What dreams of winter: snow, blizzard, icicles,cold? Basic interpretations, what is the dream of winter for a girl ora man

Чт, 05 янв 2017 Автор: Инна

The world of dreams is subtle and mysterious, everyone can find in it
Answers to long disturbing questions. Some dreams every dream
night, someone sees them quite rarely. In any case, it is worth
look at your dreams. What is the dream of winter? Worth
sort out.


What dreams of winter – the main interpretation

Winter is the favorite season of many. It is always in winter
associated with fabulous landscapes, the fading of nature, her period
falling asleep. Many dream books tend to interpret the appearance of events
that occur in a dream in the wintertime as a premonition
freeze all important affairs and projects.

Winter is a period of rethinking and a period of rest, first
turn of the spiritual. If you dream like you are during winter
walk through the park and feel the heat in your hands – you will soon
get the opportunity to qualitatively change your life.

If you dream about walking in the winter forest and go out to
unfamiliar path – life will endow you with new relationships – be
ready for the holiday in your life. If you dream at all
meeting with a stranger in the winter forest – carefully remember all that
what he will say to you, catch his every word. Exactly at
these words hide the meaning of all the events of your nearest
of the future.

If you dream of walking with unfamiliar children by
winter nature – it’s time you think about your offspring. If a
such a dream comes to those who already have children – it’s time to do
questions of their education, because your professional
activity takes you a lot of time.

If a незамужней женщине приснится зима за её окном — она ещё
for a long time will be in search of his betrothed, because she herself is definitely not
knows what criteria he must meet. She is worth
decide on the choice, otherwise it will try to adjust for a long time
my life, but all attempts will be in vain.

If a женщине приснится, как она играет в снежки с незнакомцем —
such a dream promises her an unpleasant acquaintance that will leave not only
sediment in her soul, but will not allow her to do the actual affairs.
Most likely, a stranger will so actively invade her
life, that she would even have to protect herself from him.

If a вам приснится, что вокруг вас бушует зимняя стихия, и вы не
know how and where to hide from her – in reality you are expected to be pretty
strange coincidences, unforeseen loss and loss
friendship. This will be your own fault, because you have not betrayed for a long time.
values ​​and advice for a long time not considered with the opinions of others.

If a вам приснится, что вы одеваетесь на улицу и при этом одежда
yours is like a winter one, but when you get out of the door, you realize that there
warm and sunny – this dream foreshadows the imminent completion of all
difficulties and vicissitudes in your favor.

If a же вам приснится солнечный зимний день — пора расслабиться
and enjoy life. Currently, there is little of you
depends, and all that you could to resolve problematic issues
made. Therefore, you can only enjoy all that
going on in your life and giving thanks for being sent
You have such wonderful friends and colleagues.

If a вам приснится, как вы ищите выход из ледяного лабиринта —
Such a dream foreshadows you soon resolution dispute situation. You
will soon become much more involved in the life of the collective on
work and in the lives of their households that will unite you with them.

What is the dream of winter on the esoteric dream book

In the esoteric dream book it is said that winter dreams like a precursor
future financial prosperity. But not worth it after that
dreams relax. It is better to remember all the details of the dream and
make sure life improvements will be available to you soon
because dreams need to be interpreted entirely.

If a вам приснится, что вы зимой гуляете голышом по зимнему лесу
– your feelings and emotions will be on display and even ridiculed.
If a же вам приснится, как вы пытаетесь развести огонь в зимнем
the forest – you will try in vain to kindle a fire of passion in your heart
Beloved person, and you will not succeed.

Feelings have long been extinguished, and you are trying to revive them from the ashes. If a
do you dream how someone else will make a fire – rather
likely to meet with a passionate lover who can your
feelings kindle pretty quickly, but they are lightning fast as well
fade away, so do not count on a long relationship with
by this person, you can just have a wonderful time.

If a же у вас есть партнёр и вам приснится такой сон —
it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons, so as not to lose due
passions fleeting true feelings.

• To see winter animals – to pleasant trifles and troubles;

• If a же вам приснится что вы всё время пытаетесь закрыть окна,
but the element opens them – you will be overcome by envy and

• See the snowflakes on the windows – to the hidden envy;

• Catch snowflakes mouth – believe the rumors;

• ride on a sled – get ready for the road;

• Skate on ice – make dubious deals.

Worth to fear meeting with a dishonest person after sleep,
which you slipped on the ice and fell. Such a dream foreshadows
global troubles that will be able to break the ground
from under the feet. If a вам приснится, как вы пытаетесь отбросить снег от
your threshold – you have to wait a long time before you
can fully engage in their own personal life.

If a вам приснится, что вы посыпаете дорогу перед собой солью
or sand – you need a hint and help from a friend, otherwise you will not
You can decide on global changes in your life.
Independently you do not accept the decision and while you support
no one.

What is the dream of winter according to Freud’s dream book?

What is the dream of winter? Freud’s dream book says that this time of year
dreams as a symbol of fading feelings, temporary respite in
relationship. The more power you will invest in relationships now,
the more you try to interest your soul mate –
so much the worse you will do to all. Do not be so active and
go ahead, better wait. Let your half tell you
you, what she needs, what she lacks in communication with you.

Perhaps the reason is the lack of intimacy. About this can
say a dream in which everything outside is swept by snow. Your relationship
plunged into finding out more and more you want to teach each other
life, but you do not want to take the place of another. If a ситуация в
the near future will not change – the relationship may end.

If a молодой девушке приснится сосулька, или огромное их
quantity – such a dream speaks of unspoken feelings and
unclaimed sexuality. For a man, such a dream
means giving up their priorities and accepting the position of a woman.
A man in all agrees with his life partner, but at the same time,
completely forgets about its priorities.

If a беременной женщине приснится зимняя буря и снегопад — она
does not feel support from her man in family matters. She’s all
the housework and the child laid on themselves. She is lonely and cold
and such a condition is very harmful for her unborn child. Important to find
understanding with your man now.

What is the dream of winter for other dream books

In the autumn dream book it says that if you dream of a winter
bad weather and raging elements – this dream promises you stormy
a novel that starts suddenly and ends suddenly. In the summer
dream book said that if you dream of raging winter
the element – such a dream promises you illness and grief. Not worth it
to relax, it is better to be safe and harden once again
an organism.

The female dream book also says that winter dreams only to
deterioration of health. At the same time, not only physical, but
and to the deterioration of mental state. If a вы планировали поездку —
you will have to postpone it, because the prospect is not bright, and you,
most likely, after the trip you will suffer financial losses.

If a же вы планировали завязать знакомство, то после сна о зиме,
Do not count on active developments. Probably,
your new friend is not counting on active and close
relationship, but do not get upset in advance.

If a вам приснится, что вас катают на санках — не стоит верить
on word. It is better to check everything and trust only your inner
voice and no one else, otherwise it is quite possible to be trapped. If a
you dream of a bullfinch on a branch – wait for unpleasant news. How
whatever the dream is – remember that you build your own destiny, therefore
each new day of life must be taken with joy and

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