What dreams shoes

What dreams shoes
Wed, 22 Jun 2016


What dreams shoes – по соннику Миллера

New, clean shoes dream of luck; old and dirty – to
bad luck. Choose, measure shoes – any undertaking will be
produce a profit. Buying shoes is a fallacy about what
happiness you have to pay, play a cruel joke with you. In
repairing shoes, clean shoes – if you try, then from any
things can be accomplished.

What dreams shoes – по соннику Ванги

In the dream, shoes serve as a symbol of the road and small everyday
scrapes. If a woman dreams that she wore a new shoe, then
meet a man soon, change a husband or have a night

Seen how to take off your shoes – to travel, change seats or loss
friend Stabbed nails in shoes – to trouble. Wore a narrow
shoes – the feeling that you want to quickly get rid of people who
surround you. Shoes rubbed corn – you will experience someone
cheeky or bothersome.

What dreams shoes – по соннику Фрейда

If you have dreamed dread heels, then expect a change in
fate. Torn shoes – to the loss of a husband, unsuccessful labor, infertility
wives. Saw or found soles – for fun with a man. Shoes on
high heels were worn – to a high difference. Dreamed a lot
different shoes – to great success in love, due to several
people at the same time.

A woman dreamed of many botik – success and love await her. Footwear
rough manufacture – everyone suffers from you because you behave
unbearable; quarrel, malice. Footwear из сафьяна — к новостям; from suede –
to tenderness.

What dreams shoes – по соннику Нострадамуса

Footwear во сне служит символом замужества. Old and used – to
unhappy marriage. Both boots fit – to long and happy
marriage Lost one shoe – divorce is possible. Flying off heel
can predict differences with your beloved.

What dreams shoes – по соннику Лоффа

If you have a dream that someone is putting on your shoes, then this can
mean betraying a wife or an affair on the side. Bought boots or
shoes – happiness for subordinates. They took off their shoes – to failure,
unlucky event. She was spoiled, torn – to the disease
close relatives. Put on cloth sandals – to good luck in
all undertakings, honorary title, birth of children.

What dreams shoes – по соннику Цветкова

Change your place of residence, work or study.

What dreams shoes – по соннику Хассе

If the shoes have dreamed, then the journey awaits you; She was
beautiful and cleaned – to a good road; dirty – to the complex and
heavy travel; walked barefoot or in torn shoes – to
poverty and disease.

What dreams shoes – по соннику Менегетти

If you dreamed that you asked someone for shoes, then this dream
predicts help and support. Filmed bulky uncomfortable
shoes or wooden shoes – the danger will soon pass. Have seen that
someone puts on your shoes – to the novel on the side or change the second

In the dream, they put on shoes that are small for you – it will be difficult
build a personal relationship with someone or don’t like work
which you were offered. Chose worn shoes – you will be offered
someone else’s position.

What dreams shoes – по соннику Лонго

Footwear снится к болезням ног, подагре. In сне зашнуровывали
shoes to death.

If a girl dreams of shiny shoes, then she can meet
with a very rich, but not bright-witted man. Saw in a dream
women’s shoes – to a quick but short-term success, happiness in
love We cleaned shoes – you will have a good neighbor. Try it on –
long-standing offer is worth accepting. To dream a lot of different shoes
– to an interesting and unforgettable journey.

When dreaming about slippers, it means that you
fully liberated and confident in their future.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: