What if a dog barks a lot? Somecauses and problem solving

Вт, 12 июн 2018 Автор: Нина Корсачева

Lai – a kind of language through which pets communicate with
the owner, “express” emotions, trying to draw attention to themselves.
Happiness, when four-legged friends do it unobtrusively, only in
when it is necessary to warn a person about the danger,
remind that it’s time to go for a walk. Another thing if
dog barking turns the owner’s life into hell, interfering with the neighbors,
not giving full sleep at night. The problem should not be allowed on
drift Dog behavior can and should be adjusted. But for this
need to find out the reasons for frequent barking.


Endless barking: what does your pet want to say?

The reasons why a dog may bark day and night,
great variety. Only an attentive owner can get to the bottom
before the truth, find the very root of evil that caused
problem. Among the most common causes of uncontrolled

• Dog is bored. While the owners are at work, the dog is experiencing
certain discomfort. She lacks communication and attention. Is not
depends on where the pet is – in the house or apartment.
Locked or chained animals are limited in space and
very lonely By long barking they express a kind
protest against loneliness, wanting the master to return soon,
scratched them behind the ear and said a kind word.

• Source – an external irritant. Sometimes cause
excess barking becomes a living stimulus: forty now and then
flying up to the bowl, arrogant cat who darts past the booth and all
by its appearance it provokes a scandal, a drunken neighbor from whom
smells too good. Such irritants are able to get a dog out.
out of mind balance and get behaving inadequately.

• The dog is afraid of something. Feeling is also characteristic of dogs.
of fear. They, like people, are afraid of the dark, loneliness, night
rustles and extraneous sounds. All babies and serious dogs with
long-term “experience” may experience panic attacks at the sight
something new and unfamiliar, but their reaction to this kind of external
irritant is barking.

• The dog has a pain. Sometimes long barking is a reaction to
pain. A dog may be disturbed by pains of a different nature. Maybe,
The cause of irritation are worms. Often anxiety is due
with hormonal disorders or estrus. It is important to understand what
the reason, and for this it is necessary to show the pet to the veterinarian.

• Just. It happens that a dog barks for a long time because of
bad parenting. She does not know the teams, spoiled by the hosts and
such behavior for her is in the order of things. Correct character
an adult dog is not easy, but even in advanced cases when
compliance with all recommendations can succeed.

Methods that work

Before you start a dog, you need to evaluate your own
opportunities. If you are not at home for a long time, it is better to say goodbye to
this idea. Dogs are sociable creatures, they need constant
attention, from long wait and longing, they get sick and can even
die. To prevent your pet from experiencing severe stress when you
you are at work, take a habit of an hour and a half to pay
morning walk. Let the dog run over and play out,
to spend more time at home on vacation. Buy a four-legged
toy friend: with them the day will be more fun.

If the dog is on a leash, periodically give her freedom
of movements. She must feel that in her territory she
can be calm and no external stimuli are not afraid of it.
With night “tantrums” it is sometimes enough to get out several times.
on the porch and loudly say “To the place!”: this way we give
understand the pet that he is not alone and there is nothing to fear.

To adult dog did not get you hopeless barking, you need it
from childhood to properly educate. He must understand the commands
me “,” Next “,” To the foot. ” Try to encourage your puppy for any of his
victories, and if he starts barking, try to call him to yourself,
so that he is distracted from the stimulus for a while. In case if
pet misses your requests past ears, scold him: dogs
feel fine the mood of the owner and try not to deliver to him

Dogs usually calm down when they are scratched behind the ear.
Use this method in cases where the dog is unnecessary.
restless. Light strokes will pacify the pet, he is on time
Forget about your fears.

Herbal and veterinary medicines can be used.
melatonin. Tablets and drops soothe the nervous system, soften
the functions of the sex glands.

When all measures are tried, and the dog continues to bark, you can
buy special collars that are soaked with pheromones or
let out a stream of water if you want to make a sound. Just do not choose
�“Shock” – they can aggravate the problem.

Attention! What if a dog barks often?
Do not try to re-educate her with a scream. Moreover, do not punish her
physically. Aggression will cause a backlash.

Weaning from the frequent exhausting barking – is very difficult,
time consuming patience and strength. Only by finding out the reason can
achieve lasting results. And for this you need a long and planned
to work, using the main principles: kindness, care and
love. Do not try to eliminate barking as a condition: with it
dogs communicate with the outside world. It is much more important to correct
pet’s behavior, so that he, as before, could trust you.

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