What if your husband is hysterical?

Thu, Mar 06, 2014

Have you ever seen a male tantrum? Not? Believe it
fearfully. It is terrible first of all for the man who came out as
the rule, quite suddenly from itself, looks like … It is even difficult
pick the right comparison. And imagine that you are married to
a hysterical man. But they are different, these
individuals of the opposite sex who are not able to cope with
themselves, forgetting the need for brutality, scream and rush than
hit the other half. Let’s take a closer look, what
this is a “hysterical husband” and how to react to him, so to speak,
explosions of drive.

If your man, still in the period of grooming, did not show
his alter ego (there was no reason or he pressed his
explosive temperament), then in marriage, an awl in a bag cannot be hidden.
There are several types of tantrums.

Quiet tantrum. They act out. All the time whining
whine, whine. For any reason, they express their discontent, sometimes
with a cry of various decibels. It’s not like that. Then you came very
late, for some reason, very early. That bread is too stale
(impossible to eat), then too soft (impossible to cut off), then from
you smell strongly of perfume, then suddenly the question: “Why are you not perfume
do you use? ” To your growing amazement, he responds offended.
physiognomy and again whining. What to do with this? Do not pay
attention, of course, if you have enough strength.

Unexpected hysterics. Here you sit, talk.
Most likely, on a not very pleasant topic. And suddenly, once … and he
squealed. What provoked him to cry at this very moment
God only knows, well, or a psychiatrist. If you are having dinner, then not
flight in your direction of any table subject is excluded. With
In this way, your spouse sips tea, turns red and rotates terribly
eyes. The outcome is not excluded from the table, followed by clapping
room doors.

As a rule, such tantrums are very appealing. Especially if you
after some time visit him in the room where he will be stupid
look at the computer screen. You can ask: “Well, and what was
shout? Is that all right now? ” He may not want with you
in the first minute to talk. Behave as if nothing had happened and
he thaws. And you will live happily ever after. Until the next tantrum.
What to do with such a drive? Perceive flashes of his nervous
activity is calm, because he can not do anything with himself. AND

Chronic hysterics. This one is dissatisfied with everything and everyone.
Constantly, persistently, destructive for the cell of society. Basically,
it is somewhat similar to the first type, but there are fundamental differences.
Everything is the subject of his disapproval, which he expresses in
vicious, humiliating for the people around him form. It is real
a tyrant who revels in his inability to control himself.
He terrorizes everyone: his wife, children, mother-in-law, his own parents,
subordinates, if they are still somehow preserved. how
as a rule, such tantrums choose women morally weaker than them,
ready to obey, unable to protect their own children. If a
you do not belong to the category of such women, and your husband is chronic
hysterical, the only advice is to throw him to hell
saying goodbye to everything that you think about him.

Текст: ANDрина Шейхетова

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