What helps acyclovir ointment?

What helps acyclovir ointment?Acyclovir ointment is an antiviral drug, which is effective against herpes virus causing disease mucous membranes and skin. The substance acyclovir is analogue of the DNA component called purine nucleoside, responsible for genetic information. Same structure allows acyclovir to interact successfully with viral enzymes herpes simplex, interrupting their reproduction. How to apply ointment, what are her indications and side effects, let’s we’ll figure it out.


Форма выпуска и состав мази Acyclovir

Выпускается мазь для наружного применения Acyclovir 5% в aluminum tubes of 20 grams. Each tube is packed in cardboard a pack, complete with instructions for use drug. The active active component of the ointment white-yellow without any smell is the substance acyclovir. Auxiliary components in the composition of the ointment:

  • nipazol;
  • nipagin;
  • emulsifier;
  • lipokopm “With”;
  • purified water.

pharmachologic effect

Acyclovir избирательно действует на синтез вирусной ДНК. On the replication of human cell DNA is not influenced by matter. Absorption of the ointment inside occurs by 20%. Output means from body after 3 hours through the kidneys. In patients with renal failure this process can last up to 20 hours. High the effectiveness of the antiviral effect is due to its accumulation in virus-infected herpes cells.


Indications for use

Indications for use противовирусного препарата обширны. Aciclovir prevents the formation of a new rash, reduces the likelihood complications of herpes on the internal organs and the spread of the virus skin, reduces pain in the acute phase of the disease, accelerates formation of crusts on weeping sites of herpes. According to instructions по применению Acyclovir мазь назначают при следующих pathologies:

  • Chickenpox (chickenpox).
  • Shingles.
  • Virus infection of herpes mucous membranes of the genital tract and genitalia (genital herpes).
  • Herpetic skin rash.
  • Herpetic stomatitis.

Инструкция по применению мази Acyclovir

The preparation of local application should be used as directed. doctor, depending on the diagnosis, the severity of the viral infection and individual characteristics of the organism. For shingles, according to the instructions for use the treatment method is as follows: means applied daily on the affected area 2-3 times about 7 days. After treatment, the ointment should be applied for another 3 days for prevent relapse.

Для лечения герпеса в носу или от простуды на губах Acyclovir should be smeared up to 3 times a day, clearing the place of application pre-makeup and dust. The course of therapy in this case is not must exceed 5 days. If during this period is not observed positive dynamics then contact your doctor again for correction of therapeutic action.

Contraindications and side effects < / h2>

Судя по отзывам пациентов, мазь Acyclovir переносится хорошо. Adverse reactions may occur during treatment if the drug is used improperly. Among them, there is itching, skin flushing, burning, rash of an allergic nature, swelling, dryness, peeling when exceeding the dosage or prolonged use of the drug. Терапия препаратом Acyclovir противопоказана при непереносимости пациентом компонентов мази и при окончании срока годности, составляющего 2 года.

Use during pregnancy < / h2>

Acyclovir мазь при беременности медики применять не рекомендуют в 1 триместр и 2 триместр. Although there is no evidence of harm to the fetus, during this period the child’s internal organs grow, and the use of any medication can lead to a disruption in the process. Применение мази Acyclovir во время 3 триместра следует обговаривать с гинекологом.

During lactation, the use of the drug is also not recommended, since the active ingredient of the drug penetrates into breast milk and may accumulate in the body of the newborn, causing severe violations of the liver and kidneys. If the drug is necessary to use, then the child for this period should be transferred to artificial feeding.

Special instructions < / h2>

The herpes virus is very contagious, so it’s best to abstain from sex contracts while using the funds. Acyclovir мазь детям назначают по достижении их 3 летнего возрасте в дозировке, не превышающей суточную дозу 800 мг, чтобы не возникло риска развития побочных реакций.

Numerous reviews of the drug indicate that the active substance does not inhibit the central nervous system, so during therapy it is allowed to drive a car and other mechanisms that require a quick reaction. It is important to begin drug treatment when the disease is still in the relapsing stage. The external use of the ointment did not reveal any interaction with other drugs.

Price < / h2>

Сколько стоит Acyclovir мазь? The price of the drug in pharmacies in Russia ranges from 20 to 30 rubles per tube. The cost of eye ointment 3% – 70-80 rubles for 1 unit. Таблетки Acyclovir стоят в пределах 150-200 рублей за упаковку 25 штук. The drug in any outlet can be bought without presenting a prescription from a doctor.

Аналоги мази Acyclovir

  1. Famvir. Эффективный аналог Acyclovirа, показанный при терапии вирусных инфекций, спровоцированных herpes simplex при понижении иммунитета. Onзначают при офтальмогерпесе, постгерпетической невралгии.
  2. Immunofan. Applied with immunodeficiency in adults and children of different origin: psoriasis, diphtheria, rheumatoid arthritis. It gives high results of treatment for burns, in the complex therapy of hepatitis C and B, as well as for HIV therapy.
  3. Valtovir. It is used for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases caused by the herpes simplex virus of the first and second types, including genital, herpes zoster, herpes simplex. < / Li> < / ol> |

    Reviews < / h2>

    Алина, 46 лет: Acyclovir эффективное средство от герпеса, но если применять его на ранних сроках возникновения, когда появляются прыщи. If you miss the initial stage, then no herpes ointment does not help – the lip expands, cracks and soaks, causing pain and aesthetic horror: not only in the photo, you don’t want to look in the mirror.

    Федор, 29 лет: Мне мазь Acyclovir помогает избавиться от рецидивов генитального герпеса, правда в комплексном лечении с таблетками. Unfortunately, it is impossible to recover at all, but in the autumn-spring period, when the initial clinical symptoms appear, I immediately apply ointment and take a course of antiviral pills, and then the disease subsides.


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