What dreams to wash floors: at home or inpublic place? The main interpretation of different dream books is whydream to wash floors

Чт, 30 ноя 2017 Автор: ANDнна

If the dream has disturbed you with something – you should not immediately
get upset and panic, perhaps his interpretation has
opposite meaning.

К чему dream to wash floors? Worth to understand.


К чему dream to wash floors — основное толкование

Not everyone likes to do the cleaning. But what if you dreamed
how do you wash the floors? What is the meaning of such a dream? If a
you dream that you wash the floors in the morning – what is the value
sleep? It means your new beginning, a new business, about which you
long dreamed of.

But how to correctly interpret the dream?

It is necessary to consider all its details:

• Do you wash the floors in your house;

• Are they dirty?

• Do you get them to launder;

• Who else washes the floors with you;

• How do you feel after cleaning.

If a вы проснулись и испытываете необъяснимый страх после сна о
how you wash the floors – such a dream means that you are afraid of something
change in your life. You are afraid to take responsibility for
all possible changes. It’s easier for you to sit out, do nothing, but
and do not risk it.

Even if the risk is not justified, the dream book indicates that soon
great prospects will open before you and if now you are not
try, do not try your luck – for a long time you will regret it.
A dream in which you wash the floor all night – speaks of complexity
making some kind of decision. You will worry and doubt and not
can take it.

Try to think ahead about all your future actions and not
worry, if something goes wrong with you, try again and again. Sleep,
in which you wash the floor from the blood – says about some terrible
events that will soon happen to you. Get ready for

If a вам приснится, что вы моете деревянный пол — такой сон
says that in reality you will encounter a number of unforeseen
circumstances and resistances. They will not be objective and
depending only on you. Such circumstances will be directly
depend on the influence on your life of strangers.

If a вы моете во сне деревянный пол и после этого он вздымается
– such a dream means that you will soon expect unforeseen
waste. Your wallet is empty, and you can not do anything with it.
You will try to minimize costs, but you will not succeed.
to do. Try to set aside some amount of money in advance.
then you can spend for your own needs. Do not hurry
acquire costly values. Now you do not possess
opportunity to spend so much money.

Sleep, в котором вы моете бетонный пол — говорит о том, что ваши
hopes for a favorable set of circumstances will not be crowned
by success. You will very much want a new development of your life,
but it will not happen. Your hopes will be empty in both your personal life and
in the professional field. Do not expect to succeed in advance,
if you wash the concrete floor from dirt after rain.

Traces that you washed appear again? Then you should
seriously think about whether you did the right thing
close friends. Someone is reaching for you, someone wants love from you,
constantly reminds of itself, but you always refuse a person
in attention. Dream Interpretation says that you act recklessly and
wrong. It is not necessary to put offenses to the forefront. Need to
learn to forgive, then unpleasant situations will stop pestering

If a вы во сне моете пол, и он разваливается у вас под ногами, в
cracks and holes appear – such a dream means that soon
you will begin to trouble in your personal life. You will lose your footing and
hope you can even stop enjoying life. But these
difficulties will be temporary. Not worth it too because
worry about them.

If a во сне пол вы моете водой зелёного цвета — такое сновидение
speaks of stagnation in your affairs and however you wish to change
situation – you will face all the same recurring
problems. It is important not to retreat before them, not to be afraid of stagnation, but
use this time for good.

For example, you can effectively do another thing while it
stagnant. It is important to understand that you are too much for yourself.
hoisted and now you can not have time to deal with the accumulated
by deeds.

Sleep, в котором кто-то другой моет полы — означает, что кто-то
the other will take on responsibilities for an important business for you. Not worth it
worry about it. You do your job well. AND
if someone volunteered you help – you can only thank

Sleep, в котором вы готовите инвентарь для мытья пола — говорит о
your preparation for something very important. Have you dreamed for a long time
realize yourself in this matter, and finally come close to
address this issue.

Try not to delay your plans if you rub the floor to
brilliance. Your decision will concern something new and unique.
It will be so necessary for you that you are happy to decide
make every effort to improve your material
provisions and so to improve your life in general.

К чему dream to wash floors по соннику Фрейда

In Freud’s dream book, it is said that washing floors in a dream means
experiences and sufferings in regards to personal life in reality. you are very
very worried about how your personal life will be. Practically
do not give yourself the opportunity to restore relationships. It’s hard for you to live
for someone, if the floors in your sleep are not washed.

You are most likely not willing to sacrifice personal time and
space for someone else, so in a dream you get tired,
when washing your floors. See how you wash the floors in a huge chic
home – to change the relationship to a more productive. If a вы видите, что
the floors you wash in the mall, you should think about whether
you value yourself and your relationships, maybe you don’t give them
proper value.

Sleep, в котором мужчина моет полы за вас — говорит, что он и
in reality will take care of you and be attentive. But not worth it
misuse his attention and disposition towards you. It is better –
try to reciprocate, then the relationship will come to a new

If a беременной женщине приснится, как она моет полы — такой сон
means that she will suffer because of unrequited feelings. Her
it may seem that no one loves, everything is abandoned, no one expects from
love her and not ready to give them to her. But actually it is not. All in
her life is yet to come.

К чему dream to wash floors по Эзотерическому соннику

В Эзотерическом соннике сказано, к чему dream to wash floors. Such
sleep means bad luck and bad luck. If a вы пытаетесь оттереть
dirt floor – you will be blackened and slandered. You can not
fully restore your reputation. You will have a long time
to prove their own consistency.

If a вы видите, что смываете с пола какие-то надписи — важно
listen and look at the little things. They will make your life
full and beautiful. Try to be more attentive to your
colleagues, if in a dream you wash the floors at work. Such сон говорит о
possible troubles with them. They will make you uncomfortable.
and create hassles. Sleep, в котором вы моете полы грязной водой —
means that you will be long fixated on the same question.
To understand it – it is important to look inside.

If a вы видите, как кто-то другой моет у вас в доме полы —
remember who it was. Much depends on this person in your
of life. You will increasingly be inclined to believe that it is the influence
detractors on your life, led to stagnation in affairs.

К чему dream to wash floors по другим сонникам

In the dream book Grishina it is said that to wash the floors – such a dream comes to mind
indignation and hard work. Perhaps you yourself know where and in what
Were wrong, but do not want to admit it. Try not to
actively contradict themselves. The more you cross it and
resist life, the more problems you will have. About it
says a dream in which you wash the floor too hard.

In Aesop’s Dream Book, it says if you wash the floors of an unfamiliar woman
– you are subconsciously afraid of treason. You are afraid that you will betray
close person. AND чем быстрее вы перестанете бояться — тем быстрее
You get a healthy, cheerful relationship.

If a же во сне вы видите, как моете пол в кафе — наяву вы так
you will have a good rest, that you will be ashamed of your actions and words.
Try to worry less about it and give more
work. Your results in the work – will be soon
colossal. Especially if you dreamed how you cleaned the floors
до brilliance. Whatever the dream – listen to your intuition.

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