What dreams of scissors? Basic interpretations – towhat dreams of scissors: according to different dream books

Пн, 01 авг 2016 Автор: Инна

In dreams, not only our past mistakes and victories are projected, but
and foreshadowing future events.

Often dreams clearly describe the future for which
features worth paying attention to.

What dreams of scissors? Worth to understand.


What dreams of scissors – a general interpretation

Scissors in a dream have a double interpretation. They say how about
the beginning of the journey and its completion. Scissors in a dream
classic interpretation – promise routine and severity
going on. The man is tired of the events that occur in his
life and from the people around him. The man is tired of fighting, he
I want revenge and harm to another. This revenge is empty and not
will bring satisfaction in the end.

If scissors appeared in a dream to a married woman – she will be strong
jealous of your man. She will quibble groundlessly. AT
As a result, the relationship can be broken. Therefore worth special attention
devote to preventive measures that will improve
relationship, avoid thoughtless actions.

Also worth paying attention to

• Find rusty scissors in a dream – detractors will give about themselves
know, but nothing really terrible will happen, only small ones

• Find new scissors – everything in life will be adjusted, it will be easy
to solve an important task, perhaps a new acquaintance;

• Cut the canvas with nail scissors – to the displeasure of your
second half. AT такой ситуации стоит задаться вопросом, что же
not satisfied with the partner, maybe all claims are imaginary;

• Cutting paper with scissors – family mistrust. it
subconscious desire to break a relationship but desire so and
will remain unfulfilled;

• Broken scissors promise unusual and unpleasant events. Can
lose a friend and colleague.

What are the dreams of scissors for Miller’s dream book?

Dream Miller treats a dream in which there are sharp
new scissors as a burden of work and duties. If they are in a dream
manages to break – a man will try in every way to change his
fate. He will try to shake off the burden of responsibility
which is entrusted to him in justice.

ATообще сны о ножницах, так указывает Миллер — сулят
strife and squabbles:

• Jealousy of wives and husbands;

• quarrels with lovers;

• Business partners will not be able to find a common language;

• ATозможны ссоры даже с друзьями.

Already broken scissors promise complete discord with friends because of
intolerable character. If he dreams how a man cuts a ribbon – he
freed from the bonds that held him for a long time, the same interpretation
concerns and dreams with ropes.

Trying to strike with scissors – to empty hopes and huge
to chagrin. Hiding scissors – trying to get money illegal
by. Find someone else’s scissors – use someone else’s privileges.

What dreams of scissors for Aesop’s dream book

Aesop also saw a twofold interpretation of dreams about scissors. From one
On the other hand, they promise trouble and waste, and on the other hand, they point to
the need to resolve the situation. Aesop interpreted the dream of scissors as
a hint that it is time for a girl to tell fortunes to her husband. AT старину такое
divination is often practiced. Also with scissors
asked advice from ancestors. Therefore, scissors can dream to
needing to turn to the dead for help.

• Opened scissors in a dream – detractors are ready to attack,
worth being alert;

• scissors that fell on the floor – to the fast guests;

• to sharpen scissors – to come to a compromise in any matter;

• To get hurt about scissors – to experience fear and anxiety about tomorrow
the bottom;

• ATырезать что-то ножницами — пытаться снять с себя обязанности
and put them on the shoulders of a loved one;

• To carry out divination with scissors – not worth the risk;

• Cut the hair itself – in reality to waste;

• ATидеть, как кто-то вам отрезает волосы — к потерям из-за чужой

• Rusty, old scissors – it is necessary to weigh everything again;

• To lend scissors – to a quarrel with loved ones;

• Hold something on scissors – to the danger of being

What dreams of Freud’s dream scissors?

Freud gives a psychological interpretation of dreams about scissors. They promise
Good luck in all your endeavors and, especially, in the love sphere. Also
talk about the benevolence of others and friendly attitude in
a pair. ATозможны новые любовные игры, флирт.

To see small scissors in a dream – to a lack of love and caress.
If a person cut something with these small scissors – it’s not
arranges a personal life, but what exactly is in it is not yet known. Not
It is worth making claims and torturing your partner with conjectures and
jealousy. It is necessary first of all to delve into yourself.

Scissors to cut hair – to the imminent end of the relationship. If a
girl dreams that she cuts hair to her beloved person means
treason does not threaten her, because she already removed all rivals.
ATыбрасывать ножницы — отказаться от любви, которая должна была
kindle a heart

To look for scissors in another’s pocket – to take the husband out of the family. To wear
scissors in the bosom – to a great desire to give birth soon. But bye
the girl has no such opportunity. Therefore not worth it get stuck on
this idea. While you need to do other things. ATскоре может
come the resolution of the situation.

What dreams of scissors – other interpretations

A short dream book says that scissors dream to get rid of
all superfluous and outdated. Man can feel
divorced from the world, lost landmarks. What should be done?
Understand the hidden causes that provoke active
feeling of loneliness and inferiority, unclaimed. Only
It seems that it is difficult. In fact – it is quite simple.

They also promise slander, separation. ATыкраивать ножницами —
gain material well-being. Cut a piece of clothing – to steal.
They can indicate the fierce hatred of the enemy. But all his machinations to
he will return. Therefore it is worth being alert, but not worth it.
panicked fear.

AT семейном соннике сказано, что ножницы к добру
do not dream. They promise жадность и брюзгливость. Even if the person is not
possesses these qualities in life – he will become so. If a женщине
dream of how she cuts things of her beloved person – in reality she
Sharpened in the dungeon of fear and misgivings. She can’t out of her
get out. Her relationship, although the partner does not see that in them
can something. He believes his second half
completely satisfied with their relationship. AT таком случае стоит
Express all claims and resentment.

Break a scissors in a dream specifically – to break already bored and
sore connection. ATыкидывать ножницы в окно — покинуть родной дом.
Throwing scissors at someone – to harm another person. To cut
someone – to deceive the person for the sake of the mercenary purposes. Such a deception is not
go unnoticed and will have to bear
a responsibility.

AT китайском соннике ножницы трактуются как
dream that promises a section. Whether property, or money, then
whether power. Cutting off something by them is the benefit of a material plan not for
by the mountains. If a мужчине приснилось, что он разрезает себе одежду — он
will be unhappy in family life. The cause of misfortune will be his

To break them on your own – break the bond, quit your job.
Scissors in a dream can indicate a love triangle. Such a dream
suggests that a person should make a choice so that none of
partners do not hurt. ATозможно, принятие решения в отношении смены
not just a workplace, but a change of occupation. ATсе перемены в
the result will be for the better.

AT итальянском соннике указывается, что
the appearance of scissors in a dream suggests that a person is tearing
connections developed over the years. He doesn’t have to do that – that’s
mistake. It is necessary to reconsider their attitude to real events.
We need to weigh everything and be ready for new challenges.

Also в соннике говорится, что подобное сновидение может
indicate that the enemy is not asleep and is constantly causing harm
man by his actions. Golden scissors promise profits and
joy. Break such scissors – to the loss of money. And break
ordinary scissors – to the victory over the troubles, to the victory over themselves.

When treating dreams you need to take into account all the details and nuances. Scissors
in a dream can carry a negative, but after analyzing the dream
completely, a person can conclude that all is not lost.
ATсё ещё можно изменить или нужно ситуацию принять и тогда она
will play into his hands. AT любом случае — не стоит бросаться в
extremes and expect quarrels and scandals. Should avoid them in every way.
How to do it? Prompts interpretation of dreams.

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