What dreams of scorpions, big or small?Basic interpretations of what a scorpion is alive or drawn in a dreamscorpion tattoo

Ср, 28 дек 2016 Автор: Инна

Dreams are a subtle world in contact with reality. In them
Plots of past events appear, and the future is displayed. Not
always have positive dreams, sometimes nightmares can happen. TO
What is a scorpion dreaming about? Worth to understand.


TO чему снятся скорпионы — основное толкование

Nayava scorpions are very dangerous. They sting their sacrifice, these can
lead to death and to the heavy state of man. With them
impossible to find a common language. Scorpions either coexist peacefully with
a man in a dream, or ruthlessly attacked him.

The classic interpretation says that scorpions dream like
symbol of unforeseen loss and trouble. If a scorpion is in a dream
sting himself – your enemies and competitors themselves and deceived.
You don’t even have to do anything.

If in a dream you fight with a scorpion – do not take important
decisions in the coming months – it hurts you. Projects do not justify
hopes, employees will make a lot of mistakes, your loved ones can also
give you a lot of trouble. If you kill a scorpion in your dream –
in reality, you can survive all unpleasant events with dignity. You
You can find a solution to all issues.

TO чему снятся скорпионы по соннику Лонго

In the dream book, Longo, it is said that the scorpion in your dream is your
a friend who will soon become an enemy.

• Fear scorpion in a dream – expect evil from a close

• Scorpio stings itself – in your surroundings there is a person
who asks for self-pity all the time – avoid communicating with him,
he takes away your strength;

• Hold a scorpion in your hand and not be afraid – your enemy
will become your ally, will help you to resolve the situation for a long time
tormenting you;

• Kill a scorpion in a dream – the enemy will be punished for
evil, he is in for a hard fate.

If there are many scorpions around you in a dream, and they are lightning fast
you are surrounded – you will not be given a chance to justify their actions.
People close to you simply turn away from you, believing the rumors.
TOоллеги разочаруются в вас и не признают вашей компетентности.
Be wary of further deterioration.

TO чему снятся скорпионы по соннику Нострадамуса

In the Nostradamus dream book it is said that scorpion personifies
a man of vengeful, cruel, treacherous. It’s better not to have him
no business, especially not to trust him. If he stings you
in a dream – rumors are round you, slander has filled your life. If a
A scorpion in a dream has huge dimensions and black coloring – in your
There will be tremendous changes in life. TOакие именно — стоит
interpret the whole dream.

If a вы убиваете скорпиона во сне — вы нарушите планы врагов и
will benefit from it. If a вы увидели во сне символ скорпиона в
horoscope – you will get relief from the work done. Yours
plans are being implemented. Eat cooked scorpion for food –
a romantic adventure with a welcome and loving
by man.

TO чему снятся скорпионы по соннику Эзопа

In the dream book of Aesop, it is said that a scorpion in a dream personifies
tendency to sadism, masochism, cruelty. Maybe in your
surrounded by a very impulsive person who is capable
harm you. You should be extremely careful with him.

A dream in which a scorpion kills its victim before your eyes –
promises unpleasant events, you will become their unwitting witness. Also
such a dream may indicate that soon you will have to say goodbye
with someone from the family or close people, perhaps forever.

If a вы увидели скорпиона засушенным в составе коллекции
insects – you will be able to get ahead of the machinations of enemies and force them to you
admire. If a во сне скорпион жалит именно вас — вы будете
преданы близким by man. To betray you from betrayal
long fail.

If a во сне вы скорпиона ловите — наяву вы будете жаждать мести
for insulting you. TO сожалению, месть не решит ваши
problems, and you just take the time to prove your point.
The best solution in this situation would be to abandon the showdown.
and refusal of revenge. Your abuser will be punished by life, do not waste on
it’s time.

If a во сне вы раздавили скорпиона ногой — вы вступите в борьбу
with the enemy and will use the same methods against him
as he is against you. You одержите победу и получите от этого
moral pleasure.

TO чему снятся скорпионы по другим сонникам

In the summer dream book, it is said that a scorpion dreams when
the person is too self-critical and takes on his own account someone else’s fault
other people’s defects. If a scorpion is in a dream жалит сам себя — человек
overly self-critical and does not notice their merit for their
disadvantages. Such a dream may even indicate self-flagellation.

In the female dream book it says what a scorpion dreams about – to
betrayal by friends. It is worth carefully choose the circle
communicate and not trust strangers to their innermost secrets.
If a вы уже допустили такую оплошность — стоит предпринять все меры
to restore your reputation.

In the people’s dream book said that scorpion is a symbol of deceit,
hidden malice and resentment. He attacks his victims suddenly,
killing them. No such dream can bode any good, except
if you manage to defeat a scorpion in a dream.

In an esoteric dream book, it says that a scorpion is a dream to those who
there is a chance of getting into an unforeseen situation threatening
doom If a скорпион жалит сам себя в вашем сне — не нагнетайте
around the situation, do not humiliate yourself – you deserve more.
Otherwise, you will experience depression, rejection of the whole world, suicide.
If a во сне скорпион жалит вас или кого-то другого — стоит
think about the negative in your life. If a его слишком много —
stop collecting other people’s thoughts and old grievances – let them into life
light, let it into your soul.

In the spring dream book it is said that a scorpion dreams to experiences,
Samodezhdenstvo, negative actions that will push you
own ego. Also стоит опасаться подвоха со стороны не только
enemies, but also friends.

In the Muslim dream book it says that a scorpion dreams to appear
in your life a foe whose machinations against you are just
are ridiculous. He does not have the strength to confront you, in the end he
it stings itself and is removed from your life with nothing. Also такой сон
can talk about what awaits you judicial red tape. Worth
look who exactly planted your scorpion – that person
bear malicious intent against you.

In the Persian dream book it is said that the appearance of a scorpion in a dream
indicates that you yourself are making enemies for yourself. Worth
change and change tactics of behavior in order to in your
life quality changes have taken place for the better. Also сон может
indicate that you may lose property. If a скорпион
you are bitten in a dream – you are surrounded by gossips for which you are trying
do not mention it.

In the esoteric dream book it is said that a scorpion dreams of love before
the end of life, this is not happiness – this is the rock of fate. Caught in the can
scorpio foreshadows that you will suffer a heavy punishment for all your
deeds and words. Worth быть с ними аккуратнее.

Miller’s dream book says that if in a dream a scorpion crawls away from
you – the black bar will end. You не зря старались и
restored their reputation. Worth быть внимательными тем, кому
dreamed that their lover was stung by a scorpion. In pairs are possible
disagreements, and even the appearance of an opponent. If a матери приснится, как
scorpion stings her child – it is worth being attentive to his health.
Notвесте видеть перед свадьбой скорпиона — к разрыву помолвки. If a
a woman sees her young man in a dream playing with a scorpion –
he is cunning and mean. Not стоит тратить свою жизнь на такого

It’s rather unpleasant to see in a dream tragic events, such as
death from a scorpion. But often such dreams occur in
the roles of helpers who are trying to protect a person from deceit and
evil. If a правильно растолковать сон — можно получить удивительные
tips and keys to solving all problems. Not стоит
get upset if after sleep you feel anxiety – this
only an impetus for you to make the right decision.

If a же во сне вы одолели скорпиона — вы одолеете противника и
your negative character traits. A life человека — это борьба и нужно
be ready for this. Not стоит унывать, если вам приснился страшный
sleep. Any trouble in a person’s life is an experience, and he is priceless.
Worth поблагодарить сновидение за подсказки и воспользоваться
by them.

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