What helps Advantan ointment?

What helps Advantan ointment?Advantan ointment is antibacterial, antiallergic, non-halogenated steroid, which is successfully used for treatment of various dermatoses. Using this drug quickly eliminates allergic manifestations, restores integrity skin in adults and children. According to the condition skin, the drug for treatment choose the appropriate form release.


Advantan мазь — гормональная или нет?

The active ingredient of the ointment is synthetic. glucocorticosteroid methylprednisolone. This hormone is contained in concentration of 0.1%. Penetrating into the dermis, it forms a metabolite, interfering with the production of immune cells, thus eliminating clinical manifestations of allergies and stopping skin inflammatory processes. Methylprednisolone binds to hormone receptors, causing the need for recovery biological reactions of the body.

Release form and composition

Мазь Advantan выпускается в двух видах: жирная мазь для external use and classical ointment on water emulsion basis. Both forms of release have the same hormone concentration. 0.1% and are available in tubes of 5, 10, 15, 50 grams. Aluminum Tubes packed in cardboard boxes, each of which is instructions for use of the drug.

A classic topical drug has composition, in addition to the glucocorticoid hormone (methylprednisolone Atseponat), the following excipients:

  • liquid paraffin;
  • white wax;
  • white petrolatum;
  • emulsifier E;
  • purified water.

Auxiliary composition of oily ointment:

  • liquid paraffin;
  • soft paraffin;
  • microcrystalline wax;
  • hydronised castor oil.

pharmachologic effect

Advantan topical ointment easily penetrates the cells, causes constriction of blood vessels, is actively involved in amino acid synthesis. This body reaction to the drug leads to rapid removal of skin redness, swelling, itching, pain in the foci lesions. В классической мази Advantan содержится правильное the ratio of water and fat, so it is used when subsiding inflammatory processes or if dermatitis does not occur in acute option initially. pharmachologic effect мази на water-emulsion base is to eliminate dryness, inflammation, restoration of skin fat film.

В жирной мази Advantan содержится высокая концентрация жирных acids, and water is not present, so the drug is used when chronic long-lasting skin diseases. A drug developed exclusively on liquid and solid fats to ensure that moisture is kept on very dry skin, preventing it deducing. Oily ointment on lesions creates a protective foam, which lasts a long time, rendering bright, with peeling dry skin pronounced therapeutic effect. The intensity of absorption depends on the method of use of the drug, dosage form and condition skin of the patient.


What helps ointment: indications for use

Мазь Advantan помогает от разных видов экзем (микробной, professional), dermatitis (allergic, atopic. contact), with a variety of rashes and swelling on the skin. Indications for use for both forms of ointment are the same, it is:

  • Pediatric and dyshidrotic eczema.
  • Sunburn, photodermatitis.
  • Pink lichen treatment.
  • Diaper dermatitis.

Dosing and Administration

Apply the ointment according to the instructions you need once a day, applying a thin layer on the affected skin area and leaving soak in. Rub the drug should not be. The course of therapy, the form release and acceptable dosage prescribed by a doctor. According to the instructions complete The course of therapeutic interventions can be for adults 3 months, and for children 4 weeks. Sunburn water-emulsion cream is applied 2 times a day. If the skin is strong overdried, it is recommended to switch to a fatty form of the drug.

Contraindications and side effects

Как правило, мазь Advantan переносится хорошо, если нет overdose. With long-term use of the drug The following adverse reactions may occur at the application site: burning sensation, erythema, itching, skin atrophy, striae, folliculitis, hypertrichosis, allergy to the components of the drug, education rash

To contraindications use of hormones any forms include diseases such as cutaneous manifestations of syphilis, skin tuberculosis, viral lesions (shingles, varicella) smallpox), perioral dermatitis, rosacea. Do not use the drug with skin manifestations after vaccination or with increased sensitivity to glucocorticoid hormone.

Use in children < / h2>

У многих молодых мам возникает резонный вопрос: с какого возраста разрешается применение мази Advantan детям? It is forbidden to use a hormonal drug to infants until four months. Upon reaching the child of the right age, the use of the ointment is permitted when applied directly or using an occlusive dressing. In order to avoid side effects, it is important to observe the dosage specified by the doctor.

