What dreams stairs, go up the stairs to the sky?Basic interpretations of different dream books – why dream stairs

Вт, 06 мар 2018 Автор: Инна

In the dream you can see the most unusual events
can even become their immediate
by the participants.

What dream stairs? How to interpret a similar dream?


What dreams are the stairs – the basic interpretation

Ladder in a dream – foreshadows your progress in life, but
it will be positive, or not – a complete interpretation of the dream will show.
To do this, consider all its details:

• Where the stairs lead in your sleep;

• Do you climb on it, or just watching;

• How long did you have to climb the ladder;

• What it is made of;

• Do you climb it yourself;

• What emotions and experiences accompany your sleep.

If you dream of a staircase that runs into the sky – before
You will open up tremendous opportunities that you have been waiting for. Not
It is worth postponing for later versions of events, not
postpone important negotiations and important meetings after
such a dream.

If you dream that the stairs in your way are worn out,
sagged, all in holes – you expect unexpected difficulties and
the difficulties. Try to relive them with dignity. Dream Interpretation does not advise them
wait through Because by this you do not solve all your problems, you
only aggravate them. Try not to get upset and not
panic when you see a dream in which the bridge just breaks off
in front of you.

Perhaps you should not move in the chosen direction?
Perhaps you should not take too much on yourself and decide? It is better
Take care of personal issues. If shortly before sleep you
have planned a large-scale event – such a dream will be
talk about the need to reconsider your attitude to it.
It may be worthwhile to spend it differently, or to approach it.
more responsibly.

If you see a completely different dream in which the ladder itself
rebuilt – it means you get a wonderful chance all
change for the better. You will get the opportunity to set up meetings and
communication with the right people. You will get the opportunity to meet so
a man you have long needed.

A staircase that goes smoothly to the clouds – says that
you dream a lot, but do not realize your dreams. You can so much
delve into dreams that completely forget the purpose of everything that you
is done. Perhaps your past failures and
past problems. Perhaps you just do not want to open your eyes and
look really at everything that happens in your life. You,
the reality you live in may seem hard.
But the dream book advises to pay special attention to it.

What dreams of a staircase that goes down somewhere? If you
not afraid to go down on it – this means that nothing out of the ordinary
going out in your life will not happen. You have no fear
before those events that occur in your life. You with
gratefully accept all the clues of fate, all of her

Dream Interpretation advises not to change this perception of life and follow
inner prompts that your soul dictates. Sleep in which you
go down the basement on the stairs – says that
immerse yourself in a stream of memories and shift for a long time with
shelves on a shelf plots of past life, past relationships, past

It may seem to you that this is a very entertaining occupation and you
enjoy it, but really – while you
go through the past, the present does not develop and the future stands on
place In the end – you miss important moments of life.

Sleep in which you спускаетесь в подвал по крутой лестнице и
light your way with a lantern – says that you have ahead
can be a very joyful and fun period. Enough to trust
fate and yourself, to follow the call of the heart and not to listen to other people’s instructions and
other people’s grievances. Dream interpretation says that you have enough strength and
savvy in order to build your life properly,
based on past experiences.

What dreams of a staircase, if you climb it on the observation
the tower? You need to look at your life from the side. You withлишком
confident in their own right and cut off, do not allow
the possibility that someone else might be right. Stop yourself so
to lead. Stop expecting something from others and you’ll see how
your life will change. Not бойтесь меняться вместе с ней.

Sleep in which you видите, как ребёнок спускается по лестнице и
falls off of it – says that you will begin to hurry in the decision
some situation and like a child from your sleep – just miss everything
and fly down. You can disgrace in front of colleagues, in front of your
loved one, only because of haste and rash

Sleep in which you долгое время пытаетесь найти выход из
the maze of stairs – says that you are to blame for the fact that
in this life are confused. It’s hard for you to make decisions
defend your point of view. Try to find logic in all.
events that occur in your life and then you will find a way out
from a difficult situation. You will come to light and your beginnings
support the surrounding.

Sleep in which you долгое время будете искать возможности
make your own ladder and finally make
her – says that it is time for you to build relationships yourself.
You have to talk to your close people, explain to them in
own feelings and emotions. The dream also says that you
you need to be kinder to close people, and you are ready for it.

If you dream of a golden staircase – do not immediately rejoice
and wait for huge profits, most likely, you just find yourself in that
situations where many will envy you, but, in fact, this
Envy will not have an objective reason.

A dream in which you will have an iron staircase with a huge
the number of nails – says that you should strengthen
own position on the principle question then you will start
get real pleasure from life.

What dreams about Freud’s dream book?

Freud’s dream book says that the stairs are dreaming as a symbol of new
opportunities in your personal life. If you видите лестницу, которая
connects the edges of the cliff, and you balance on it – try
keep the balance in the relationship and reality. Not допускайте лишних
эмоций, не допускайте необдуманных deeds.

Dream interpretation, in which you fall from the stairs down – says that
that soon you will plunge into relationships into problems, will be disheartened and
disappointment. You will not be able to trust your feelings and you will
oppressed. But, if you climb the ladder to the top of a huge
tree in a dream – such a dream means that you expect success and

After such a dream, you can even create a strong and strong alliance with
the person who is so dear to you. Try not to disappoint
him and realize all your dreams in the near future. Sleep in
where stairs break down at a ladder and you fall through –
talks about household chores that will affect your further
a life. Try to minimize this impact so as not to lose.
partner trust and openness in relationships.

Pregnant woman stairs dream of a symbol of the future
changes. She should not be afraid, even if the dream seems bleak.
Changes will lead to positive events in life, it can in this
do not even doubt.

What dreams about the stairs of the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that the stairs are dreaming as a symbol
the opportunities that are opening and you should not discourage yourself from them,
even if the dream does not seem so joyful. Anyway you
will be given a chance.

If you видите во сне, как кто-то из ваших близких людей
breaks down the stairs and flies down – you should be soon
take care of his health and mood. Try to be more often
next to him.

What dreams about the stairs in other dream books

В соннике Гришиной сказано, что лестница снится
as a symbol of new emotions and sensations. But, it is worth remembering emotions in
time to sleep. Not сковывал ли вас страх? Not искали ли вы опоры? Not
Is the stairway under your feet? If all this was in your
dream – it’s time to strengthen their positions in reality.

Not позволяйте никому управлять вами, не позволяйте никому
upset you for no reason. Climb up the career
ladder without regard to someone else’s envy and gossip. If you
If you listen to the advice of the dream book, you will achieve success very quickly.
Whatever the dream – you yourself create your own reality, not
deny yourself the opportunity to enjoy life.
Be honest with yourself and others. It will bring you happiness.

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