What if the dog bites? How to weanpuppy to bite on the legs and arms: methods of training and preventivemeasures

Пт, 18 май 2018 Автор: Оксана Шеповалюк

To the dog listened to his master, to train her
follows from childhood. Favorite pets can bite and hurt.
Therefore, it is important to wean the puppy from this unpleasant habit,
using different methods of education.


How to wean щенка кусать за ноги

As long as the puppy has milk teeth, he tries to learn how to regulate
the force with which it bites. Therefore, it may hurt to bite, not wanting
of this. But it can bite on purpose. That in the future it is not
turned into a habit, with a dog should be engaged.

How to behave correctly:

• Do not panic. This problem is faced by many
dog lovers. This is not a tragedy, because everything is easy to fix.
It is enough to choose the right tactics of work. Otherwise the result is not
will be;

• Punishment should be appropriate. If the puppy is bitten intentionally, to
For example, for the desire to stroke, you must use the command
�”Fu”. Up to three months you can not punish a pet physically. If a
the kid is too playful, you need to distract him with the help of the game;

• ignoring tactics. When a puppy bites unintentionally during
games, and malicious intent is absent, there will be no point in punishment.
It is recommended for a while to stop playing with him until he
calm down. If a собака сильно разыгралась, можно усадить её и
hold in this position for about ten seconds;

• find time for education and training. In the event of
the question of how to wean a puppy to bite and for the hands,
The above recommendations are enough. But if the owner
there is no time and desire to engage in raising an animal, such
inaction will give its result. Only solid work
will help make the dog the way its owner wants to see.

The main reasons for disobedience

If a хозяин не может справиться с проблемой, как отучить щенка
bite the legs, you only have to blame yourself. While the dog is small, with
it is easy to do and teach something or wean. Two reasons
disobedience is age and total lack of education.

At a young age, all puppies love to bite the arms, legs and everything, until
what reach with their teeth. This is not critical. Allow or not is
the choice of the owner of the animal. If a воспитания нет, собака может
behave aggressively. So she tries to figure out which
she has a position in the pack or she has already decided that the main and
trying to manage, considering himself a leader.

How to wean щенка кусать за ноги и руки: способы
dog training

Up to four months you can raise a pet with the help of games.
Harder to train dogs that have strong

Существуют следующие игровые методы dog training:

– if the puppy bites during the game, you need to offer him
bite the toy, not the hand;

– when you see that the dog intends to bite, you need
hide your hands behind your back. And when the dog closed his mouth, you should click
fingers and give him something tasty. So you need to repeat
repeatedly. Then, before putting your hands behind your back, speak
�”Shut up”;

– when the pet is at rest, substitute
fist to face. If a щенок сразу не кусает, сделайте щелчок
fingers and encourage delicious food. Spend a few in front of the nose
times by hand. If a собака не кусает, следует поощрить. What if
trying to bite, hands have to hide and say the command
�”It is impossible.” Such training should be repeated every day. A hand
preferably led at different distances from the muzzle.

Even an adult dog can easily bite an arm or leg.
dog breeder. So the pet wants to show what he has
desire to play. There is no need to punish the dog. But if the animal
bites painfully and with aggression, you should definitely wean. Bites
in no case be tolerated. Puppy’s main duty is to become
true friend.

Preventive measures

Trying to solve the problem of how to wean a puppy to bite and for the hands,
You can use the rules presented. They will be good
preventive measure for your beloved pet.

First, you can not give a puppy to play with personal items
the host. If a во время игры собака кусает за рукав или штанину,
will have to stop exercising and get out of sight. For breeds with
good intelligence, such a gesture will be enough. Required
just freeze. Собака заскучает и calm down.

Secondly, it is important to understand that the puppy is like a small child. His
necessary toys to help save the owner and furniture
around from bites. When he starts to bite, he should open his mouth.
and show on the toy. This gesture will make it clear to the pet that gnaw
you can only his toys.

Thirdly, the dog should be allocated a special place in
corridor or lobby. Pet must clearly understand that he has
have their place. Even if it’s just a bedding in the corner. For large
animals living in a house on earth will need to purchase a booth
or aviary.

Такие measures не являются панацеей. All individually depending
from dog breed. For example, for fighting breeds requires a hard
an approach. With in the absence of good parenting, pet animals can
be dangerous to the owner and people around.

It is necessary to be engaged in education of the pet since the childhood. Is required
make a lot of effort to be an authority in the eyes of the animal.
The question of domination is the main one. If a для собаки хозяин не
authority, it will behave unpredictably. Need to remember that
for a small puppy, only forms of upbringing in the form of a game will do.
You can not beat the dog or show aggression so as not to disturb
psyche pet. For good behavior it is useful to encourage tasty
a meal. What if нужно наказать, можно взять мордашку и грозно
look into your eyes, then don’t spend any time

If a взрослый пёс любит кусаться в процессе игры, значит, дела
things are more serious. Withдётся избегать таких игр. Pets like
tend to love their master and his family. If a пёс схватил за руку
or leg, you can show him that you are in pain. Can
scream and pretend to cry, get up and get away from the dog. The way
suitable for re-education. The dog will understand what it hurt
to your authority. If a с лидерством есть проблемы, потребуется
solve the issue of dominance.

A beloved puppy should be a faithful friend and companion. If a
no way to help wean the pet to bite
refer to the dog handler who will recommend the most suitable
метод dog training.

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