpkin is a means to reduce the tumor and reduce pain. < / Li> < / ol>

          Disease prevention < / h2>

          Prevention of mastitis of the milk ducts in women consists in maintaining an active lifestyle, proper diet, avoiding bad habits – this provides good immunity and a normal hormonal level. Avoid the disease will help regular visits to the gynecologist, who will be able to prevent the development of fibrous pathology at its first signs.

          Reduces the risk of timely birth of the child, regular sex life, the normal duration of breastfeeding. To prevent fibrous mastopathy, avoid stress and control your emotional state.

          Women who have a predisposition to the disease (abortion in history, diabetic pathology, gynecological diseases) should constantly conduct self-examination of the mammary glands and several times a year contact a specialist to check.

          Forecast < / h2>

          With timely treatment, the prognosis for women with mastopathy is favorable. By окончанию терапии у большинства пациенток симптомы полностью исчезают, но во врачебной практике наблюдаются многочисленные случаи рецидивов даже после секторальной резекции. Byлное изtreatment возможно при постоянном внимании к своему образу жизни, соблюдении диеты и других профилактических мер.


          What is dangerous mastopathy < / h2>

          Some forms of mastopathy are considered precancerous and represent a danger to the woman’s body – these include atypical hyperplasia, a nonproliferative type of pathology. In order to avoid the transformation of cells into cancer cells, with such types of fibrous pathology of the mammary gland, surgical removal of lesions is prescribed. If surgery is not carried out, continuous monitoring of seals is carried out.


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