What helps Dermoveit ointment?

What helps Dermoveit ointment?Dermoveit An ointment is a medicament intended for outdoor use. application. Мазь Dermoveit гормональная или нет? Yes this hormonal drug that shows high efficiency during the time of its use in order to combat psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis and other diseases of the epidermis.


Состав мази Dermoveit

Clobetasol propionate – the main active ingredient included in composition of the drug. The active ingredient has found wide application in such a field of modern medicine as dermatology, since has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. Clobetasol propionate in the shortest possible time eliminates extreme itching, eliminates swelling and effectively relieves hyperemia.

Полупрозрачная мазь Dermoveit 0,05% белого цвета продается в aluminum tubes of 25 g of the drug in each. Among the subsidiary components that make up the tool, we can distinguish the following substances:

  • propylene glycol;
  • sorbitan sesquioleate;
  • white soft paraffin.

Indications for use ointment

От чего помогает Dermoveit? The instructions to the ointment notes that main indications for use of this drug The following skin diseases are:

  • eczema;
  • psoriasis (excluding its extensive form and pustular plaque psoriasis);
  • simple chronic lichen;
  • lichen planus;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • dermatosis;
  • discoid lupus erythematosus. 

Мазь Dermoveit назначается и способствует эффективному лечению different skin diseases in cases where other treatments glucocorticosteroids (GCS) does not give positive results.


Use during pregnancy and lactation

To date, accurate and reliable information about penetration of the active ingredient of the drug into the body of the child in the womb, as well as its impact on the health of the baby before and after giving birth yet. Studies that were conducted with the participation animals have shown that the active component of the ointment has certain influence on the development of the fetus during pregnancy. Doctors strongly recommend using the considered drug during pregnancy and lactation extremely cautious, only with the most urgent need and the testimony of the attending physician.

Dosing and Administration

Dermoveit наносят тонким слоем 2 раза в день, покрывая мазью the entire perimeter of the affected area of the body, after which the drug Dermoveit аккуратно втирают. Ointment is used until visible therapeutic effect. The maximum duration of treatment can reach 4 weeks. After using the medication after some time applied to the skin any moisturizer. Acute forms skin diseases allow for repeated courses of treatment.

При рецидивах усилить эффект Dermoveitа позволит регулярное overlay occlusive dressings on the treated part of the body overnight. If during 4 weeks the patient’s condition does not improve, therapy requires revision and possibly discontinuation of the drug. The maximum allowable dose per week is 50 g.

During treatment of atopic dermatitis after the appearance pronounced signs of recovery use ointment need phase out, increasingly replacing it with softening skin means.

During therapy, a regular assessment of the condition is performed. the degree of the effectiveness of the therapy and the risk that it carries duration

Children doctors prescribe shorter therapeutic courses. Использовать мазь Dermoveit нужно предельно осторожно, аккуратно approach the treatment, trying to achieve the desired effect with the minimum amount of ointment used.

Contraindications and side effects < / h2>

Среди основных противопоказаний к использованию мази Dermoveit выделяют следующие состояния:

  • rosacea and acne vulgaris; < / li>
  • hypersensitivity to the substances that make up the ointment; < / li>
  • perioral dermatitis; < / li>
  • viral damage to the skin and mucous membranes; < / li>
  • genital herpes; < / li>
  • chickenpox in history; < / li>
  • age to 1st year. < / li>

В редких случаях применение мази Dermoveit может спровоцировать развитие неприятных побочных эффектов, к которым относят:

  • manifestation of allergy – burning, itching, redness and pimples on the skin, focal alopecia. Contact dermatitis may appear, the symptoms of which are similar to the signs of the underlying disease. < / Li>
  • Decreased endocrine system performance – inhibition of the pituitary and adrenal glands, which causes too long the application of ointment in large quantities. After discontinuation of the drug, the patient’s condition returns to normal. < / Li>
  • Problems in the work of the vascular system – according to reviews of the drug, in some cases, the use of the ointment can cause atrophy of the skin, dilation of blood vessels, increased growth of body hair and the appearance of age spots. < / li> < / ul>

    The occurrence of one or more side effects should be reason for immediate treatment to the doctor.

    Special instructions < / h2>

    Patients with local hypersensitivity to glucocorticosteroids and other auxiliary components of the drug are used with extreme caution. Remove the agent gradually, replacing it with a less active glucocorticosteroid or moisturizing. Abrupt cessation of the course can cause the development of glucocorticosteroid insufficiency.

    In newborns and older children, during the use of the ointment, a high percentage of glucocorticosteroid absorption is sometimes observed, therefore, in this category of patients, the risk of side effects is significantly higher than in adult patients.

    Before applying the occlusive dressing, you must thoroughly clean the skin. Otherwise, the warm conditions created by the bandage may cause the appearance of a bacterial infection. The ointment is not recommended to be applied on the face and the mucous membrane of the eyes, as this may provoke the development of glaucoma.

    Price < / h2>

    Сколько стоит Dermoveit мазь? Стоимость мази Dermoveit в различных городах России, аптечных сетях и интернет-магазинах отличается. Купить Dermoveit мазь в тубе 25 г в среднем можно за 384 рубля. In Moscow, the average price for Dermovate was set at around 422 rubles. – 523 rubles.

    Дешевые аналоги мази Dermoveit

    Мазь Dermoveit имеет целый ряд аналогичных лекарственных препаратов, схожих по составу и концентрации действующих компонентов, а также по форме воздействия на очаг заболевания. Among the most common analogues of the drug under consideration are:

    • Predittop < / li>
    • Lokoid (Yamanouchi) < / li>
    • Beloderm (Belupo) < / li>
    • Medrol (Pfizer Inc.) < / li>
    • Karizon < / li>
    • Metipred (Orion) < / li>
    • Flutsinar (Elf) < / li>
    • Solu-Cortef (PFIZER) < / li>
    • Quiveit < / li>

    При выборе определенного средства – заменителя Dermoveitа, рекомендуется проконсультироваться с лечащим врачом. No need to focus only on the price of the drug or the advice of a pharmacist. To achieve the most effective and rapid results you will need the help of an experienced specialist.


    Reviews of the drug < / h2>

    Олег, 33 года: Уже года как 3 лечу псориаз исключительно Dermoveitом. Excellent tool that allows you to quickly bring the skin into proper form. Of course, hormonal ointment, and therefore not to say that it is very useful, but only it helps me! < P>

    Albina, 26 years old : < / strong> I saw the result already after the first application – in the summer I finally put on a dress and felt like a beauty. До этого при псориазе я лечилась разными препаратами, но такого эффекта как от Dermoveitа я не встречала.

    Catherine, 31 years old : < / strong> I have been suffering from eczema for 5 years. It was at different doctors, tried a lot of different ways of treatment, but nothing really helped. Знакомая рассказала о мази Dermoveit, которая, в конечном итоге, и стала для меня спасительной. Now I advise everyone to try this drug, who has the same unpleasant problems as I have.


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