What if the dog drinks a lot of water? How notskip the symptoms of cystitis, hepatitis, piroplasmosis, poisoning ordiabetes in dogs

Пт, 01 июн 2018 Автор: Юлия Чудова

Dogs are energetic animals, often leading movers.
a life. Among them there are, of course, lovers to lie quietly, but
Every dog ​​should receive daily physical exertion. Completely
normal when after active games or jogging pet can
drink plenty of water, especially in hot weather. But, if the pet
drinks a lot for no reason, it is worth the alert.


Water consumption rate

The rate of water consumption depends on the weight of the animal, for each
a kilogram is not more than 100 mg. water. If the dog eats natural
food, it is necessary to take into account all the liquid food, which she eats. With
dry animals consume a lot more than when consumed
natural food.

What makes the dog drink a lot?

There are a number of reasons why a dog can drink a lot.

Considered the norm in the following cases:

• With переходе на сухой корм с натурального рациона — животное
fills the water balance.

• Salted food, it is better to completely eliminate salt from the diet.

• Low protein content in the diet.

• Hot season.

• In times of poor environmental conditions.

• Animals living in apartments are thirsty due to dryness.
air during the heating season.

• Anesthesia – thirst after surgery is quite normal, so the body
removes anesthetic drugs.

• Heat can also be accompanied by thirst.

• Bearing and feeding offspring.

Thirst as a symptom

Unfortunately, “harmless” thirst is a symptom of chronic and
acute ailments that require immediate treatment. Diseases
causing excessive water intake:

• Food poisoning – accompanied by vomiting and liquid
by the chair. It is necessary to immediately exclude from the diet not thermally processed

• Kidney failure – the animal becomes lethargic, many
sleeps and urinates a little.

• Diabetes mellitus or non-sugar type. In animals, diabetes is not
curable, but medication will improve
pet The necessary drugs and the dose of their use will appoint
veterinarian. Also in this disease will need to be
stick to a diet, it’s best to convert to dog food for

• Chronic hypercortisonemia (Cushing’s syndrome) flooding
endocrine system where you need to drink as much as possible
liquids to raise the level of cartosol.

• Pyometra, a disease resulting from toxins, often
accompanied by the open form of apathy and secretions from
vagina or, in the closed form of the disease, an increase in the abdomen,
loss of appetite and lethargy.

• Viral hepatitis is a very dangerous disease, which is expressed
vomiting, diarrhea, fever, urine becomes shade
red-brown color.

• Piroplasmosis, in which thirst alternates with such symptoms
like blood in urine, lethargy and loss of appetite.

• Cystitis in dogs can be cured fairly quickly, during treatment
стоит давать собаке много пить water.

• Age-related organ failure, found in older dogs, in this
ситуации можно только облегчить страдание pet

Most of the above diseases are fatal, but not
need to get scared ahead of time. After being noticed strong
pet thirst, you must first eliminate all non-dangerous causes. If a
after their exclusion, everything remains the same, gently turn into
veterinary clinic. The doctor will do a urine test, you will also need
donate blood for biochemical and clinical analysis. Veterinarians
determine the condition of the body and internal organs of the pet, with
the need to do endoscopy, ultrasound of the digestive tract, x-ray
cavities and diagnose, and prescribe the necessary treatment, and

It is advisable to immediately discuss with the veterinarian a diet for home
pet and stick with it.

Home treatment

After returning from a veterinary clinic to a sick animal
should provide a quiet, cozy and warm place, protected from
drafts, without access of other animals and small children. During
the treatment the dog needs to sleep a lot, so it is not worth it often

Walking should be eliminated until the animal recovers.
otherwise you can make the situation worse.

You must give the dog enough water and stick to it.
recommendations of the vet. In case the pet urinates on itself,
will need to use disposable diaper.

Medications are given exactly as prescribed by a doctor, not
trying to cure a dog by yourself. Most risky to give
dog medications intended for humans.

The liquid that is given must be clean and boiled. Her
must be replaced regularly and the dishes washed thoroughly.

The diet should be checked and excluded products.
food that can provoke and stimulate thirst.

If a не была рекомендована диета, то кормить пса можно прежней
a meal.

Disease Prevention and Diet

In order to eliminate negative processes in the body
pet, you need to carefully monitor his health,
nutrition and behavior. Categorically it is forbidden to give the dog food
from their table, especially very fat, smoked, salted and
spicy. You should not teach your quadruple friend to unnatural
her food – food with spices, sweets, buns.

In the free access to the dog must be clean drinking water. With
the calculation of the normal volume of fluid consumed must be taken in
attention is not only water, but also soups, dairy products and other
drinks that the dog drinks a lot.

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