What helps Menovazin ointment?

Menovazine мазьMenovazine An ointment is a combination drug created from several components, the pharmacological action of which provides patients with analgesic effect. Substances picked up in such a way that, perfectly combined, perfectly complement each other friend, so the drug is widely used in traditional medicine. Преимуществом Menovazineа является его невысокая цена, поэтому people of different social groups can get it.


Форма выпуска и состав мази Menovazine

Препарат Menovazine выпускается в двух лекарственных формах: в as an ointment and as a solution. The ointment is sold in aluminum tubes 40 grams each, and the solution in 25, 40, 50 ml glass vials. Активными действующими компонентами мази Menovazine являются benzocaine, procaine and menthol. The first two substances block pain. impulses, providing an anesthetic effect. Menthol irritates the nerve endings, promotes vasodilation, helps relieve itching, brings a feeling of coolness.

What helps ointment: indications for use

Для чего применяют Menovazine мазь? It is convenient to use when hemorrhoids, joint pain, muscle inflammation, sprains. Menovazine помогает при переломе костей, радикулите, болях, когда blew neck or bruise. This is a warming agent that successfully heals sinusitis, relaxes muscles after exercise, quickly removes painful acne, copes with painful sensations with varicose veins, treats pain in the knee. Other indications for the use of the drug:

  • Pinching of the sciatic nerve.
  • Sprains.
  • Spinal hernia.
  • Back pain.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Fungus on the nails.
  • Arthrosis
  • Superficial burns.
  • Herpes.
  • Heel spur.
  • Psoriasis, eczema.
  • Thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers.
  • Dermatosis, contact dermatitis.


Инструкция по применению мази Menovazine

The instructions for use say that the ointment should be applied to painful areas 2-3 times / day. The average course of drug treatment may last 2-3 weeks until the problem is resolved. Menovazine используется только для наружного применения пораженных pain of the skin. It should be remembered that the drug, according to annotations, is not a therapeutic drug action. Its application is aimed only at eliminating pain. symptoms, so the remedy is used in complex treatment, to get rid of the disease completely.

Contraindications and side effects

Область применения мази Menovazine широкая, но и противопоказания are available. Do not apply to the skin of the drug in the presence of increased hypersensitivity to procaine, in violation of skin integrity or inflammation at the site of the intended application. For children and adolescents under the age of 18, the effectiveness of drug therapy various diseases has not been established.

Бесконтрольное применение Menovazineа может вызвать в организме у patient’s various adverse reactions, for example, allergic manifestations, asthenia, lowering blood pressure, dizziness. In the presence of at least one of the following symptoms treatment should be stopped and consult a doctor for adjustment of therapeutic action.

Use during pregnancy and lactation < / h2>

Мазь Menovazine при беременности с осторожностью нужно применять, как и кормящим мамам во время лактации. Although the drug is not absorbed into the blood, no doctor will provide absolute safety for the fetus or baby. But if in the early or late period there is a need to use the drug for various reasons, for example, severe pain in the lower back or joints, then the gynecologist should, under strict supervision, prescribe the dosage and duration of treatment with the drug. При грудном вскармливании лучше перевести ребенка на искусственное питание во время применения Menovazineа.

Special instructions < / h2>

When applying a warming agent, the norm should be taken into account, otherwise if an overdose occurs at the application site, an unpleasant irritation or burning sensation may occur. Do not use the ointment with other warming drugs. Если необходимо, то Menovazine разрешается наносить на кожу ребенка, начиная с трехлетнего возраста. But the whole process should take place under the control of a pediatrician.

Price < / h2>

Сколько стоит Menovazine мазь? The price depends on the country of origin, the distance of the region and the price policy of the outlet. Так, мазь Menovazine-вишфа 40 г производства Украины будет стоить в России около 60 рублей. The cost of the drug produced in Russia (Tula or Moscow) varies within 30 rubles. В аптеках мазь Menovazine можно купить без рецепта.

Analogs of the drug < / h2>

  1. Voltaren emulgel. Method of use of the analog – local application. The drug will help with arthritis, bursitis and other forms of rheumatic soft tissue diseases. Designed to treat sports injuries, edema, inflammation caused by muscle breaks, ligaments. < / Li>
  2. Apizatron ointment. It has a local analgesic, vasodilator, irritant effect. Apply with myalgia, arthralgia, for warming massage after sports training. Ointment facilitates the condition of patients with osteochondrosis < / li>
  3. Iricar cream. Belongs to the group of homeopathic medicines, is widely used for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the skin. Prescribed cream to rub with dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, after insect bites, after bruises. < / Li> < / ol> |

    Reviews < / h2>

    Арина, 46 лет: Не знала, что входит в состав Menovazineа, пока не воспользовалась мазью, чтобы как-то снять болезненные ощущения в области шишек на ногах. Menthol, which quickly cooled the place of application, and the bumps ceased to hurt instantly. I smeared bumps 3 times a day, and the next day I didn’t even feel them during the work day. Now I don’t part with the miracle ointment.

    Елизавета,39 лет: С мазью Menovazine познакомилась, когда подвернула ногу. I returned the health of the ligaments literally in three days and again became on heels, as if nothing had happened. Due to the unique properties, now I apply the drug for cellulite (wrapping), herpes (it always overcomes me when cold weather comes). Useful ointment from bruises and from any pain in the joints.


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