Application during pregnancy and lactation < / h2>

Судя по отзывам о мази Advantan, короткое применение препарата во время беременности не нанесет вреда. But the use of a hormonal agent during this period should take place under the supervision of the attending physician, who will weigh the expected benefits to the mother and the risk to the fetus. During lactation should not be applied ointment on the mammary glands, and breastfeeding should be canceled.

Special instructions < / h2>

При наличии у пациентов дерматомикозов или бактериальных дерматозов совместно с Advantanом назначается противогрибковая или антибактериальная терапия. If the preparation gets on the area around the eyes or the mucous membrane of the eye, wash these areas immediately with water. It is necessary to avoid high doses and long-term use of hormones, so that the risk of developing glaucoma does not appear.

It is not recommended to apply ointment to large areas of the epidermis, so that there is no negative impact on the adrenal function. If you store the drug at a temperature of up to + 25 C, then its shelf life will be 5 years. Price < / h2>

Сколько стоит Advantan мазь? The price of ointment in pharmacies in Russia is 300-350 rubles for a 15 gram tube. The average cost of an emulsion (cream) 20 g will cost from 500 to 550 rubles. При отсутствии в продаже Advantanа можно заменить препарат недорогими аналогами, имеющими в составе похожие активные вещества.

Advantan мазь и крем – в чем разница?

Чем отличается Advantan крем от мази? The difference in the choice of the dosage form of the drug is due to symptoms of diseases and skin type. For dry dermis need an ointment containing fatty basis. Жирная форма Advantanа назначается при хронических заболеваниях, так как способствует более быстрому заживлению эпидермиса. For weeping dermatitis or very oily skin, it is recommended to use a cream that has a water based composition. The cream does not cause fluid retention and does not have a thermal effect.

Чем заменить: аналог мази Advantan

  1. Sinaflan. Недорогой аналог Advantanа для детей, которые вышли из грудного возраста. A drug эффективен при дерматитах, нейродермитах, укусах насекомых, ожогах, себорее, экземах, псориазе.
  2. Apulein. Тоже эффективный заменитель мази Advantan, показанный при атопическом дерматите, экземах, псориазе. It is well tolerated even with long-term treatment, without a resorptive effect. < / Li>
  3. Lokasalen. Combined drug that has anti-edema, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and local hypothermic effect. Indications for use: diffuse neurodermatitis, lichen planus, lupus erythematosus, ichthyosis, chronic dyshidrosis. < / Li>

Что лучше Локоид или Advantan?

Локоид мазь является аналогом мази Advantan и применяется при лечении дерматитов любого типа, почесухи, псориаза и других поражений кожи. В отличие от Advantanа, Локоид не назначают детям до полугода, поскольку у него больше риска возникновения побочных реакций. Otherwise, the effectiveness of these hormonal drugs is about the same. Even the concentration of the hormone is identical – 0.1%.


Reviews < / h2>

Ирина, 23 года: Искала эффективную мазь от дерматита, посоветовали на работе купить Advantan. Judging by the indications for use, the drug effectively treats any inflammation of the skin. I smeared the lesions during the day several times, and by the evening the spots became paler, the moist surfaces dried out, and the next day there were small dry pink spots. Хотя всегда была против гормональных средств, сейчас без Advantanа даже на работу не хожу.

Лариса, 48 лет: Advantan – отличная мазь от аллергии, даже не знаю, чем можно заменить. The preparation contains a steroid, but when red allergic spots appear on the face, as if only after peeling, you agree to any treatment, just to get rid of this horror. After 2-3 days after applying hormonal ointment, allergic manifestations on the face completely disappear, it can be seen even in my photos.

Михаил, 30 лет: При диагнозе контактный дерматит мне помогает только жирная мазь Advantan. I buy the drug without a prescription cheap Russian manufacturer. Since I am a shoemaker according to the specifics of the profession, my skin is constantly cracking on my fingers – the pain is unbearable, and most importantly, it is impossible to cure, because I work every day. Lokoid – my salvation. Smeared fingers, taped it with plaster for the night, and by the morning there was not a trace of cracks.


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